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  • PBS出版恐龙列车Dinosaur Train第一季39集英语原声AVI格式视频无字幕式资源亲子伴读网





    恐龙列车 Dinosaur Train介绍


    《恐龙列车Dinosaur Train》是由美国PBS电视台针对学龄前儿童推出的一个知识性冒险节目,是Jim Henson公司继《科学小子西德Sid the Science Kid》之后制作的第二部CGI动画片。节目趣味性强,让小朋友在玩乐中了解生命科学,自然石和古生物学。


    恐龙列车 Dinosaur Train 剧情


    英文版恐龙列车 Dinosaur Train 第一季剧集

    S01E01 Valley of the Stygimolochs - Tiny Loves Fish.mp4
    S01E02 The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus - Triceratops For Lunch.mp4
    S01E03 Beating The Heat - Flowers For Mom.mp4
    S01E04 I'm a T. Rex - Ned the Quadruped.mp4
    S01E05 One Smart Dinosaur - Petey The Peteinosaurus.mp4
    S01E06 Fast Friends - T Rex Teeth.mp4
    S01E07 Now With Feathers! - A Frill a Minute.mp4
    S01E08 One Big Dinosaur - Play Date with Annie.mp4
    S01E09 Armored Like an Ankylosaurus - Campout!.mp4
    S01E10 Laura The Giganotosaurus - Dinosaur Poop!.mp4
    S01E11 Derek The Deinonychus - Don's Dragonfly.mp4
    S01E12 One Small Dinosaur - T Rex Migration.mp4
    S01E13 Hootin' Hadrosaurs - Surprise Party.mp4
    S01E14 The Teropod Club - Hatching Party.mp4
    S01E15 The Old Spinosaurs And The Sea - A Spiiky Tail.mp4
    S01E16 Night Train - Fossil Fred.mp4
    S01E17 Dinosaurs in the Snow -Cretaceous Conifers.mp4
    S01E18 The Burrowers - Shiny's Sea Shells.mp4
    S01E19 King Cryolophosaurus - Buddy the Tracker.mp4
    S01E20 The Old Bird - Diamond Don.mp4
    S01E21 Dinosaur Camouflage - Family Scavenger Hunt.mp4
    S01E22 Have You Heard About the Herd - Jess Hesperornis.mp4
    S01E23 Triassic Turtle - Tank's Baby Brother.mp4
    S01E24 Erma Eoraptor - Under the Volcano.mp4
    S01E25 Pteranodon Family World Tour - Gilbert the Junior Conductor.mp4
    S01E26 Confuciusornis Says - Tiny's Tiny Doll.mp4
    S01E27 Iggy Iguanodon - Shiny Can't Sleep.mp4
    S01E28 Kenny Kentrosaurus - Don and the Troodons.mp4
    S01E29 Long Claws - Tank's Sleep Over.mp4
    S01E30 New Neighbors - Don's Collection.mp4
    S01E31 The Wing Kings - The Big Mud Pit.mp4
    S01E32 Buck-Tooth Bucky- Tiny's Tiny Friend.mp4
    S01E33 An Armored Tail Tale - Pterosaur Flying Club.mp4
    S01E34 Great Big Stomping Dinosaur Feet - Hornucopia.mp4
    S01E35 The Good Mom - Diamond Anniversary.mp4
    S01E36 Elmer Elasmosaurus - Dinosaur Block Party.mp4
    S01E37 Paulie Pliosaurus - Elmer Visits the Desert.mp4
    S01E38A Carla Cretoxyrhina - The Amazing Michelinoceras Brothers.mp4
    S01E38B Train Trouble.mp4
    S01E39 The Amazing Michelinoceras Brothers - Dad's Day Out.mp4
    S01E40 Junior Conductor Jamboree - Troodon Train Day.mp4


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