爱因斯坦的名言:爱因斯坦名言介绍 亲子伴读网
1. 当学识的圆周浮夸之时,包裹它的乌暗的圆周也绝对。
As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.
2. 在天主眼前尔们皆绝对精通——也皆绝对傻笨。
Before God we are all equally wise— and equally foolish.
3. 尔其实不伪装明白天地——它比尔大很多。
I don't pretend to understand the universe— it's much Bigger than I am.
4. 尔从没有铺看改日。它来得够速的了。
I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.
5. 没有必勤奋往干一个胜利者,绝力往成为一个有价格者。
早教课都教什么6. 全国的永久之谜即是它是也许明白的。
The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.
7. 培养即是当一一面把在书院所学齐部忘光之後剩停的货色。
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
8. 一一面从未出错是由于他没有曾试验稀奇事物。
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
9. 实正有价格的是直观。在切磋的讲道上才智无甚用途。
The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to Discovery.
10. 二件工作让尔热爱:充满星星的天际和潜伏在个中的人的精力全国。