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  • 神奇马克笔Magic Marker73集全英语英字第二季亲子伴读网



    《Magic Marker》是little fox公司出品的适学龄前小朋友学习英语的分级视频动画,可爱活泼的卡通形象,吸引小朋友的目光让小朋友愉快地学习英语。每个小故事有一个主题,内容新颖,有教育意义。内容简单人物可爱,非常适合英语启蒙教育;能够带领孩子们在快乐的氛围中学习简单的英语知识,是英语学习的好伙伴。


    01 Meet the Characters.mp4
    02 Maxie and Taco.mp4
    03 New Friends.mp4
    04 What Is This.mp4
    05 Who Is That.mp4
    06 I Like Fish.mp4
    07 Let’s Play Soccer.mp4
    08 Where is Maxie.mp4
    09 Can You Fly.mp4
    10 My Favorite Color Is Blue.mp4
    11 Watch This.mp4
    12 I Want to Go Home.mp4
    13 I’m Sorry.mp4
    14 Is It a Magic Marker.mp4
    15 I’m an Artist.mp4
    16 She Is Tall and Old.mp4
    17 How Many Pets.mp4
    18 Where’s the Doll.mp4
    19 What Are This.mp4
    20 What Do You Have.mp4
    21 What Time Is It.mp4
    22 We’re Having a Party.mp4
    23 Party Time.mp4
    24 Juice or Soda.mp4
    25 This is Mine.mp4
    26 Who’s She.mp4
    27 What Day Is It Today.mp4
    28 What Do You Do on Tuesday.mp4
    29 Do You Have a Jacket.mp4
    30 Does She Have Any Popcorn.mp4
    31 It Has Eight Long Legs.mp4
    32 Get Up,Taco.mp4
    33 Where are you from.mp4
    34 Sue Is in the Bedroom.mp4
    35 There Is a Lamp in the Living Room.mp4
    36 Grandmother Goes Home.mp4
    37 Whose Book Is This.mp4
    38 What’s Your Favorite Subject.mp4
    39 Where Is the School.mp4
    40 In the News.mp4
    41 I Sometimes Go Swimming.mp4
    42 When Do You Eat Lunch.mp4
    43 I’m Taking a Bus.mp4
    44 Where Were You Yesterday.mp4
    45 What Did You Do Yesterday.mp4
    46 We Ate Noodles.mp4
    47 There Is No Magic Marker.mp4
    48 The New Neighbor.mp4
    49 We Need the Magic Marker Again.mp4
    50 Follow That Truck.mp4
    51 I’m Ticklish.mp4
    52 At the Airport.mp4
    53 Welcome to China.mp4
    54 Do you Speak English.mp4
    55 Making New Friends.mp4
    56 The Great Wall of China.mp4
    57 The Dragon Danceg.mp4
    58 Time to Say Goodbye.mp4
    59 Sneaking Aboard.mp4
    60 Underwater Adventures.mp4
    61 The Storm.mp4
    62 Lulu the Panda Bear.mp4
    63 Land Ahoy.mp4
    64 Where Are WE.mp4
    65 Fancy MeetingYou Here.mp4
    66 Going by Train.mp4
    67 The Guest.mp4
    68 Meeting at the Train Station.mp4
    69 Where Should We Go.mp4
    70 Under the Tree.mp4
    71 The Truth About the Magic Marker.mp4
    72 Home Sweet Home.mp4
    73 I Can skateboard.mp4


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