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美国20世纪排名前100的演讲 ...

威斯康星麦迪逊大学德州农工大学曾联合评选出“20世纪美国最伟大的100篇演讲” (Top 100 American Speeches of the 20th Century)。这个列表由专家评审团根据演讲的历史意义、演讲技巧和对社会影响的考虑评选出来。

TitleDate<font color="ffffff" face="verdana,geneva,arial,sans-serif size=" 3"="">Place

1"I Have a Dream"Martin Luther King, Jr.28 Aug 1963Washington, DC 
2Inaugural AddressJohn F. Kennedy20 Jan 1961Washington, DC 
3First Inaugural AddressFranklin D. Roosevelt4 Mar 1933Washington, DC 
4War Message ("A Date which Will Live in Infamy")Franklin D. Roosevelt8 Dec 1941Washington, DC
5Keynote Speech to the Democratic National ConventionBarbara Jordan 12 July 1976New York, NY
6"My Side of the Story" ("Checkers")Richard M. Nixon23 Sept 1952Los Angeles, CA
7"The Ballot or the Bullet" Malcolm X3 Apr 1964Cleveland, OH
8Address to the Nation on the Challenger DisasterRonald Reagan28 Jan 1986Washington, DC
9Speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial AssociationJohn F. Kennedy12 Sept 1960Houston, TX
10Address to Congress on the Voting Rights Act ("We Shall Overcome")Lyndon B. Johnson15 Mar 1965Washington, DC
11Keynote Speech to the Democratic National Convention ("A Tale of Two Cities")Mario Cuomo17 July 1984San Francisco, CA
12Speech at the Democratic National Convention ("The Rainbow Coalition")Jesse Jackson17 July 1984San Francisco, CA
13Statement on the Articles of Impeachment Barbara Jordan25 July 1974 Washington, DC 
14Farewell Address to Congress ("Old Soldiers Never Die")Douglas MacArthur19 Apr 1951Washington, DC 
15"I've Been to the Mountaintop" Martin Luther King, Jr.3 Apr 1968Memphis, TN
16"The Man with the Muckrake" Theodore Roosevelt14 Apr 1906Washington, DC 
17Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.Robert F. Kennedy4 Apr 1968Indianapolis, IN
18Farewell Address Dwight D. Eisenhower17 Jan 1961Washington, DC
19War Message ("The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy")Woodrow Wilson2 Apr 1917Washington, DC
20Farewell Address at the U.S. Military Academy ("Duty, Honor, Country")Douglas MacArthur12 May 1962West Point, NY
21Address to the Nation on the War in Vietnam ("The Great Silent Majority")Richard M. Nixon3 Nov 1969Washington, DC
22"Ich bin ein Berliner"John F. Kennedy26 June 1963West Berlin, Germany
23Plea for Mercy at the Trial of Leopold and LoebClarence Darrow22, 23, and 25 Aug 1924Chicago, IL
24"Acres of Diamonds"Russell Conwell1900-1925 Delivered at many spots across the U.S. 
25Televised Speech on Behalf of Barry Goldwater ("A Time for Choosing")Ronald Reagan27 Oct 1964Los Angeles, CA
26"Every Man a King"Huey Pierce Long23 Feb 1934Washington, DC
27"The Fundamental Principle of a Republic"Anna Howard Shaw21 June 1915Ogdensburg, NY
28"The Arsenal of Democracy"Franklin D. Roosevelt29 Dec 1940Washington, DC
29Speech to the National Association of Evangelicals ("The Evil Empire")Ronald Reagan8 Mar 1983Orlando, FL
30First Inaugural AddressRonald Reagan20 Jan 1981Washington, DC
31First Fireside Chat ("The Banking Crisis") Franklin D. Roosevelt12 Mar 1933Washington, DC
32Address to Congress on Greece and Turkey ("The Truman Doctrine")Harry S Truman12 Mar 1947Washington, DC
33Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in LiteratureWilliam Faulkner10 Dec 1950Stockholm, Sweden
34Statement to the Court Eugene V. Debs14 Sept 1918Cleveland, OH
35Address to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women ("Women's Rights Are Humans Rights")Hillary Rodham Clinton5 Sept 1995Beijing, China
36"Atoms for Peace"Dwight D. Eisenhower8 Dec 1953New York, NY
37American University SpeechJohn F. Kennedy10 June 1963Washington, DC
38Keynote Speech to the Democratic National ConventionAnn Richards18 July 1988Atlanta, GA
39Address to the Nation Resigning the Presidency Richard M. Nixon8 Aug 1974Washington, DC
40"The Fourteen Points"Woodrow Wilson8 Jan 1918Washington, DC
41"Declaration of Conscience"Margaret Chase Smith1 June 1950Washington, DC
42"The Four Freedoms"Franklin D. Roosevelt6 Jan 1941Washington, DC
43Speech at Riverside Church ("A Time to Break Silence")Martin Luther King, Jr.4 Apr 1967New York, NY
44"What It Means to Be Colored in the Capital of the United States"Mary Church Terrell10 Oct 1906Washington, DC
45Speech Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination ("Against Imperialism")William Jennings Bryan8 Aug 1900Indianapolis, IN
46"A Moral Necessity for Birth Control"Margaret Sanger1921-1922Delivered several times for the American Birth Control League
47Commencement Speech at Wellesley College ("Choices and Change")Barbara Bush1 June 1990Wellesley, MA
48Address to the Nation on Civil Rights ("A Moral Issue")John F. Kennedy11 June 1963Washington, DC
49Address to the Nation on the Cuban Missile Crisis John F. Kennedy22 Oct 1962Washington, DC
50"Television News Coverage"Spiro Agnew13 Nov. 1969Des Moines, IA
51Speech to the Democratic National Convention ("Common Ground and Common Sense")Jesse Jackson20 July 1988Atlanta, GA
52Speech to the Republican National Convention ("A Whisper of AIDS")Mary Fisher19 Aug 1992Houston, TX
53"The Great Society"Lyndon B. Johnson22 May 1964Ann Arbor, MI
54"The Marshall Plan"George C. Marshall5 June 1947Cambridge, MA
55"Truth and Tolerance in America"Edward M. Kennedy3 Oct 1983Lynchburg, VA
56Speech Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination ("Let's Talk Sense to American People")Adlai Stevenson26 July 1952Chicago, IL
57"The Struggle for Human Rights"Eleanor Roosevelt28 Sept 1948Paris, France
58Speech Accepting the Democratic Vice-Presidential Nomination Geraldine Ferraro19 July 1984San Francisco, CA
59"Free Speech in Wartime"Robert M. La Follette6 Oct 1917Washington, DC 
60Address at the U.S. Ranger Monument on the 40th Anniversary of D-DayRonald Reagan6 June 1984Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France
61"Religious Belief and Public Morality"Mario Cuomo13 Sept 1984Notre Dame, IN
62Televised Statement to the People of Massachusetts ("Chappaquiddick")Edward M. Kennedy25 July 1969Boston, MA
63"Labor and the Nation" ("The Rights of Labor")John L. Lewis3 Sept 1937Washington, DC
64Speech Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination ("Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is No Vice")Barry Goldwater16 July 1964San Francisco, CA
65"Black Power"Stokely CarmichaelOct 1966Berkeley, CA
66Speech at the Democratic National Convention ("The Sunshine of Human Rights")Hubert H. Humphrey14 July 1948Philadelphia, PA
67Address to the Jury Emma Goldman9 July 1917New York, NY
68"The Crisis"Carrie Chapman Catt7 Sept 1916Atlantic City, NJ
69"Television and the Public Interest" ("A Vast Wasteland")Newton W. Minow9 May 1961Washington, DC
70Eulogy to Robert KennedyEdward M. Kennedy8 June 1968New York, NY
71Statement to the Senate Judiciary CommitteeAnita Hill11 Oct 1991Washington, DC
72Final Address in Support of the League of Nations Woodrow Wilson25 Sept 1919Pueblo, CO
73Farewell to BaseballLou Gehrig4 July 1939New York, NY
74Address to the Nation on the Cambodian Incursion Richard M. Nixon30 Apr 1970Washington, DC
75"Address to the United States Congress"Carrie Chapman CattNov 1917Washington, DC
76Speech at the Democratic National Convention ("The Dream Shall Never Die")Edward M. Kennedy12 Aug 1980New York, NY
77Address to the Nation on Vietnam and the Decision Not to Seek Re-Election Lyndon B. Johnson31 Mar 1968Washington, DC
78Speech to the Commonwealth Club Franklin D. Roosevelt 23 Sept 1932San Francisco, CA
79First Inaugural AddressWoodrow Wilson4 Mar 1913Washington, DC
80"An End to History"Mario Savio2 Dec 1964Berkeley, CA
81Speech at the Democratic National Convention ("AIDS: A Personal Story")Elizabeth Glaser14 July 1992New York, NY
82"The Issue" Eugene V. Debs23 May 1908Girard, KS
83The Children's EraMargaret SangerMar 1925New York, NY
84"A Left-Handed Commencement Address"Ursula Le Guin 22 May 1983Oakland, CA
85"Now We Can Begin"Crystal EastmanSept-Oct 1920New York, NY
86Radio Broadcast of March 7, 1935 ("Share Our Wealth")Huey Pierce Long7 Mar 1935Washington, DC
87Address on Taking the Oath of Office ("Our Long National Nightmare Is Over")Gerald Ford9 Aug 1974Washington, DC
88Speech on Ending His Fast Cesar Chavez10 Mar 1968Delano, CA
89Statement at the Smith Act TrialElizabeth Gurley Flynn2 Feb 1953New York, NY
90Address to the Nation on Energy and National Goals ("A Crisis of Confidence")Jimmy Carter15 July 1979Washington, DC
91"Message to the Grassroots" Malcolm X10 Nov 1963Detroit, MI
92Speech at the Prayer Service for Victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing Bill Clinton23 Apr 1995Oklahoma City, OK
93"For the Equal Rights Amendment"Shirley Chisholm10 Aug 1970Washington, DC
94Address at the Brandenburg Gate Ronald Reagan12 June 1987West Berlin, Germany
95"The Perils of Indifference"Elie Wiesel12 Apr 1999Washington, DC
96Address to the Nation on Pardoning Richard M. NixonGerald Ford8 Sept 1974Washington, DC
97"For the League of Nations"Woodrow Wilson6 Sept 1919Des Moines, IA
98Address to Congress after Assuming the Presidency ("Let Us Continue") Lyndon B. Johnson27 Nov 1963Washington, DC
99Defense of Fred Fisher at the Army-McCarthy Hearings ("Have You No Sense of Decency?")Joseph Welch9 June 1954Washington, DC
100"Adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights"Eleanor Roosevelt9 Dec 1948Paris, France

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