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主页 > 英语资源 > 音频 > 伊索寓言(世界经典童话双语悦读5)配套音频


亲子伴读网/2022-01-09/ 分类:音频/阅读:
  • 资源类型国产软件
  • 来源渠道共享软件
  • 界面语言简体中文
  • 资源大小197 MB
  • 文件类型.mp3
  • 支持设备Windows10,Win2017,Win20XP
  • 软件等级
介 绍:


  清新美丽的正文插图,图文并茂,丰富阅读体验;
  形式多样的配套练习,验收效果,巩固词汇语法;
  自然流畅的故事译文,中英对照,轻松理解故事;
  精挑细选的重点词汇,释义详尽,强化词汇记忆;
  优美动听的配乐录音,听读结合,提高听说能力。
  提供MP3免费下载,地址:www.dogwood.com.cn

1. The Bell and the Cat   2
2. The Ant and the Dove   4
3. The Ants and the Grasshoppers   6
4. The Donkey and the Grasshoppers   8
5. The Donkey and the Load of Salt   10
6. The Donkey Carrying the Statue of a God   12
7. The Bat, the Birds and the Beasts   14
8. The Boys and the Frogs   16
9. The Bundle of Sticks   18
10. The Rooster and the Jewel   20
11. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse   22
12. The Crow and His Borrowed Feather   26
13. The Crow and the Pitcher   28
14. The Crow and the Swan   30
15. The Deer at the Pond   32
16. The Dog and the Shadow   34
17. The Eagle and the Crow   36
18. The Father and His Two Daughters   38
19. The Fox and the Crow   40
20. The Fox and the Grapes   42
21. The Fox and the Stork   44
22. The Fox and the Woodcutter   46
23. The Frog and the Mouse   48
24. The Frog and the Ox   50
25. The Frogs Who Desired a King   52
26. The Goose and the Golden Egg   54
27. The Horse and the Donkey   56
28. The Hunter and the Woodcutter   58
29. The Lion and the Dolphin   60
30. The Lion and the Mouse   62
31. The Lion, the Bear and the Fox   64
32. The Milkmaid and the Pail   66
33. The Miller, His Son and the Donkey   68
34. The Miser   72
35. The Monkey as a King   74
36. The Moon and Her Mother   76
37. The Mosquito and the Lion   78
38. The North Wind and the Sun   80
39. The Oak and the Reeds   82
40. The Old Man and Death   84
41. The Old Woman and the Doctor   86
42. The Peacock and the Crane   88
43. The Rabbit and the Turtle   90
44. The Rabbits and the Frogs   92
45. The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf   94
46. The Thief and His Mother   96
47. The Travelers and the Bear   98
48. The Turtle and the Ducks   100
49. The Two Crabs   102
50. The Two Goats   104
51. The Two Pots   106
52. The Wild Boar and the Fox   108
53. The Wolf and His Shadow   110
54. The Wolf and the Crane   112
55. The Wolf and the Dog   114
56. The Wolf and the Goat   116
57. The Wolf and the Kid   118
58. The Wolf and the Lamb   120
59. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing   122
60. The Young Man and the Swallow   124
译文   126
练习翻译与参考答案   151
单词表   ……...……………………………………………………194

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