- 资源类型国产资源
- 来源渠道百度网盘
- 界面语言简体中文
- 资源大小2.04 GB
- 文件类型MP3音频
- 支持设备手机|电脑|智能电视|平板电脑
- 软件等级

音频类型:儿歌 | 童谣
分享一套儿童英文磨耳朵歌曲的音频下载,mp3格式,全1147首,资源总大小共1.98 GB,百度云网盘下载,适合1-5岁的儿童收听。
├─Wee Sing - Animals, Animals, Animals
│ 01. Animals, Animals.mp3
│ 02. Old MacDonald Had a Farm.mp3
│ 03. Animal Song.mp3
│ 04. Six Little Ducks.mp3
│ 05. Little Peter Rabbit.mp3
│ 06. Gobble, Gobble.mp3
│ 07. Five Little Chickens.mp3
│ 08. Baa, Baa Black Sheep.mp3
│ 09. Sweetly Sings the Donkey.mp3
│ 10. Tingalayo.mp3
│ 11. The Old Gray Mare.mp3
│ 12. Did You Feed My Cow.mp3
│ 13. Bill Grogan's Goat.mp3
│ 14. Three Little Piggies.mp3
│ 15. Bingo.mp3
│ 16. I Love Little Kitty.mp3
│ 17. Bought Me a Cat.mp3
│ 18. Five Little Ducks.mp3
│ 19. I Caught a Fish.mp3
│ 20. Five Little Fishies.mp3
│ 21. The Swan.mp3
│ 22. The Turtle.mp3
│ 23. The Snake.mp3
│ 24. Cackle, Cackle.mp3
│ 25. Little Green Frog.mp3
│ 26. The Mosquito.mp3
│ 27. Mister Rabbit.mp3
│ 28. Ladybug.mp3
│ 29. Baby Bumblebee.mp3
│ 30. Here Is The Beehive.mp3
│ 31. Nobody Likes Me.mp3
│ 32. Grasshopper.mp3
│ 33. The Caterpillar.mp3
│ 34. Entsy, Weentsy Spider.mp3
│ 35. The Snail.mp3
│ 36. The Boll Weevil.mp3
│ 37. The Ants Go Marching.mp3
│ 38. Up, Up in the Sky.mp3
│ 39. Two Little Blackbirds.mp3
│ 40. Little Bird.mp3
│ 41. Little Jenny Wren.mp3
│ 42. Kookaburra.mp3
│ 43. The Owl.mp3
│ 44. Three Blue Pigeons.mp3
│ 45. The Old Man.mp3
│ 46. The Cuckoo.mp3
│ 47. Squirrel, Squirrel.mp3
│ 48. The Little Skunk's Hole.mp3
│ 49. Rabbit Aint Got No Tail.mp3
│ 50. Racoon Has a Bushy Tail.mp3
│ 51. Little Bunny Foo Foo.mp3
│ 52. The Bear Went Over The Mountain.mp3
│ 53. Fuzzy Wuzzy.mp3
│ 54. Grizzly Bear.mp3
│ 55. Goin' to the Zoo.mp3
│ 56. At the Zoo.mp3
│ 57. The Lion.mp3
│ 58. The Hippopotamus and the Rhinoceros.mp3
│ 59. The Ostrich.mp3
│ 60. One Elephant Went Out to Play.mp3
│ 61. The Elephant.mp3
│ 62. Three Little Monkeys.mp3
│ 63. Five Little Monkeys.mp3
│ 64. The Monkey and the Zebra.mp3
│ 65. The Tiger.mp3
│ 66. The Giraffe.mp3
│ 67. The Duck and the Kangaroo.mp3
│ 68. Animals.mp3
│ 69. Animal Action.mp3
│ 70. The Animal Parade.mp3
├─Wee Sing Around the World
│ 01 Hello To All The Children Of The World.mp3
│ 02 Going Over the Sea.mp3
│ 03 Uhe Bashon Shon (The Crooked Path).mp3
│ 04 Eentsy Weentsy Spider.mp3
│ 05 Pin Pón (Paper Doll).mp3
│ 06 Tingalayo (Donkey Song).mp3
│ 07 El Coquí (The Frog).mp3
│ 08 Chi Chi Bud (Chi Chi Bird).mp3
│ 09 Brown Girl in the Ring.mp3
│ 10 Ciranda (Circle Game).mp3
│ 11 Mi Chacra (My Farm).mp3
│ 12 Los Pollitos (Little Chicks).mp3
│ 13 Ro, Ro Til Fiskeskjaer (Row, Row to the Fishing Spot).mp3
│ 14 Sm? Grodorna (Little Frogs).mp3
│ 15 En Eneb?r Busk (The Mulberry Bush).mp3
│ 16 Piiri Pieni Py?rii (The Circle Goes Around).mp3
│ 17 Wee Falorie Man.mp3
│ 18 Coulter's Candy.mp3
│ 19 Lavender's Blue.mp3
│ 20 Alle Eendjes (All the Ducklings).mp3
│ 21 Frère Jacques (Brother John).mp3
│ 22 Weggis Zue (Swiss Hiking Song).mp3
│ 23 Alle Meine Entchen (All My Little Ducklings).mp3
│ 24 Mio Galletto (My Little Rooster).mp3
│ 25 Mi Burro (My Burro).mp3
│ 26 Pou'n-do To Dachtilidi (Where Is the Ring- ).mp3
│ 27 Ringe, Ringe Raja (Ring Around Raja).mp3
│ 28 Veselee Husi (Jolly, Happy Ganders).mp3
│ 29 Tue Tue (Clapping Game).mp3
│ 30 Akwa Nwa Nere Nnwa (The Little Nanny Story).mp3
│ 31 Bebe Moke (Baby So Small).mp3
│ 32 Kanyoni Kanja (Little Bird Outside).mp3
│ 33 Ali Baba'nin ?iftligi or ?iftliei (Ali Baba's Farm).mp3
│ 34 Zum Gali Gali (Work Song).mp3
│ 35 Attal Mattal (Rhythm Game).mp3
│ 36 Anilae Anilae (Chipmunk, Chipmunk).mp3
│ 37 Kai Veechamma (Move Your Hand).mp3
│ 38 Fong Swei (After School).mp3
│ 39 Arirang (Arirang Hill).mp3
│ 40 Ame, Ame (Rain, Rain).mp3
│ 41 Pok Amai, Amai (Clap Together).mp3
│ 42 Kookaburra.mp3
│ 43 Epo I Tai Tai E (I Will Be Happy).mp3
│ 44 Nani Wale Na Hala (Pretty Hala Trees).mp3
│ 45 Hello--Reprise.mp3│
├─Wee Sing Bible Songs
│ 01 Jesus Loves the Little Children.mp3
│ 02 Jesus Loves Me.mp3
│ 03 Jesus Loves Even Me.mp3
│ 04 Jesus Sees Me.mp3
│ 05 Come Bless the Lord.mp3
│ 06 Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam.mp3
│ 07 This Little Light of Mine.mp3
│ 08 The Bible Says.mp3
│ 09 The Lord Is My Shepherd.mp3
│ 10 Deep and Wide.mp3
│ 11 God Made Me.mp3
│ 12 My Body, Strong and Good.mp3
│ 13 Oh, Be Careful.mp3
│ 14 Silver and Gold Have I None.mp3
│ 15 The Twelve Disciples.mp3
│ 16 Behold, Behold.mp3
│ 17 One Door and Only One.mp3
│ 18 Love, Love.mp3
│ 19 This Is My Commandment.mp3
│ 20 The B-I-B-L-E.mp3
│ 21 Books of the Old Testament.mp3
│ 22 Books of the New Testament.mp3
│ 23 Father Abraham.mp3
│ 24 Little David, Play on Your Harp.mp3
│ 25 Only a Boy Named David.mp3
│ 26 Who Did Swallow Jonah-.mp3
│ 27 Zacchaeus.mp3
│ 28 The Wise Man and Foolish Man.mp3
│ 29 Who Built the Ark-.mp3
│ 30 His Banner Over Me Is Love.mp3
│ 31 Praise Him, Praise Him.mp3
│ 32 Kum Ba Yah.mp3
│ 33 Thank You.mp3
│ 34 Whisper a Prayer.mp3
│ 35 God Bless.mp3
│ 36 Give Me Oil in My Lamp.mp3
│ 37 Isn't He Wonderful.mp3
│ 38 Standin' in the Need of Prayer.mp3
│ 39 He's Got the Whole World.mp3
│ 40 Do Lord.mp3
│ 41 Here Is the Church.mp3
│ 42 Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain.mp3
│ 43 Heavenly Sunshine.mp3
│ 44 Praise the Lord Together.mp3
│ 45 My God is So Great.mp3
│ 46 See the Camel.mp3
│ 47 Peace Like a River.mp3
│ 48 Walking with Jesus.mp3
│ 49 Now I Lay.mp3
│ 50 Father, We Thank Thee.mp3
│ 51 God Is So Good.mp3
│ 52 I'm in the Lord's Army.mp3
│ 53 Happy All the Time.mp3
│ 54 God's Love.mp3
│ 55 Oh, How I Love Jesus.mp3
│ 56 Hallelu, Hallelu.mp3
│ 57 Our Hands We Fold.mp3
│ 58 Jesus.mp3
│ 59 I Love to Take a Walk.mp3
│ 60 The Wind Tells Me.mp3
│ 61 Rise and Shine.mp3
│ 62 Down in My Heart.mp3
│ 63 Rejoice in the Lord Always.mp3│
├─Wee Sing Children's Songs And Fingerplays
│ 01 - Eentsy Weentsy Spider.gif
│ 01 - Eentsy Weentsy Spider.mp3
│ 02 - Mother's Knives and Forks.mp3
│ 03 - Here is the Beehive.mp3
│ 04 - Clap Your Hands.mp3
│ 05 - Grandma's Glasses.mp3
│ 06 - Hickory, Dickory, Dock.mp3
│ 07 - Three Little Monkeys.mp3
│ 08 - Two Little Blackbirds.mp3
│ 09 - Knock Knock.mp3
│ 10 - Little Green Frog.mp3
│ 11 - Jack and Jill.mp3
│ 12 - Bumblebee.mp3
│ 13 - Where is Thumbkin_.mp3
│ 14 - Round the Garden.mp3
│ 15 - Here is the Church.mp3
│ 16 - Five Little Fishes.mp3
│ 17 - This Old Man.mp3
│ 18 - Little Peter Rabbit.mp3
│ 19 - The FInger Band.mp3
│ 20 - Down by the Station.mp3
│ 21 - The Train.mp3
│ 22 - Bingo.gif
│ 22 - Bingo.mp3
│ 23 - John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp3
│ 24 - Little Cabin in the Wood.mp3
│ 25 - Old MacDonald Had A Farm.mp3
│ 26 - Good Morning.mp3
│ 27 - What Are You Wearing.mp3
│ 28 - One,Two, Buckle My Shoe.mp3
│ 29 - Rickety, Tickety.mp3
│ 30 - My Name and Address.mp3
│ 31 - The Alphabet Song.mp3
│ 32 - Right Hand, Left Hand.mp3
│ 33 - Ten Little Fingers.mp3
│ 34 - Days of the Week.mp3
│ 35 - Rain Rain Go Away.mp3
│ 36 - There is Thunder.mp3
│ 37 - It's Raining.mp3
│ 38 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.mp3
│ 39 - Round the Clock.mp3
│ 40 - Looby Loo.mp3
│ 41 - Now Tall, Now Small.mp3
│ 42 - Animal Poem.mp3
│ 43 - Walking, Walking.mp3
│ 44 - Jimmy Crack Corn.mp3
│ 45 - Baby Bird.mp3
│ 46 - Ring Around the Rosy.mp3
│ 47 - Pop! Goes the Weasel.mp3
│ 48 - One Finger, One Thumb.mp3
│ 49 - The Mullberry Bush.mp3
│ 50 - If You're Happy.gif
│ 50 - If You're Happy.mp3
│ 52 - Reach for the Sky.mp3
│ 54 - One Elephant Went Out to Play.mp3
│ 55 - Head and Shoulders.mp3
│ 56 - Jack and Jill (Scale Song).mp3
│ 57 - This is the Way.mp3
│ 58 - Trot to Boston.mp3
│ 59 - Teddy Bear.mp3
│ 60 - Good Night.mp3
│ 61 - Sleep, Baby Sleep.mp3
│ 62 - All Night, All Day.mp3
│ 63 - All the Pretty Little Horses.mp3
│ 64 - Hush, Little Baby.mp3
│ 65 - Jack-O'-Lantern.mp3
│ 66 - Chickamy, Chickamy, Craney Crow.mp3
│ 67 - Ten Little Witches.mp3
│ 68 - Gobble Gobble.mp3
│ 69 - Over the River.mp3
│ 70 - Christmas is Coming.mp3
│ 71 - The Chimney.mp3
│ 72 - We Wish You a Merry Christmas.mp3
│ 73 - Skidamarink.mp3
├─Wee Sing for Baby
│ 01 To Babyland.mp3
│ 02 The Baby's Dance.mp3
│ 03 A, B, C.mp3
│ 04 Peek-A-Boo.mp3
│ 05 Hickory, Dickory, Dock.mp3
│ 06 Round the Garden.mp3
│ 07 Round and Round.mp3
│ 08 Little Flea.mp3
│ 09 Bumblebee.mp3
│ 10 Slowly, Slowly.mp3
│ 11 Head and Shoulders.mp3
│ 12 Knock, Knock.mp3
│ 13 Two Little Eyes.mp3
│ 14 This Little Pig Went to Market.mp3
│ 15 Baby's Face.mp3
│ 16 Tummy Button.mp3
│ 17 Baby's Clothes.mp3
│ 18 All for Baby.mp3
│ 19 Baby Bye.mp3
│ 20 Open Them, Shut Them.mp3
│ 21 The Family.mp3
│ 22 Whoops, Johnny!.mp3
│ 23 Dance Your Fingers.mp3
│ 24 Clap Along With Me.mp3
│ 25 Clap Your Hands.mp3
│ 26 Pat-A-Cake.mp3
│ 27 Pease Porridge Hot.mp3
│ 28 I Can Fly.mp3
│ 29 The Clock.mp3
│ 30 Pop! Goes the Weasel.mp3
│ 31 To Market, To Market.mp3
│ 32 Shoe a Little Horse.mp3
│ 33 Ride a Little Pony.mp3
│ 34 This Is the Way the Ladies Ride.mp3
│ 35 Trit, Trot.mp3
│ 36 Trot to Boston.mp3
│ 37 Trot, Trot, Trot.mp3
│ 38 Walking, Walking.mp3
│ 39 I Took a Walk.mp3
│ 40 Let's Take a Walk.mp3
│ 41 Ring Around the Rosy.mp3
│ 42 Dance to Your Daddy.mp3
│ 43 Dance a Baby Diddy.mp3
│ 44 This Is the Way We Take a Bath.mp3
│ 45 Splashing in the Bath.mp3
│ 46 Baby's Nap.mp3
│ 47 Rosy, My Posy.mp3
│ 48 Rock-A-Bye, Baby.mp3
│ 49 German Cradle Song.mp3
│ 50 Rock-A My Dolly.mp3
│ 51 Hush Now, My Baby.mp3
│ 52 Little Brother's Lullaby.mp3
│ 53 Hush, Little Baby.mp3
│ 54 Birdie's Cradle.mp3
│ 55 Winkum, Winkum.mp3
│ 56 Sleep, Baby, Sleep.mp3
│ 57 The Clouds.mp3
│ 58 Mother Goose Lullaby.mp3
│ 59 Raisins and Almonds.mp3
│ 60 Slumber Song.mp3
│ 61 Night Is Near.mp3
│ 62 Hush-A-Bye, Baby Bye.mp3
│ 63 Good Night Prayer.mp3
│ 64 Star Light, Star Bright.mp3
│ 65 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp3
├─Wee Sing for Christmas Disc 1
│ 01 Here We Come A-Caroling.mp3
│ 02 Deck the Halls.mp3
│ 03 We Wish You a Merry Christmas.mp3
│ 04 O Christmas Tree.mp3
│ 05 Jingle Bells.mp3
│ 06 The Twelve Days of Christmas.mp3
│ 07 The First Noel.mp3
│ 08 Joy to the World.mp3
│ 09 We Three Kings.mp3
│ 10 O Come, All Ye Faithful.mp3
│ 11 O Little Town of Bethlehem.mp3
│ 12 Away in a Manger.mp3
│ 13 Silent Night.mp3
│ 14 Birthday of a King.mp3
│ 15 Fum, Fum, Fum.mp3
│ 16 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime.mp3
│ 17 Angel Band.mp3
│ 18 Five Little Candles.mp3
│ 19 March of the Kings.mp3
│ 20 Three Great Kings.mp3
│ 21 Wind Through the Olive Trees.mp3
│ 22 Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine.mp3
│ 23 Born This Night.mp3
│ 24 Where is the Baby-.mp3
│ 25 Children, Go Where I Send Thee.mp3
│ 26 What Child is This-.mp3
│ 27 Bells Are Ringing.mp3
│ 28 O Come, Little Children.mp3
│ 29 Pat-A-Pan.mp3
│ 30 Still, Still, Still.mp3
│ 31 Coventry Carol.mp3
│ 32 Go Tell it on the Mountain.mp3
│ 33 The Friendly Beasts.mp3
│ 34 Rocking.mp3
│ 35 Here Comes Santa Claus.mp3
│ 36 The Chimney.mp3
│ 37 Up on the Housetop.mp3
│ 38 When Santa Comes.mp3
│ 39 Christmas is Coming.mp3
│ 40 Merrily Caroling.mp3
│ 41 Ring, Ring, Ring the Bells.mp3
│ 42 Little Bells of Christmas.mp3
│ 43 Santa Claus is Coming.mp3
│ 44 Christmas Bells.mp3
│ 45 Hear the Jingle Bells.mp3
│ 46 Five Little Bells.mp3
│ 47 Chubby Little Snowman.mp3
│ 48 Three Little Christmas Trees.mp3
│ 49 Christmas Day.mp3
│ 50 Alfie the Elf.mp3
│ 51 Ring Those Bells.mp3
│ 52 Reindeer Are Tapping.mp3
│ 53 Jolly Old St. Nicholas.mp3
│ 54 Tapping.mp3
│ 55 Down Through the Chimney.mp3
│ 56 We Wish You a Merry Christmas (reprise).mp3
├─Wee Sing More Bible Songs
│ 01 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.mp3
│ 02 Alive, Alive(1).mp3
│ 02 Alive, Alive.mp3
│ 03 I'm gonna sing(1).mp3
│ 03 I'm gonna sing.mp3
│ 04 How great is our God(1).mp3
│ 04 How great is our God.mp3
│ 05 God said it.mp3
│ 06 What a mighty God we serve.mp3
│ 07 Be strong in the Lord.mp3
│ 08 Come and go with me.mp3
│ 09 Wide, wide as the ocean.mp3
│ 10 Everybody ought to know.mp3
│ 11 Blessed be the Name.mp3
│ 12 Tell me the stories of Jesus.mp3
│ 13 There were Twelve Disciples.mp3
│ 14 Praise and Thanksgiving.mp3
│ 15 Count your blessings.mp3
│ 16 Be my Shepherd.mp3
│ 17 Evening Prayer.mp3
│ 18 God, our loving Father.mp3
│ 19 A little prayer.mp3
│ 20 Bless the Lord, O my soul.mp3
│ 21 Come, let us gather.mp3
│ 22 "Give," Said the Little Stream.mp3
│ 23 Chatter with the Angels.mp3
│ 24 Father Noah.mp3
│ 25 The golden rule.mp3
│ 26 Little drops of water.mp3
│ 27 Jesus bids us shine.mp3
│ 28 Baby Moses.mp3
│ 29 Jesus loves the little children.mp3
│ 30 Jesus and the children.mp3
│ 31 The birds upon the treetops.mp3
│ 32 Give thanks.mp3
│ 33 I'm thankful.mp3
│ 34 Somebody's knockin' at your door.mp3
│ 35 Lord, I want to be a Christian.mp3
│ 36 I have decided to follow Jesus.mp3
│ 37 I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N.mp3
│ 38 Ho-ho-ho-Hosanna.mp3
│ 39 A little talk with Jesus.mp3
│ 40 I'm gonna work.mp3
│ 41 Joy! Joy! Joy!.mp3
│ 42 Stand up, sit down.mp3
│ 43 Are we downhearted-.mp3
│ 44 Exercise Hymn.mp3
│ 45 'Tis simple as cam be.mp3
│ 46 Dare to be a Daniel.mp3
│ 47 The "Happy Day" Express.mp3│
├─Wee Sing Silly Songs
│ 01 John Brown's Baby.mp3
│ 02 Nobody Likes Me.mp3
│ 03 Who Did Swallow Jonah-.mp3
│ 04 Three Jolly Fisherman.mp3
│ 05 Llod George Knew My Father.mp3
│ 06 The Limerick Song.mp3
│ 07 Dry Bones.mp3
│ 08 What Did Delaware-.mp3
│ 09 Father's Wiskers.mp3
│ 10 Michael Finnegan.mp3
│ 11 Go Get the Ax.mp3
│ 12 She Waded in the Water.mp3
│ 13 Do Your Ears Hang Low-.mp3
│ 14 My Hand on My Head.mp3
│ 15 Once an Austrian Went Yodeling.mp3
│ 16 Risseldy, Rosseldy.mp3
│ 17 Animal Fair.mp3
│ 18 The Bear Went Over the Mountain.mp3
│ 19 Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy-.mp3
│ 20 Rabbit Ain't Got.mp3
│ 21 Little Bunny Foo Foo.mp3
│ 22 Mules.mp3
│ 23 We're Here Because We're Here.mp3
│ 24 Ten in a Bed.mp3
│ 25 Grasshopper.mp3
│ 26 Baby Bumblebee.mp3
│ 27 The Crocodile.mp3
│ 28 The Ants Go Marching.mp3
│ 29 The Little Skunk's Hole.mp3
│ 30 Bill Grogan's Goat.mp3
│ 31 Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends.mp3
│ 32 The Horse Went Around.mp3
│ 33 Found a Peanut.mp3
│ 34 Oh, You Can't Get to Heaven.mp3
│ 35 There's a Hole in the Middle of the Sea.mp3
│ 36 There's a Hole in the Bucket.mp3
│ 37 Ninety-Nine Bottles of Pop.mp3
│ 38 Ninety-Nine Miles From Home.mp3
│ 39 Nursery Rhyme Song.mp3
│ 40 Throw It Out the Window.mp3
│ 41 My Hat, It Has Three Corners.mp3
│ 42 The Green Grass Grows All Around.mp3
│ 43 Down By the Bay.mp3
│ 44 Hinky Dinky 'Double D' Farm.mp3
│ 45 One Bottle o' Pop.mp3│
├─Wee Sing Sing-Alongs
│ 01 The More We Get Together.mp3
│ 02 Vive le Campagne.mp3
│ 03 Hey, Lolly, Lolly.mp3
│ 04 Smile.mp3
│ 05 Today Is Monday.mp3
│ 06 Clementine.mp3
│ 07 Sarasponde.mp3
│ 08 The Upward Trail.mp3
│ 09 Down by the Old Millstream.mp3
│ 10 Zum Gali Gali.mp3
│ 11 I've Been Working on the Railroad.mp3
│ 12 She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain.mp3
│ 13 Oh, Susanna.mp3
│ 14 We Won't Go Home Until Morning.mp3
│ 15 Oh, When the Saints.mp3
│ 16 Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho.mp3
│ 17 Get on Board Little Children.mp3
│ 18 Heav'n, Heav'n.mp3
│ 19 Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen.mp3
│ 20 Jacob's Ladder.mp3
│ 21 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.mp3
│ 22 Rocka My Soul.mp3
│ 23 One More River.mp3
│ 24 Rise and Shine.mp3
│ 25 Kookaburra.mp3
│ 26 Why Shouldn't My Goose- Frog Round.mp3
│ 27 White Coral Bells.mp3
│ 28 Scotland's Burning.mp3
│ 29 Little Tom Tinker.mp3
│ 30 Down by the Station.mp3
│ 31 Are You Sleeping-.mp3
│ 32 Row, Row, Row Your Boat.mp3
│ 33 Three Blind Mice.mp3
│ 34 Reuben and Rachel.mp3
│ 35 Sweetly Sings the Donkey.mp3
│ 36 Chairs to Mend.mp3
│ 37 A Ram Sam Sam.mp3
│ 38 Dona Nobis.mp3
│ 39 For Health and Strength.mp3
│ 40 Make New Friends.mp3
│ 41 Come Follow.mp3
│ 42 Oh, How Lovely.mp3
│ 43 Sing Together.mp3
│ 44 Hey, Ho! Nobody's Home.mp3
│ 45 Music Alone Shall Live.mp3
│ 46 Let Us Sing Together.mp3
│ 47 He's Got the Whole World.mp3
│ 48 Kum Ba Yah.mp3
│ 49 Tell Me Why.mp3
│ 50 Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore.mp3
│ 51 Down in the Valley.mp3
│ 52 Oh, Shenandoah.mp3
│ 53 I Know Where I'm Goin'.mp3
│ 54 The Riddle Song.mp3
│ 55 Wayfaring Stranger.mp3
│ 56 I Love the Moutains.mp3
│ 57 Sing Your Way Home.mp3
│ 58 Every Night the Sun Goes In.mp3
│ 59 Now the Day Is Over.mp3
│ 60 Taps.mp3
│ 61 Track 61.mp3
├─Wee Sing Together
│ 01 飘发 1 - 01 飘发 1.mp3
│ 02 飘发 2 - 02 飘发 2.mp3
│ 03 飘发 3 - 03 飘发 3.mp3
│ 04 飘发 4 - 04 飘发 4.mp3
│ 05 飘发 5 - 05 飘发 5.mp3
│ 06 飘发 6 - 06 飘发 6.mp3
│ 07 飘发 7 - 07 飘发 7.mp3
│ 08 飘发 8 - 08 飘发 8.mp3
│ 09 飘发 9 - 09 飘发 9.mp3
│ 10 飘发 10 - 10 飘发 10.mp3
│ 11 飘发 11 - 11 飘发 11.mp3
│ 12 飘发 12 - 12 飘发 12.mp3
│ 13 飘发 13 - 13 飘发 13.mp3
│ 14 飘发 14 - 14 飘发 14.mp3
│ 15 飘发 15 - 15 飘发 15.mp3
│ 16 飘发 16 - 16 飘发 16.mp3
│ 17 飘发 17 - 17 飘发 17.mp3
│ 18 飘发 18 - 18 飘发 18.mp3
│ 19 飘发 19 - 19 飘发 19.mp3
│ 20 飘发 20 - 20 飘发 20.mp3
│ 21 飘发 21 - 21 飘发 21.mp3
│ 22 飘发 22 - 22 飘发 22.mp3
│ 23 飘发 23 - 23 飘发 23.mp3
│ 24 飘发 24 - 24 飘发 24.mp3
│ 25 飘发 25 - 25 飘发 25.mp3
│ 26 飘发 26 - 26 飘发 26.mp3
│ 27 飘发 27 - 27 飘发 27.mp3
│ 28 飘发 28 - 28 飘发 28.mp3
│ 29 飘发 29 - 29 飘发 29.mp3
│ 30 飘发 30 - 30 飘发 30.mp3
│ 31 飘发 31 - 31 飘发 31.mp3
│ 32 飘发 32 - 32 飘发 32.mp3
│ 33 飘发 33 - 33 飘发 33.mp3
│ 34 飘发 34 - 34 飘发 34.mp3
│ 35 飘发 35 - 35 飘发 35.mp3
│ 36 飘发 36 - 36 飘发 36.mp3
│ 37 飘发 37 - 37 飘发 37.mp3
│ 38 飘发 38 - 38 飘发 38.mp3
│ 39 飘发 39 - 39 飘发 39.mp3
│ 40 飘发 40 - 40 飘发 40.mp3
│ 41 飘发 41 - 41 飘发 41.mp3
│ 42 飘发 42 - 42 飘发 42.mp3
│ 43 飘发 43 - 43 飘发 43.mp3
│ 44 飘发 44 - 44 飘发 44.mp3
│ 45 飘发 45 - 45 飘发 45.mp3
│ 46 飘发 46 - 46 飘发 46.mp3
│ 47 飘发 47 - 47 飘发 47.mp3
│ 48 飘发 48 - 48 飘发 48.mp3
│ 49 飘发 49 - 49 飘发 49.mp3
│ 50 飘发 50 - 50 飘发 50.mp3
│ 51 飘发 51 - 51 飘发 51.mp3
│ 52 飘发 52 - 52 飘发 52.mp3
│ 53 飘发 53 - 53 飘发 53.mp3
│ 54 飘发 54 - 54 飘发 54.mp3
│ 55 飘发 55 - 55 飘发 55.mp3
│ 56 飘发 56 - 56 飘发 56.mp3
│ 57 飘发 57 - 57 飘发 57.mp3
│ 58 飘发 58 - 58 飘发 58.mp3
│ 59 飘发 59 - 59 飘发 59.mp3
│ 60 飘发 60 - 60 飘发 60.mp3
│ 61 飘发 61 - 61 飘发 61.mp3
├─Wee Sing- America
│ 01 We Love the U.S.a.mp3
│ 02 John F. Kennedy Quote.mp3
│ 03 The Star Spangled Banner.mp3
│ 04 Preamble To the Constitution.mp3
│ 05 You're a Grand Old Flag.mp3
│ 06 Pledge To the Flag.mp3
│ 07 Three Cheers For the Red, White and Blue.mp3
│ 08 The Stars and Stripes Forever.mp3
│ 09 There Are Many Flags.mp3
│ 10 America.mp3
│ 11 Thomas Jefferson Quote.mp3
│ 12 Abraham Lincoln Quote.mp3
│ 13 Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote.mp3
│ 14 America, America.mp3
│ 15 America, the Beautiful.mp3
│ 16 Statue of Liberty Excerpt.mp3
│ 17 The United States.mp3
│ 18 Yankee Doodle Boy.mp3
│ 19 Yankee Doodle.mp3
│ 20 Old Abe Lincoln.mp3
│ 21 Abraham Lincoln Quote.mp3
│ 22 Dixie.mp3
│ 23 Battle Hymn of the Republic.mp3
│ 24 George Washington Quote.mp3
│ 25 When Johnny Comes Marching Home.mp3
│ 26 Goober Peas.mp3
│ 27 The Caissons.mp3
│ 28 Marine's Hymn.mp3
│ 29 Patrick Henry Quote.mp3
│ 30 Anchors Aweigh.mp3
│ 31 Sweet Betsy From Pike.mp3
│ 32 I've Been Workin' On the Railroad.mp3
│ 33 John Henry.mp3
│ 34 Drill, Ye Tarriers.mp3
│ 35 Paddy Works On the Railway.mp3
│ 36 The Old Chisholm Trail.mp3
│ 37 Good-Bye, Old Paint.mp3
│ 38 I Ride an Old Paint.mp3
│ 39 Git Along, Little Dogies.mp3
│ 40 My Home's In Montana.mp3
│ 41 Old Texas.mp3
│ 42 The Boll Weevil.mp3
├─Wee Sing- and Move
│ 02 Old Brass Wagon.mp3
│ 03 Pop! Goes the Weasel.mp3
│ 04 Sally Go Round the Sun.mp3
│ 05 Punchinello.mp3
│ 06 The Merry-Go Round.mp3
│ 07 Ring Around the Rosy.mp3
│ 08 The Hokey Posey.mp3
│ 09 Jim Along, Josie.mp3
│ 10 The Toy Shop At Midnight.mp3
│ 11 Reach For the Sky.mp3
│ 12 Peter Hammers.mp3
│ 13 Hey, Mr. Knickerbocker.mp3
│ 14 Airplane.mp3
│ 15 Head and Shoulders Chant.mp3
│ 16 Head and Shoulders.mp3
│ 17 Walking, Walking.mp3
│ 18 Teddy Bear.mp3
│ 19 The Land of Slow Motion.mp3
│ 20 Animal Action.mp3
│ 21 A Walk Through the Forest.mp3
│ 22 The Freeze Game.mp3
│ 23 The Land of Silly.mp3
│ 24 The Dance Contest.mp3
│ 25 The Dinosaur Party.mp3
│ 26 Brontosaurus.mp3
│ 27 Pteranodon.mp3
│ 28 Ornithomimus.mp3
│ 29 The Cowboy-Old Texas.mp3
│ 30 The Old Chisholm Trail.mp3
│ 31 William Tell Overture.mp3
│ 32 Bugs.mp3
│ 33 Popcorn Ball.mp3
│ 34 Race Car.mp3
│ 35 Bones.mp3
│ 36 Follow Me.mp3
│ 37 March.mp3
│ 38 Hansel and Gretel Dance.mp3
│ 39 The Animal Parade.mp3
├─Wee Sing- And Play
│ 01 Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo.mp3
│ 02 Icky, Bicky.mp3
│ 03 Hot Potato.mp3
│ 04 I Caught a Fish.mp3
│ 05 Apples, Peaches.mp3
│ 06 Fireman, Fireman.mp3
│ 07 One, Two.mp3
│ 08 Entry, Kentry.mp3
│ 09 A, B,C, D.mp3
│ 10 Mary at the Kitchen Door.mp3
│ 11 Bubble Gum.mp3
│ 12 Engine Number 9.mp3
│ 13 The Farmer in the Dell.mp3
│ 14 The Seed Cycle.mp3
│ 15 The Noble Duke of York.mp3
│ 16 A-Hunting we will go.mp3
│ 17 Punchinello.mp3
│ 18 The Hokey Pokey.mp3
│ 19 the Muffin Man.mp3
│ 20 Sally Go Round the Sun.mp3
│ 21 Drop the handkerchief.mp3
│ 22 Round the Village.mp3
│ 23 London Bridge.mp3
│ 24 Bluebird.mp3
│ 25 The Merry-Go-Round.mp3
│ 26 Did You Ever See a Lassie-.mp3
│ 27 Jimmy Crack Corn.mp3
│ 28 A-Tisket, a-Tasket.mp3
│ 29 Skip to My Lou.mp3
│ 30 Oats, Peas, Beans.mp3
│ 31 Old Brass Wagon.mp3
│ 32 All in Together, Girls.mp3
│ 33 Cinderella.mp3
│ 34 Two Little Sausages.mp3
│ 35 Mabel, Mabel.mp3
│ 36 Dutch Girl.mp3
│ 37 Little Spanish Dancer.mp3
│ 38 I Love Coffee.mp3
│ 39 Down in the Valley.mp3
│ 40 Teddy Bear.mp3
│ 41 I Like Coffee.mp3
│ 42 Bluebells, Cockle Shells.mp3
│ 43 Miss Lucy Had a Baby.mp3
│ 44 Ice Cream Soda.mp3
│ 45 Polly, Put the Kettle On.mp3
│ 46 Keep the Kettle Boiling.mp3
│ 47 Bread and Butter.mp3
│ 48 Down by the Ocean.mp3
│ 49 Miss, Miss.mp3
│ 50 Engine Number 9.mp3
│ 51 Little Jumping Joan.mp3
│ 52 Number One, Touch Your Tongue.mp3
│ 53 My Mother Gave Me Fifty Cents.mp3
│ 54 Pop! Goes the Weasel.mp3
│ 55 One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.mp3
│ 56 One, Two, Three O'Leary.mp3
│ 57 Jack, Jack.mp3
│ 58 Alphabet Bounce.mp3
│ 59 One, Two, Three a-Twirlsy.mp3
│ 60 Roll that Ball.mp3
│ 61 Concentration.mp3
│ 62 Categories.mp3
│ 63 Head and Shoulders.mp3
│ 64 Pretty Little Dutch Girl.mp3
│ 65 Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar-.mp3
│ 66 Long-Legged Sailor.mp3
│ 67 Miss Lucy Had a Baby.mp3
│ 68 A Sailor Went to Sea.mp3
│ 69 Pease Porridge Hot.mp3
│ 70 Playmate.mp3
│ 71 Hambone.mp3
│ 72 Miss Mary Mac.mp3
│ 73 [Untitled] [-].mp3
├─Wee Sing- And Pretend
│ 01 Lion.mp3
│ 02 Wild Horses.mp3
│ 03 Turtle.mp3
│ 04 Elephant.mp3
│ 05 Kangaroo.mp3
│ 06 Fish.mp3
│ 07 Birds.mp3
│ 08 Brontosaurus.mp3
│ 09 Pteranodon.mp3
│ 10 Ornithomimus.mp3
│ 11 Mikey the Monkey.mp3
│ 12 The Little Caterpillar.mp3
│ 13 The Bumblebee.mp3
│ 14 Bugs.mp3
│ 15 Animal Action.mp3
│ 16 Row, Row, Row Your Boat.mp3
│ 17 Motorcycle.mp3
│ 18 Little Blue Engine.mp3
│ 19 Airplane.mp3
│ 20 Race Car.mp3
│ 21 The Land of Silly.mp3
│ 22 Bones.mp3
│ 23 I'm a Clown.mp3
│ 24 The Cowboy.mp3
│ 25 The Land of Slow Motion.mp3
│ 26 Oh, When.mp3
│ 27 A Rock Blocks the Walk.mp3
│ 28 A Walk Through the Forest.mp3
│ 29 Jack-In-the-Box.mp3
│ 30 My Blue Balloon.mp3
│ 31 I'm a Top.mp3
│ 32 The Toy Shop At Midnight.mp3
│ 33 The Orchestra.mp3
│ 34 March.mp3
│ 35 Rock Band.mp3
├─Wee Sing- Dinosaurs
│ 01 Let's Sing About Dinosaurs.mp3
│ 02 When-.mp3
│ 03 Dinosaur Ages.mp3
│ 04 I Like Dinosaurs.mp3
│ 05 Dinosaur Bones.mp3
│ 06 Dinosaur Detective.mp3
│ 07 Who Named the Dinosaur-.mp3
│ 08 Footprints.mp3
│ 09 Dinosaur Colors.mp3
│ 10 Where Did They Live-.mp3
│ 11 Dinosaur Names.mp3
│ 12 Whew!.mp3
│ 13 Dinosaur Sounds.mp3
│ 14 How Big is a Dinosaur.mp3
│ 15 Eggs.mp3
│ 16 A Real Dinosaur.mp3
│ 17 What's For Lunch-.mp3
│ 18 What Happened-.mp3
│ 19 Hadrosaurs.mp3
│ 20 The King of the Dinosaurs.mp3
│ 21 Tyrannosaurus.mp3
│ 22 Pteranodon.mp3
│ 23 Big, Bigger, Biggest.mp3
│ 24 Brontosaurus.mp3
│ 25 Apatosaurus, Brontosaurus.mp3
│ 26 Duckbill Dinosaur.mp3
│ 27 Dining.mp3
│ 28 Triceratops.mp3
│ 29 Please, Mr. Plesiosaur.mp3
│ 30 Ornithomimus.mp3
│ 31 Deinonychus.mp3
│ 32 Ankylosaurus.mp3
│ 33 Little Dinosaurs.mp3
│ 34 Compsognathus.mp3
│ 35 Stegosaurus.mp3
│ 36 My Tail.mp3
│ 37 The Dance Contest.mp3
│ 38 If I Could Be a Dinosaur.mp3
│ 39 Drawing Dinosaurs.mp3
│ 40 The Dinosaur Race.mp3
│ 41 If.mp3
│ 42 My Pet Dinosaur.mp3
│ 43 It's Great To Be a Dinosaur.mp3
│ 44 A Dinosaur Friend.mp3
│ 45 A Dinosaur Baby.mp3
│ 46 The Brachio Limo.mp3
│ 47 Pretend.mp3
│ 48 The Dinosaur Party.mp3
│ 49 The Dinosaur Parade.mp3
├─Wee Sing- Fun 'N' Folk
│ 01 Crawdad Song.mp3
│ 02 Bought Me a Cat.mp3
│ 03 Polly Wolly Doodle.mp3
│ 04 Short'nin' Bread.mp3
│ 05 Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter Be-.mp3
│ 06 There's a Little Wheel a-Turnin'.mp3
│ 07 Jennie Jenkins.mp3
│ 08 The Wabash Cannonball.mp3
│ 09 Grizzly Bear.mp3
│ 10 Train is a-Comin'.mp3
│ 11 The Rattlin' Bog.mp3
│ 12 Great Granddad.mp3
│ 13 Billy Boy.mp3
│ 14 Father Grumble.mp3
│ 15 Hold On.mp3
│ 16 The Old Gray Mare.mp3
│ 17 The Big Rock Candy Mountains.mp3
│ 18 Cindy.mp3
│ 19 Old Joe Clark.mp3
│ 20 Frog Went a-Courtin'.mp3
│ 21 Grasshoppers Three.mp3
│ 22 The Bee and the Pup.mp3
│ 23 Little Red Caboose.mp3
│ 24 The Bear.mp3
│ 25 The Arkansas Traveler.mp3
│ 26 Keemo Kymo.mp3
│ 27 Goin' To Boston.mp3
│ 28 The Railroad Cars Are Coming.mp3
│ 29 Old Dan Tucker.mp3
│ 30 Had a Little Rooster.mp3
│ 31 Little Liza Jane.mp3
│ 32 Put Your Little Foot.mp3
│ 33 Hop Up, My Ladies.mp3
│ 34 The Frog In the Bog.mp3
│ 35 Pawpaw Patch.mp3
│ 36 Buffalo Gals.mp3
│ 37 Turn the Glasses Over.mp3
│ 38 Turkey In the Straw.mp3
│ 39 Jingle At the Window.mp3
│ 40 Shoo Fly.mp3
│ 41 Rig-a-Jig-Jig.mp3
├─Wee Sing- Games, Games, Games
│ 01 The Wee Sing Train.mp3
│ 02 Jack, Be Nimble.mp3
│ 03 Follow Me.mp3
│ 04 The Thread Follows the Needle.mp3
│ 05 Hansel and Gretel Dance.mp3
│ 06 The Snail.mp3
│ 07 Colors.mp3
│ 08 Rhyming Song.mp3
│ 09 Ring On a String.mp3
│ 10 Pass the Ball.mp3
│ 11 Rabbit In the Hollow.mp3
│ 12 Hot Potato.mp3
│ 13 The Freeze Game.mp3
│ 14 Hey, Mr. Knickerbocker.mp3
│ 15 Willowbee.mp3
│ 16 Comin' 'Round the Mountain.mp3
│ 17 Looby Loo.mp3
│ 18 Jim Along, Josie.mp3
│ 19 Lion Hunt.mp3
│ 20 Rhythm, Rhythm.mp3
│ 21 My Aunt Came Back.mp3
│ 22 Musical Chairs.mp3
│ 23 Wee Sing Medley- Dress-Up Game-Cake Walk-Name That Tune.mp3
├─Wee Sing- Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies
│ 01 Introduction.mp3
│ 02 Hickory Dickory Dock.mp3
│ 03 Jack and Jill.mp3
│ 04 Thirty Days.mp3
│ 05 The North Wind Doth Blow.mp3
│ 06 One Misty, Moisty Morning.mp3
│ 07 I Love Little Pussy.mp3
│ 08 Lazy Mary.mp3
│ 09 There Was a Little Girl.mp3
│ 10 Mary Had a Little Lamb.mp3
│ 11 Georgie Porgie.mp3
│ 12 Going to St. Ives.mp3
│ 13 Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling.mp3
│ 14 Little Boy Blue.mp3
│ 15 To Market, To Market.mp3
│ 16 Six Little Ducks.mp3
│ 17 Polly, Put the Kettle On.mp3
│ 18 Over in the Meadow.mp3
│ 19 This Old Man.mp3
│ 20 There Was a Crooked Man.mp3
│ 21 Doctor Foster.mp3
│ 22 See-Saw, Sacra-Down.mp3
│ 23 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.mp3
│ 24 Little Bo Peep.mp3
│ 25 From Wibbleton to Wobbleton.mp3
│ 26 Ride a Cock-Horse.mp3
│ 27 Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat.mp3
│ 28 Mary, Mary.mp3
│ 29 Rub-A-Dub-Dub.mp3
│ 30 This Little Pig Went to Market.mp3
│ 31 Sing a Song of Sixpence.mp3
│ 32 I Had a Little Nut Tree.mp3
│ 33 Jack, Be Nimble.mp3
│ 34 Hot Cross Buns.mp3
│ 35 Pease Porridge Hot.mp3
│ 36 Betty Botter.mp3
│ 37 Jack Sprat.mp3
│ 38 See-Saw, Margery Daw.mp3
│ 39 Pat-a-Cake.mp3
│ 40 Three Little Kittens.mp3
│ 41 Little Tommy Tucker.mp3
│ 42 Lucy Locket.mp3
│ 43 Little Jack Horner.mp3
│ 44 Little Miss Muffet.mp3
│ 45 Peter Piper.mp3
│ 46 Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone-.mp3
│ 47 Higglety, Pigglety.mp3
│ 48 Fiddle-De-Dee.mp3
│ 49 Hey Diddle Diddle.mp3
│ 50 Old King Cole.mp3
│ 51 Humpty Dumpty.mp3
│ 52 Hickety, Pickety, My Black Hen.mp3
│ 53 Hot Cross Buns.mp3
│ 54 There Was an Old Woman.mp3
│ 55 To Babyland.mp3
│ 56 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.mp3
│ 57 All Through the Night.mp3
│ 58 We Willie Winkie.mp3
│ 59 Rock-a-Bye, Baby.mp3
│ 60 Armenian Lullaby.mp3
│ 61 Bye, Baby Bunting.mp3
│ 62 My Dolly.mp3
│ 63 All Night, All Day.mp3
│ 64 The Moon.mp3
│ 65 Golden Slumbers.mp3
│ 67 Bye, Bye, Baby.mp3
│ 68 Early to Bed.mp3
│ 69 Mozart's Lullaby.mp3
│ 70 Lullaby.mp3
│ 71 Star Light.mp3
│ 72 Good Night to You All.mp3
│ 73 Hush My Child.mp3
│ 74 Brahms' Lullaby.mp3
│ 75 Hush-A-Bye.mp3
│ 76 Sleep, Baby, Sleep.mp3
│ 77 All the Pretty Little Horses.mp3
│ 78 Sweetly Sleep.mp3
├─Wee Sing- The Best of Wee Sing
│ 01 The More Wee Sing Together.mp3
│ 02 If You're Happy.mp3
│ 03 Skidamarink.mp3
│ 04 Bingo.mp3
│ 05 Do Your Ears Hang Low-.mp3
│ 06 The Big Rock Candy Mountains.mp3
│ 07 Down By the Bay.mp3
│ 08 Six Little Ducks.mp3
│ 09 Row, Row Row Your Boat.mp3
│ 10 Head and Shoulders.mp3
│ 11 Dry Bones.mp3
│ 12 Looby Loo.mp3
│ 13 Eentsy, Weentsy Spider.mp3
│ 14 Baby Bumblebee.mp3
│ 15 The Ants Go Marching.mp3
│ 16 The Bear Went Over the Mountain.mp3
│ 17 I Love the Mountains.mp3
│ 18 She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain.mp3
│ 19 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp3
│ 20 Take Me Out To the Ball Game.mp3
│ 21 To Market, To Market.mp3
│ 22 This Little Pig Went To Market.mp3
│ 23 Old Macdonald Had a Farm.mp3
│ 24 Pease Porridge Hot.mp3
│ 25 Playmate.mp3
│ 26 My Aunt Came Back.mp3
│ 27 Tingalayo.mp3
│ 28 Down By the Station.mp3
│ 29 I've Been Working On the Railroad.mp3
│ 30 Ten In a Bed.mp3
│ 31 The Farmer In the Dell.mp3
│ 32 Kookaburra.mp3
│ 33 Pop! Goes the Weasel.mp3
│ 34 Polly Wolly Doodle.mp3
│ 35 Hickory, Dickory, Dock.mp3
│ 36 Ring Around the Rosy.mp3
│ 37 The Hokey Pokey.mp3
│ 38 Teddy Bear.mp3
│ 39 Who Built the Ark-.mp3
│ 40 Rain, Rain, Go Away.mp3
│ 41 There is Thunder.mp3
│ 42 It's Raining.mp3
│ 43 Sing-a-Ling.mp3
│ 44 He's Got the Whole World.mp3
│ 45 Hush, Little Baby.mp3
│ 46 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.mp3
│ 47 The More Wee Sing Together (Reprise).mp3
├─weesing mother goose
│ 01 Boys and Girls, Come Out to Play.mp3
│ 02 Mary Had a Little Lamb.mp3
│ 03 Little Miss Muffet.mp3
│ 04 Lucy Locket.mp3
│ 05 Jack and Jill.mp3
│ 06 Curly-Locks.mp3
│ 07 There Was a Little Girl.mp3
│ 08 Mary, Mary.mp3
│ 09 Tommy Snooks and Bessy Brooks.mp3
│ 10 Georgie Porgie.mp3
│ 11 Jack Be Nimble.mp3
│ 12 Lazy Mary.mp3
│ 13 Mother, May I Go Out to Swim-.mp3
│ 14 If All the World Were Paper.mp3
│ 15 Polly, Put the Kettle On.mp3
│ 16 Molly, My Sister.mp3
│ 17 Little Tommy Tucker.mp3
│ 18 Pease Porridge Hot.mp3
│ 19 Little Jack Horner.mp3
│ 20 Peter Piper.mp3
│ 21 Hot Cross Burns.mp3
│ 22 Dibbity, Dibbity.mp3
│ 23 Jack Sprat.mp3
│ 24 Pat-a-Cake.mp3
│ 25 Hiccup, Hiccup.mp3
│ 26 Handy Pandy.mp3
│ 27 Betty Botter.mp3
│ 28 Rub-a-Dub-Dub.mp3
│ 29 Bobby Shafto.mp3
│ 30 Cobbler, Cobbler.mp3
│ 31 Fire! Fire!.mp3
│ 32 Jeremiah.mp3
│ 33 The Old Woman Under a Hill.mp3
│ 34 Doctor Foster.mp3
│ 35 One Misty, Moisty Morning.mp3
│ 36 There Was a Crooked Man.mp3
│ 37 See-Saw, Sacra-Down.mp3
│ 38 How Many Miles to Babylon-.mp3
│ 39 From Wibbleton to Wobbleton.mp3
│ 40 Ride a Cock-Horse.mp3
│ 41 I Had a Little Nut Tree.mp3
│ 42 Doodle, Doodle, Doo.mp3
│ 43 Queen Caroline.mp3
│ 44 Old King Cole.mp3
│ 45 Lavender's Blue.mp3
│ 46 Sing a Song of Sixpence.mp3
│ 47 Humpty Dumpty.mp3
│ 48 Pussycat, Pussycat.mp3
│ 49 Pussycat Ate the Dumplings.mp3
│ 50 Hey, Diddle, Diddle.mp3
│ 51 Bow, Wow, Wow.mp3
│ 52 There Was a Man.mp3
│ 53 Diddlety, Diddlety, Dumpty.mp3
│ 54 Little Robin Redbreast.mp3
│ 55 Little Jenny Wren.mp3
│ 56 Pit, Pat.mp3
│ 57 A Boy in the Barn.mp3
│ 58 Hickety, Pickety, My Black Hen.mp3
│ 59 Donkey, Donkey.mp3
│ 60 Hickory, Dickory, Dock.mp3
│ 61 To Market, to Market.mp3
│ 62 This Little Pig Went to Market.mp3
│ 63 Dickory, Dickory, Dare.mp3
│ 64 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.mp3
│ 65 Little Bo-Peep.mp3
│ 66 Little Boy Blues.mp3
│ 67 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3
│ 68 The Man in the Moon.mp3
│ 69 Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling.mp3
│ 70 Little Fred.mp3
│ 71 I See the Moon.mp3
│ └─We Sing in the Car
│ 01 Ridin' Along- Let's Go for a Ride.mp3
│ 02 Oh Me! Oh My!.mp3
│ 03 Dear Old Pals.mp3
│ 04 Riding Along.mp3
│ 05 How Much Wood.mp3
│ 06 Cruisin' Along.mp3
│ 07 The Bugs Are A-Comin'.mp3
│ 08 A Flea and a Fly.mp3
│ 09 There's a Hole in the Middle of the Road.mp3
│ 10 Round and Round.mp3
│ 11 John Brown's Chevy.mp3
│ 12 Five Big Dump Trucks.mp3
│ 13 The Wheels on the Bus.mp3
│ 14 Listen to My Motorcycle.mp3
│ 15 She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain.mp3
│ 16 Where Are We Going-- Goin' Campin'.mp3
│ 17 Whether the Weather.mp3
│ 18 Pack Up Your Hot Dogs.mp3
│ 19 The Upward Trail.mp3
│ 20 Three Tree Toads.mp3
│ 21 I Love the Mountains.mp3
│ 22 Fuzzy Wuzzy.mp3
│ 23 Home on the Range.mp3
│ 24 The United States.mp3
│ 25 Take Me Out to the Ball Game.mp3
│ 26 Down by the Bay.mp3
│ 27 Swan Swam.mp3
│ 28 The Big Rock Candy Mountains.mp3
│ 29 A Big Black Bug.mp3
│ 30 Shool.mp3
│ 31 A Tutor Who Tooted a Flute.mp3
│ 32 Whom Shall We Visit-- Oh, Susanna.mp3
│ 33 Arabella Miller.mp3
│ 34 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp3
│ 35 Betty Botter.mp3
│ 36 My Aunt Came Back.mp3
│ 37 Yon Yonson.mp3
│ 38 Polly Wally Doodle.mp3
│ 39 Six Slippery Snakes.mp3
│ 40 Ali Baba's Farm.mp3
│ 41 Sheep Shouldn't Sleep in a Shack.mp3
│ 42 Sing-A-Ling.mp3
│ &nbs
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