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    “柯林斯大猫(Big Cat)分级阅读系列”是哈珀·柯林斯出版集团旗下的经典英语读物品牌,畅销英国多年并被大多英国学校选为教学材料,是来自纯正英语国家的语言教育模。

    “柯林斯大猫(Big Cat)分级阅读系列”共包括7套图书,每套各包含了14本全彩故事书,其中全是孩子们感兴趣的动物、植物、侦探以及英国知名图画故事书作家绘者的小故事等内容,还有2本父母指导手册,用以帮助家长全方位指导孩子的阅读。


    7套阅读系列里,粉红A, B和红色A,B这4套针对培养3-6岁儿童的注意力、观察力、记忆力和思维力而开发,主要是以扎实基础和稳步提升英语阅读水平为目的。而绿色、黄色和蓝色这3套产品则就7-11岁儿童在校学习的特点,加入了更多的寓言故事和科学知识,以让孩子更轻松地融入学校环境并带着兴趣去阅读,在阅读中学习英语,增长知识。

    “柯林斯大猫(Big Cat)分级阅读系列”的出版商哈珀·柯林斯出版集团系新闻集团的全资子公司,是全球最大的英文书籍出版商之一,总部位于纽约,其旗下的出版集团遍布世界各地。此套“柯林斯大猫系列”为哈珀·柯林斯英国出版公司内的柯林斯语言部门出品。添加微a信【demo5354】备注“大猫分级阅读”自动领取。



    ├─01级 粉色 44本

    │ ├─PinkA 22本

    │ │ ├─PDF

    │ │ │ Cars.pdf

    │ │ │ Dinosaur Rock.pdf

    │ │ │ Getting Dressed.pdf

    │ │ │ How Many Animals.pdf

    │ │ │ How to Make a Hat.pdf

    │ │ │ In The Boat.pdf

    │ │ │ In The Garden.pdf

    │ │ │ Jump and Fly.pdf

    │ │ │ Minibeasts.pdf

    │ │ │ My Family Tree.pdf

    │ │ │ My Skateboard.pdf

    │ │ │ Oops Owl.pdf

    │ │ │ Pushing and Pulling.pdf

    │ │ │ Shapes.pdf

    │ │ │ Teeth.pdf

    │ │ │ The Farmer's Lunch.pdf

    │ │ │ The Guinea Pigs.pdf

    │ │ │ The Picnic.pdf

    │ │ │ The Very Wet Dog.pdf

    │ │ │ Walking and Walking.pdf

    │ │ │ Wash,Wash,Wash.pdf

    │ │ │ Yum.pdf

    │ │ │ │ └─音频

    │ │ Cars.wma

    │ │ Dinosaur Rock.wma

    │ │ Getting Dressed.wma

    │ │ How Many Animals.wma

    │ │ How to Make a Hat.wma

    │ │ In The Boat.wma

    │ │ In The Garden.wma

    │ │ Jump and Fly.wma

    │ │ Minibeasts.wma

    │ │ My Family Tree.wma

    │ │ My Skateboard.wma

    │ │ Oops,Owl!.wma

    │ │ Pushing and Pulling.wma

    │ │ Shapes.wma

    │ │ Teeth.wma

    │ │ The Farmer's Lunch.wma

    │ │ The Guinea Pigs.wma

    │ │ The Picnic.wma

    │ │ The Very Wet Dog.wma

    │ │ Walking and Walking.wma

    │ │ Wash!Wash!Wash!.wma

    │ │ Yum.wma

    │ │ └─PinkB 22本

    │ ├─PDF

    │ │ Cats.pdf

    │ │ Colour Bears.pdf

    │ │ Come to the Circus.pdf

    │ │ Fly Away Home.pdf

    │ │ I Can Do It.pdf

    │ │ I Can Help.pdf

    │ │ In the Desert.pdf

    │ │ In the Forest.pdf

    │ │ In the jungle.pdf

    │ │ In The Sea.pdf

    │ │ Monster Mess.pdf

    │ │ Playing.pdf

    │ │ Seasons Scrapbook.pdf

    │ │ Splash.pdf

    │ │ The Big Splash.pdf

    │ │ The Boy Who Cried Wolf.pdf

    │ │ The Pond.pdf

    │ │ The Robot.pdf

    │ │ The See-Saw.pdf

    │ │ The Three Little Rabbits .pdf

    │ │ We Like Fruit.pdf

    │ │ Wheels.pdf

    │ │ └─PinkB音频

    │ Cats.wma

    │ Colour Bears.wma

    │ Come to the circus.wma

    │ Fly Away Home.wma

    │ I can do it.wma

    │ I Can Help.wma

    │ In the Desert.wma

    │ In the Forest.wma

    │ In the Jungle.wma

    │ In the Sea.wma

    │ Monster Mess.wma

    │ Playing.wma

    │ Seasons Scrapbook.wma

    │ Splash.wma

    │ The Big Splash.wma

    │ The boy who cried wolf.wma

    │ The pond.wma

    │ The Robot.wma

    │ The See-Saw.wma

    │ The Three Little Rabbits.wma

    │ We like fruit.wma

    │ Wheels.wma

    ├─02级 红色 44本

    │ ├─Red A

    │ │ │ Snap!.pdf

    │ │ │ │ ├─PDF

    │ │ │ A Day Out.pdf

    │ │ │ A Night at the Gallery.pdf

    │ │ │ Animal Coats.pdf

    │ │ │ Bad Bat.pdf

    │ │ │ Cat and Dog play Hide and Seek.pdf

    │ │ │ Have You Ever?.pdf

    │ │ │ Homes.pdf

    │ │ │ How to Make a Camp.pdf

    │ │ │ How to Make a Sock Puppet.pdf

    │ │ │ In the Dark.pdf

    │ │ │ My Bike Ride.pdf

    │ │ │ Shapes on the Seashore.pdf

    │ │ │ Snap!.pdf

    │ │ │ Tec and the Cake.pdf

    │ │ │ Tec and the Hole.pdf

    │ │ │ The Beach.pdf

    │ │ │ The Fox and the Stork.pdf

    │ │ │ The Magic Egg.pdf

    │ │ │ Up,Up and Away.pdf

    │ │ │ Weather Report.pdf

    │ │ │ What's inside.pdf

    │ │ │ World of Football.pdf

    │ │ │ │ └─音频

    │ │ A Day Out.wma

    │ │ A Night at the Gallery.wma

    │ │ Animal Coats.wma

    │ │ Best Bird.wma

    │ │ Cat and Dog play Hide and Seek.wma

    │ │ Have You Ever?.wma

    │ │ Homes.wma

    │ │ How to Make a Camp.wma

    │ │ How to Make a Sock Puppet.wma

    │ │ In the Dark.wma

    │ │ My Bike Ride.wma

    │ │ Shapes on the Seashore.wma

    │ │ Snap!.wma

    │ │ Tec and the Cake.wma

    │ │ Tec and the Hole.wma

    │ │ The Beach.wma

    │ │ The Fox and the Stork.wma

    │ │ The Magic Egg.wma

    │ │ Up,Up and Away.wma

    │ │ Weather Report.wma

    │ │ What's inside.wma

    │ │ World of Football.wma

    │ │ └─Red B

    │ ├─PDF

    │ │ All in a Month.pdf

    │ │ Art in the Woods.pdf

    │ │ At the Dump.pdf

    │ │ Ben and bobo.pdf

    │ │ Best Bird.pdf

    │ │ Bones.pdf

    │ │ Jack and the Beanstalk.pdf

    │ │ Let's Go Shopping.pdf

    │ │ Meg,Mum and the Donkey.pdf

    │ │ My Exercise Diary.pdf

    │ │ Our World.pdf

    │ │ Pirates.pdf

    │ │ River Journey.pdf

    │ │ Super Ben.pdf

    │ │ Tec and the litter.pdf

    │ │ The Lion and the Mouse.pdf

    │ │ The Oak Tree.pdf

    │ │ What Are You Making.pdf

    │ │ What do you like?.pdf

    │ │ What's For Breakfast.pdf

    │ │ Where is the Wind.pdf

    │ │ Woody's Week.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ All in a Month.wma

    │ Art in the Woods.wma

    │ At the Dump.wma

    │ Bad Bat.wma

    │ Ben and bobo.wma

    │ Bones.wma

    │ Jack and the Beanstalk.wma

    │ Let's Go Shopping.wma

    │ Meg,Mum and the Donkey.wma

    │ My Exercise Diary.wma

    │ Our World.wma

    │ Pirates.wma

    │ River Journey.wma

    │ Super Ben.wma

    │ Tec and the litter.wma

    │ The Lion and the Mouse.wma

    │ The Oak Tree.wma

    │ What Are You Making.wma

    │ What do you like?.wma

    │ What's For Breakfast.wma

    │ Where is the Wind.wma

    │ Woody's Week.wma

    ├─03级 黄色 29本

    │ ├─PDF

    │ │ Around the World.pdf

    │ │ Baby Dragon and tthe Animal Olmpics.pdf

    │ │ Bob’s Secret Hideaway.pdf

    │ │ Dance to the Beat.pdf

    │ │ Discover Mars.pdf

    │ │ Doing Nothing!.pdf

    │ │ Elephant‘s Ears.pdf

    │ │ Hands.pdf

    │ │ How to Have a Party.pdf

    │ │ It was a Cold,Dark Night.pdf

    │ │ Lights.pdf

    │ │ Milo‘s Moustache.pdf

    │ │ My Pet Worm.pdf

    │ │ Night Animals.pdf

    │ │ Percy and the Rabbit.pdf

    │ │ Rat-a-tat-tat.pdf

    │ │ Rebecca at the Funfair.pdf

    │ │ Rolling.pdf

    │ │ Sam the Big,Bad Cat.pdf

    │ │ The BABY Turtle.pdf

    │ │ The Dancing Dog.pdf

    │ │ The Hare and the Tortoise.pdf

    │ │ The Helper Bird.pdf

    │ │ The Little Egg.pdf

    │ │ The New Kite.pdf

    │ │ The Wind.pdf

    │ │ Time for School.pdf

    │ │ Water Bears.pdf

    │ │ Where is my School?.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ Around the World.wma

    │ Baby Dragon and tthe Animal Olmpics.wma

    │ Bob’s Secret Hideaway.wma

    │ Dance to the Beat.wma

    │ Discover Mars.wma

    │ Doing Nothing!.wma

    │ Elephant‘s Ears.wma

    │ Hands.wma

    │ How to Have a Party.wma

    │ It was a Cold,Dark Night.wma

    │ Lights.wma

    │ Milo‘s Moustache.wma

    │ My Pet Worm.wma

    │ Night Animals.wma

    │ Percy and the Rabbit.wma

    │ Rat-a-tat-tat.wma

    │ Rebecca at the Funfair.wma

    │ Rolling.wma

    │ Sam the Big,Bad Cat.wma

    │ The BABY Turtle.wma

    │ The Dancing Dog.wma

    │ The Hare and the Tortoise.wma

    │ The Helper Bird.wma

    │ The Little Egg.wma

    │ The New Kite.wma

    │ The Wind.wma

    │ Time for School.wma

    │ Water Bears.wma

    │ Where is my School?.wma

    ├─04级 蓝阶 30本

    │ ├─PDF

    │ │ Animals in Hiding.pdf

    │ │ Arctic Life.pdf

    │ │ Bert's Band.pdf

    │ │ Blast off to the Moon.pdf

    │ │ Colours.pdf

    │ │ Fishy Friend.pdf

    │ │ Funny fish.pdf

    │ │ Going to the Zoo.pdf

    │ │ Growing and Changing.pdf

    │ │ Harry's Garden.pdf

    │ │ It's Geat to Be Small.pdf

    │ │ Knock! Knock!.pdf

    │ │ Let's Build a Rocket.pdf

    │ │ Mojo and Weeza and the Funny Thing.pdf

    │ │ Mojo and Weeza and the New Hat.pdf

    │ │ New from Old:Recycling Plastic.pdf

    │ │ Percy and the badger.pdf

    │ │ Robots.pdf

    │ │ Sounds.pdf

    │ │ SUPER SAM.pdf

    │ │ Talk Talk Talk.pdf

    │ │ The Fantastic Fling Squirrel.pdf

    │ │ The Lonely Penguin.pdf

    │ │ The Mermaid and the Octopus.pdf

    │ │ the Prince and the Parsnip.pdf

    │ │ The Steam Tain.pdf

    │ │ Tod and the Trumpet.pdf

    │ │ Top Dinosaurs.pdf

    │ │ Wait and See.pdf

    │ │ What's Underground.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ 01 曲目 1.wma

    │ 02 曲目 2.wma

    │ 03 曲目 3.wma

    │ 04 曲目 4.wma

    │ 05 曲目 5.wma

    │ 06 曲目 6.wma

    │ 07 曲目 7.wma

    │ 08 曲目 8.wma

    │ 09 曲目 9.wma

    │ 10 曲目 10.wma

    │ 11 曲目 11.wma

    │ 12 曲目 12.wma

    │ 13 曲目 13.wma

    │ 14 曲目 14.wma

    │ 15 曲目 15.wma

    │ 16 曲目 16.wma

    │ 17 曲目 17.wma

    │ 18 曲目 18.wma

    │ Animals in Hiding.wma

    │ Arctic Life.wma

    │ Blast off to the Moon.wma

    │ Colous.wma

    │ Growing and Changing.wma

    │ Harry's Garden.wma

    │ New from Old:Recycling Plastic.wma

    │ Robots.wma

    │ Sounds.wma

    │ The Fantastic Fling Squirrel.wma

    │ Top Dinosaurs.wma

    │ What's Underground.wma

    ├─05级 green 21本

    │ │ A Day at he Eden Project(1).pdf

    │ │ A Day at he Eden Project.pdf

    │ │ Big cat Babies(1).pdf

    │ │ Big cat Babies.pdf

    │ │ Ella the superstar(1).pdf

    │ │ Ella the superstar.pdf

    │ │ Grunch and Munch.pdf

    │ │ How the Elephant got his trunk.pdf

    │ │ I want a pet.pdf

    │ │ I've just had a bright idea.pdf

    │ │ Jodie the juggler.pdf

    │ │ Nick Butterworth Making Books.pdf

    │ │ Olympic Heroes(1).pdf

    │ │ Olympic Heroes.pdf

    │ │ One potato.pdf

    │ │ Scary Hair.pdf

    │ │ Seahorses.pdf

    │ │ Spines,stings and teeth.pdf

    │ │ super sculptures.pdf

    │ │ The King of the Forest.pdf

    │ │ The magic pen.pdf

    │ │ Too Hot to stop.pdf

    │ │ Wellies(1).pdf

    │ │ Wellies.pdf

    │ │ Wild dog in the city(1).pdf

    │ │ Wild dog in the city.pdf

    │ │ Worm Looks for Lunch(1).pdf

    │ │ Worm Looks for Lunch.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ 05-How the elephant got his trunk.mp3

    │ 05-One potato.mp3

    │ 05-Wild dog in the city.mp3

    │ A Day at the Eden Project_Final.mp3

    │ Big Cat Babies_Final.mp3

    │ Crunch and Munch_Final.mp3

    │ Ella the Superstar_Final.mp3

    │ I Want a Pet_Final.mp3

    │ I've Just Had a Bright Idea_Final.mp3

    │ Jodie the Juggler_Final.mp3

    │ Nick Butterworth_ Making Books_Final.mp3

    │ Olympic Heroes_Final.mp3

    │ Scary Hair_Final.mp3

    │ Seahorse_Final.mp3

    │ Spines Stings and Teeth_Final.mp3

    │ Super Sculptures_Final.mp3

    │ The King of the Forest_Final.mp3

    │ The Magic Pen_Final.mp3

    │ Too Hot to Stop_Final.mp3

    │ Wellies_Final.mp3

    │ Worm Looks for Lunch_Final.mp3

    ├─06级 orange 22册

    │ │ A Day in India.pdf

    │ │ A Letter to New Zealand.pdf

    │ │ Arthur‘s Fantastic Party.pdf

    │ │ Bounce Catch Kick Throw.pdf

    │ │ Bugs.pdf

    │ │ Clementine's Smile.pdf

    │ │ Fire Fire.pdf

    │ │ First Day.pdf


    │ │ How to Make Pop Up Cards.pdf

    │ │ Kind Emma.pdf

    │ │ Lost Sock.pdf

    │ │ Marathon.pdf

    │ │ Morris Plays Hide and Seek.pdf


    │ │ Slumbery Stumble in the Jungle.pdf

    │ │ The Brave Baby.pdf

    │ │ The Gardening Year.pdf

    │ │ The Titanic .pdf

    │ │ Turtle's Party in the Clouds.pdf

    │ │ What is CGI.pdf

    │ │ When Arthur Wouldn't Sleep.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ 06-Holidays then and now.mp3

    │ 06-Slumbery stumble in the jungle.mp3

    │ 06-The gardening year.mp3

    │ 06-Turtle' s party in the clouds.mp3

    │ A Day In India_Final.mp3

    │ A Letter to New Zealand_Final.mp3

    │ Arthur's Fantastic Party_Final.mp3

    │ Bounce Catch Kick Throw_Final.mp3

    │ Bugs!_Final.mp3

    │ Clementine's Smile_Final.mp3

    │ Fire Fire_Final.mp3

    │ First Day_Final.mp3

    │ How to Make Pop-up Cards_Final.mp3

    │ Kind Emma_Final.mp3

    │ Lost Sock_Final_Final.mp3

    │ Marathon_Final.mp3

    │ Morris Plays Hide and Seek_Final.mp3

    │ Pompeii_Final_Final.mp3

    │ The Brave Baby_Final.mp3

    │ The Titanic_Final.mp3

    │ When Arthur Wouldn't Sleep_Final.mp3

    ├─07级 turquoise 22本

    │ │ A Visit to the Farm.pdf

    │ │ Africa's Big Three.pdf

    │ │ Brown Bear and Wilbur Wolf.pdf

    │ │ Castles.pdf

    │ │ Chewy Hughie.pdf

    │ │ Fly Facts.pdf

    │ │ From Tree to Book.pdf

    │ │ Going Fast.pdf

    │ │ Going for a Drive.pdf

    │ │ Good Fun Farm.pdf

    │ │ Harry the Clever Spider .pdf

    │ │ Harry the Clever Spider at School.pdf

    │ │ Homes Sweet Homes.pdf

    │ │ Horses‘ Holiday.pdf

    │ │ How to Make Storybooks.pdf


    │ │ The Big Bad City.pdf

    │ │ The Bogeyman.pdf

    │ │ The Journey of Humpback Whales.pdf

    │ │ The Lost Village of Skara Brae.pdf

    │ │ The Stone Cutter.pdf

    │ │ What's that Building.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ 07-From tree to book.mp3

    │ 07-Homes sweet homes.mp3

    │ 07-Landmarks of the world.mp3

    │ 07-The big bad city.mp3

    │ A Visit to the Farm_Final.mp3

    │ Africa's Big Three_Final.mp3

    │ Brown Bear and Wilbur Wold_Final.mp3

    │ Castles_FIX Final.mp3

    │ Chewy Hughie_Final.mp3

    │ Fly Facts_Final.mp3

    │ Going Fast_Final.mp3

    │ Going for a Drive_Final.mp3

    │ Good Fun Farm_Final.mp3

    │ Harry the Clever Spider at School_Final.mp3

    │ Harry the Clever Spider_Final.mp3

    │ Horses' Holiday_Final.mp3

    │ How to Make Storybooks_Final.mp3

    │ The Bogeyman_Final.mp3

    │ The Journey of the Humpback Whale_Final.mp3

    │ The Lost Village of Skara Brae_Final.mp3

    │ The Stone Cutter_Final.mp3

    │ What's that Building_Final.mp3

    ├─08级 purple 21本

    │ ├─PDF

    │ │ Buzz and Bingo in the Monster Maze.pdf

    │ │ Captain Scott Journey to the South Pole.pdf

    │ │ Chicken Licken.pdf

    │ │ Dubai from the Sky.pdf

    │ │ Harry the Clever Spider on holiday.pdf

    │ │ Hector and the Cello.pdf

    │ │ How to Draw Cartoons.pdf

    │ │ If.pdf

    │ │ Inside the Puppet Theatre.pdf

    │ │ Let's Go To Mars.pdf

    │ │ Living Dinosaurs.pdf

    │ │ Own Goal.pdf

    │ │ Pacific Island Scrapbook.pdf

    │ │ Pet Detectives Tortoise Trouble.pdf

    │ │ Royal Rap.pdf

    │ │ So You Want a Pet.pdf

    │ │ Star Boy's Surprise.pdf

    │ │ The Digestive System.pdf

    │ │ The Pot of Gold.pdf

    │ │ Twinkle Twinkle Firefly.pdf

    │ │ Were They Real.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ 08-Dubai from the sky.mp3

    │ 08-Own goal.mp3

    │ 08-royal rap.mp3

    │ 08-So you want a pet.mp3

    │ Buzz and Bingo in the Monster Maze_Final.mp3

    │ Captain Scott_Final.mp3

    │ Chicken Licken_Final.mp3

    │ Harry the Clever Spider on holiday_Final.mp3

    │ Hector and the Cello_Final.mp3

    │ How to Draw Cartoons_Final.mp3

    │ If_Final.mp3

    │ Inside the Puppet Theatre_Final.mp3

    │ Let's go to mars_Final Fix.mp3

    │ Living Dinosaurs_Final.mp3

    │ Pacific Island Scrapbook_Final.mp3

    │ Pet Detectives Tortoise Trouble_Final.mp3

    │ Star Boy's Surprise_Final.mp3

    │ The Digestive System_Final.mp3

    │ The Pot of Gold_Final.mp3

    │ Twinkle, Twinkle Firefly_Final.mp3

    │ Were They Real_Final.mp3

    ├─09级 gold 22本


    │ │ Brilliant Bridges.pdf

    │ │ Buried Treasure.pdf

    │ │ Buzz and Bingo in the Fairytale Forest.pdf

    │ │ Catching Flies.pdf

    │ │ China's Terracotta Army.pdf

    │ │ Escape from the Island.pdf

    │ │ Flying High.pdf


    │ │ How Does it Work.pdf

    │ │ How to be a Pirate in 10 easy stages.pdf

    │ │ How to be Knight in 10 easy stages.pdf

    │ │ Ice Cream.pdf

    │ │ I‘m Growing a Truck in the Garden.pdf

    │ │ Mountain Mona.pdf

    │ │ Pet Detectives The Ball Burglary.pdf

    │ │ Peter and the Wolf.pdf

    │ │ Pirate Party.pdf

    │ │ Rumpelstiltskin.pdf

    │ │ Swimming with Dolphins.pdf

    │ │ The Boy with Wings.pdf

    │ │ The Woman who Fooled the Fairies.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ └─音频

    │ 09-Flying High.mp3

    │ 09-great explorers.mp3

    │ 09-Rumpelstiltskin_1.mp3

    │ 09-The boy with wings.mp3

    │ Animal Ancestors_Final.mp3

    │ Brilliant Bridges_Final.mp3

    │ Buried Treasure_Final.mp3

    │ Buzz and Bingo Forest_Final.mp3

    │ Catching flies_Final.mp3

    │ China's Terracotta Army_Final.mp3

    │ Escape From the Island_Final.mp3

    │ How does it work_Final.mp3

    │ How to be a Knight_Final.mp3

    │ How To Be A Pirate_Final.mp3

    │ Ice Cream_Final.mp3

    │ Im Growing a Truck in the Garden_Final.mp3

    │ Mountain Mona_Final.mp3

    │ Pet Dectectives The Ball Burglary_Final.mp3

    │ Peter and the Wolf_Final.mp3

    │ Pirate Party_Final.mp3

    │ Swimming with Dolphins_Final.mp3

    │ The Woman who Fooled the Fairies_Final.mp3

    ├─10级 White 17本

    │ ├─PDF


    │ │ Antarctica Land of the Penguins.pdf

    │ │ BRAVE NURSES.pdf

    │ │ Buzz and Bingo in the Starry Sky.pdf

    │ │ Changing Designs.pdf

    │ │ Cinderella.pdf

    │ │ Class Six and the Very Big Rabbit.pdf

    │ │ Fossils.pdf

    │ │ I Never Know How Poems Start.pdf

    │ │ Is There Anyone Out There.pdf

    │ │ Our Head Teacher is a Super-Villain.pdf

    │ │ Rally Challenge.pdf

    │ │ The Great Chapatti Chase.pdf

    │ │ The Sneezles.pdf

    │ │ TIGER'S TALE.pdf

    │ │ Why Can't Humans Fly.pdf

    │ │ Your Senses.pdf

    │ │ └─音频

    │ 10-Brave nurses.mp3

    │ 10-Changing designs.mp3

    │ 10-Our head teacher.mp3

    │ 10-The great chapatti chase.mp3

    │ A Christmas Carol_Final.mp3

    │ Antarctica - Land of the Penguins_Final.mp3

    │ Buzz and Bingo Starry_Final.mp3

    │ Cinderella_Final.mp3

    │ Class Six and the Very Big Rabbit_Final.mp3

    │ Fossils_Final.mp3

    │ I Never Know How Poems Start_Final.mp3

    │ Is there anyone out there_Final.mp3

    │ Rally Challenge_Final.mp3

    │ The Sneezles_Final.mp3

    │ Tiger's Tale_Final.mp3

    │ Why Cant Humans Fly_Final.mp3

    │ Your Senses_Final_New.mp3

    └─11级 Lime 17本


    │ Blood.pdf

    │ building high.pdf


    │ Cloud Forest.pdf

    │ Fabulous Creatures-Are They Real.pdf

    │ Hercules Superhero.pdf

    │ Mighty Mountains Swirling Seas.pdf

    │ Oliver.pdf

    │ PLAGUE and FIRE.pdf


    │ The Amazing Adventures of BATBIRD.pdf

    │ The Monster Under the Bed.pdf

    │ The Porridge Pincher.pdf

    │ Think Again.pdf

    │ TIG in the DUMPS.pdf

    │ We See a Cloud.pdf

    │ Wild Weather.pdf


    11-Mighty mountains.mp3

    11-Spreading the word.mp3

    11-We See A Cloud.mp3

    11-Wild weather.mp3


    Building High_Final.mp3

    Charles Dickens_Final.mp3

    Cloud Forest_Final.mp3

    Fabulous Creatures - Are They Real_Final.mp3

    Hercules Superhero_Final.mp3


    Plague and Fire_Final.mp3

    The Amazing Adventures of Batbird_Final.mp3

    The Monster Under the Bed_Final.mp3

    The Porridge Pincher_Final.mp3

    Think Again_Final.mp3

    Tig In The Dumps_Final.mp3


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