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    │  ├─级别 (1)

    │  │      1-01 At school(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-02 Getting up(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-03 Look out(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-04 The Haircut(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-05 The Lost Teddy(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-06 The Library(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-07 The swing ball(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-08 The street fair(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-09 The Big Box(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-10 Fetch(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-11 The Hedgehog(无字书).pdf
    │  │      1-12 The Apple.pdf
    │  │      1-13 who_is_it.pdf
    │  │      1-14 floppy_floppy.pdf
    │  │      1-15 six_in_a_bed.pdf
    │  │      1-16 a_good_trick.pdf
    │  │      1-17 fun_at_the_beach.pdf
    │  │      1-18 The_pancake.pdf
    │  │      1-19 Is It.pdf
    │  │      1-20 Get On.pdf
    │  │      1-21 Floppy did this.pdf
    │  │      1-22 Get Dad.pdf
    │  │      1-23 Up You Go.pdf
    │  │      1-24 I See.pdf
    │  │      1-25 Hide and Seek.pdf
    │  │      1-26 Look at Me.pdf
    │  │      1-27 Go away Floppy.pdf
    │  │      1-28 Reds and blues.pdf
    │  │      1-29 Big Feet.pdf
    │  │      1-30 Kipper's Dairy.pdf
    │  │      1-31 What Dogs Like.pdf
    │  │      1-32 Presents for Dad.pdf
    │  │      1-33 Top Dog.pdf
    │  │      1-34 Look After Me.pdf
    │  │      1-35 Go On,Mum.pdf
    │  │      1-36 Go Away,Cat.pdf
    │  │      1-37 The Sandcastle.pdf
    │  │      1-38 Floppy's Bone.pdf
    │  │      1-39 The Box of Treasure.pdf
    │  │      1-40 Hook a Duck.pdf
    │  │      1-41 Chip's Robot.pdf
    │  │      1-42 One Wheel.pdf
    │  │      1-43 The Ice Cream.pdf
    │  │      1-44 Can You See Me.pdf
    │  │      1-45 Good Dog.pdf
    │  │      1-46 What a DIN!.pdf
    │  │      1-47 See Me Skip.pdf
    │  │      1-48 The Mud Pie.pdf
    │  │      1-49 The Headache.pdf
    │  │      1-50 At the Park.pdf
    │  │      1-51 Fancy Dress.pdf
    │  │      1-52 Push!.pdf
    │  │      1-53 Good Old Mum.pdf
    │  │      1-54 The Pet Shop.pdf
    │  │      1-55 What a Mess.pdf
    │  │      1-56 Making Faces.pdf
    │  │      1-57 The Journey.pdf
    │  │      1-58 Goal!.pdf
    │  │      1-59 Who did that.pdf
    │  │      1-60 Shopping.pdf
    │  ├─级别 (2)
    │  │      2-01 The Toy's Party.pdf
    │  │      2-02 New Trainers.pdf
    │  │      2-03 A New Dog.pdf
    │  │      2-04 What a Bad Dog!.pdf
    │  │      2-05 The Go-Kart.pdf
    │  │      2-06 The Dream.pdf
    │  │      2-07 Floppy's Bath.pdf
    │  │      2-08 The Baby-sitter.pdf
    │  │      2-09 The Water Fight.pdf
    │  │      2-10 Kipper's Balloon.pdf
    │  │      2-11 Spots.pdf
    │  │      2-12 Kipper's Birthday.pdf
    │  │      2-13 Kipper's Laces.pdf
    │  │      2-14 The Wobbly Tooth.pdf
    │  │      2-15 The Foggy Day.pdf
    │  │      2-16 Biff's Aeroplane.pdf
    │  │      2-17 Floppy the Hero.pdf
    │  │      2-18 The Chase.pdf
    │  │      2-19 The Big Egg.pdf
    │  │      2-20 Poor Floppy.pdf
    │  │      2-21 Put it back.pdf
    │  │      2-22 In a bit.pdf
    │  │      2-23 A present for Mum.pdf
    │  │      2-24 A hole in the sand.pdf
    │  │      2-25 Monkey Tricks.pdf
    │  │      2-26 Hey Presto!.pdf
    │  │      2-27 It's the Weather.pdf
    │  │      2-28 Naughty Children.pdf
    │  │      2-30 Creepy-crawly!.pdf
    │  │      2-31 What is it.pdf
    │  │      2-32 the Lost Puppy.pdf
    │  │      2-33 New Trees.pdf
    │  │      2-34 Up and Down.pdf
    │  │      2-35 The Little Dragon.pdf
    │  │      2-36 The Band.pdf
    │  ├─级别 (3)
    │  │      3-01 The Duck Race.pdf
    │  │      3-02 Sniff.pdf
    │  │      3-03 Pond Dipping.pdf
    │  │      3-04 The Ice Rink.pdf
    │  │      3-05 The Mud Bath.pdf
    │  │      3-06 The Steel Band.pdf
    │  │      3-07 On the Sand.pdf
    │  │      3-08 The Egg Hunt.pdf
    │  │      3-09 Nobody Wanted to Play.pdf
    │  │      3-10 A Cat in the Tree.pdf
    │  │      3-11 The Rope Swing.pdf
    │  │      3-12 By the Stream.pdf
    │  │      3-13 Kipper the Clown.pdf
    │  │      3-14 Srawberry  Jam.pdf
    │  │      3-15 The Jumble Sale.pdf
    │  │      3-16 At the Seaside.pdf
    │  │      3-17 Kipper's Idea.pdf
    │  │      3-18 The Snowman.pdf
    │  │      3-19 The Barbecue.pdf
    │  │      3-20 The Carnival.pdf
    │  │      3-21 At the Pool.pdf
    │  │      3-22 Bull's-eye!.pdf
    │  │      3-23 Book Week.pdf
    │  │      3-24 The Cold Day.pdf
    │  │      3-25 Midge in Hospital.pdf
    │  │      3-26 Joe and the Bike.pdf
    │  │      3-27 Roy and the Budgie.pdf
    │  │      3-28 Midge and the Eggs.pdf
    │  │      3-29 Pip at the Zoo.pdf
    │  │      3-30 Pip and the Little Monkey.pdf
    │  ├─级别 (4)
    │  │      4-01 Lucky the Goat.pdf
    │  │      4-02 Adam's Car.pdf
    │  │      4-03 Yasmin and the Flood.pdf
    │  │      4-04 Yasmin's Dress.pdf
    │  │      4-05 Mosque School.pdf
    │  │      4-06 Adam Goes Shopping.pdf
    │  │      4-07 House for Sale.pdf
    │  │      4-08 The New House.pdf
    │  │      4-09 Come In!.pdf
    │  │      4-10 The Secret Room.pdf
    │  │      4-11 The Play.pdf
    │  │      4-12 The Storm.pdf
    │  │      4-13 Nobody Got Wet.pdf
    │  │      4-14 The Weather Vane.pdf
    │  │      4-15 Poor Old Mum.pdf
    │  │      4-16 The Wedding.pdf
    │  │      4-17 The Camcorder.pdf
    │  │      4-18 The Balloon.pdf
    │  │      4-19 Wet Paint.pdf
    │  │      4-20 Swap!.pdf
    │  │      4-21 The Flying Elephant .pdf
    │  │      4-22 The Scarf.pdf
    │  │      4-23 The Dragon Dance.pdf
    │  │      4-24 Everyone Got Wet.pdf
    │  │      4-25 Dad's Jacket.pdf
    │  │      4-26 Stuck in the Mud.pdf
    │  │      4-27 The Den.pdf
    │  │      4-28 Look Smart.pdf
    │  │      4-29 Tug of War.pdf
    │  │      4-30 An Important Case.pdf
    │  ├─级别 (5)
    │  │      5-01 The Magic key.pdf
    │  │      5-02 Pirate Adventure.pdf
    │  │      5-03 The Dragon Tree.pdf
    │  │      5-04 Gran.pdf
    │  │      5-05 Castle Adventure.pdf
    │  │      5-06 Village in the Snow.pdf
    │  │      5-07 The Whatsit.pdf
    │  │      5-08 Undergrand Adventure.pdf
    │  │      5-09 Vanishing Cream.pdf
    │  │      5-10 It's Not Fair.pdf
    │  │      5-11 The Great Race.pdf
    │  │      5-12 A Monster Mistake.pdf
    │  │      5-13 The New Baby.pdf
    │  │      5-14 Camping Adventure.pdf
    │  │      5-15 Scarecrows.pdf
    │  │      5-16 Noah's Ark Adventure.pdf
    │  │      5-17 A New Classroom.pdf
    │  │      5-18 Mum to the Rescue.pdf
    │  │      5-19 Sleeping Beauty.pdf
    │  │      5-20 The Adventure Park.pdf
    │  │      5-21 Kipper and the Trolls.pdf
    │  │      5-22 Safari Adventure.pdf
    │  │      5-23 Dad's Run.pdf
    │  │      5-24 Drawing Adventure.pdf
    │  ├─级别 (6)
    │  │      6-01 In the Garden.pdf
    │  │      6-02 Kipper and the Gaint.pdf
    │  │      6-04 Land of the Dinosaurs.pdf
    │  │      6-05 Robbin Hood.pdf
    │  │      6-09 The laughing Princess.pdf
    │  │      6-10 Christmas Adventure.pdf
    │  │      6-13 Paris Adventure.pdf
    │  │      6-18 Olympic Adventure.pdf
    │  │      6-19 Dad's Grand Plan.pdf
    │  │      6-20 Mirror Island.pdf
    │  │      6-21 Don't Be Silly.pdf
    │  ├─级别 (7)
    │  │      7-01 Red Planet.pdf
    │  │      7-02 Lost in the jungle.pdf
    │  │      7-03 The Broken Roof.pdf
    │  │      7-05 The Willow Pattern Plot.pdf
    │  │      7-06 Submarine Adventure.pdf
    │  │      7-07 The Motorway.pdf
    │  │      7-08 The Bully.pdf
    │  │      7-09 The Hunt for Gold.pdf
    │  │      7-10 Chinese Adventure.pdf
    │  │      7-11 Roman Adventure.pdf
    │  │      7-12 The Jigsaw Puzzle.pdf
    │  │      7-13 The Power Cut.pdf
    │  │      7-14 Australian Adventure.pdf
    │  │      7-15 The Riddle Stone Part 1.pdf
    │  │      7-16 The Riddle Stone Part 2.pdf
    │  │      7-17 A Sea Mystery.pdf
    │  │      7-18 The Big Breakfast.pdf
    │  │      7-19 The Joke Machine.pdf
    │  ├─级别 (8)
    │  │      8-01 The Kidnappers.pdf
    │  │      8-02 Viking Adenture.pdf
    │  │      8-03 The Rainbow Machine.pdf
    │  │      8-04 The Flying Carpet.pdf
    │  │      8-05 A Day in London.pdf
    │  │      8-06 Victorian Adenture.pdf
    │  │      8-07 Pocket Money.pdf
    │  │      8-08 The Evil Genie.pdf
    │  │      8-09 Save Floppy!.pdf
    │  │      8-10 What was it like.pdf
    │  │      8-11 Flood!.pdf
    │  │      8-12 Egyptian Adventure.pdf
    │  └─级别 (9)
    │          9-01 Green Island.pdf
    │          9-02 Storm Castle.pdf
    │          9-03 Superdog.pdf
    │          9-04 The Litter Queen.pdf
    │          9-05 The Quest.pdf
    │          9-06 Survival Adventure.pdf
    │          9-07 The Blue Eye.pdf
    │          9-08 Rescue!.pdf
    │          9-09 Dutch Adventure.pdf
    │          9-10 The Finest in the Land.pdf
    │          9-11 The Flying Machine.pdf
    │          9-12 Key Trouble.pdf



    │      002【正课】What a Mess!-双语讲解.mp4
    │      003【磨耳朵】What a Mess!.mp4
    │      006【正课】Who Did That-双语讲解.mp4
    │      007【磨耳朵】Who Did That.mp4
    │      008【正课】Goal!-双语讲解.mp4
    │      009【磨耳朵】Goal!.mp4
    │      010【正课】The Journey-双语讲解.mp4
    │      011【磨耳朵】The Journey.mp4
    │      012【正课】Making Faces-双语讲解.mp4
    │      013【磨耳朵】Making Faces.mp4
    │      014【正课】Shopping-双语讲解.mp4
    │      015【磨耳朵】Shopping.mp4
    │      016【正课】Go Away, Cat-双语讲解.mp4
    │      017【磨耳朵】Go Away, Cat.mp4
    │      018【正课】Top Dog-双语讲解.mp4
    │      019【磨耳朵】Top Dog-mp4.mp4
    │      020【正课】The Go-Kart (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      021【正课】The Go-Kart (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      022【磨耳朵】The Go-Kart (1) .mp4
    │      023【磨耳朵】The Go-Kart (2) .mp4
    │      024【正课】A New Dog (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      025【正课】A New Dog (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      026【磨耳朵】A New Dog (1) .mp4
    │      027【磨耳朵】A New Dog (2) .mp4
    │      028【正课】New Trainers (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      029【正课】New Trainers (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      030【磨耳朵】New Trainers (1) .mp4
    │      031【磨耳朵】New Trainers (2) .mp4
    │      032【正课】The Dreams (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      033【正课】The Dreams (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      034【磨耳朵】The Dreams (1) .mp4
    │      035【磨耳朵】The Dreams (2) .mp4
    │      036【正课】The Toy's Party (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      037【正课】The Toy's Party (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      038【磨耳朵】The Toy's Party (1) .mp4
    │      039【磨耳朵】The Toy's Party (2) .mp4
    │      040【正课】What a Bad Dog! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      041【正课】What a Bad Dog! (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      042【磨耳朵】What a Bad Dog! (1) .mp4
    │      043【磨耳朵】What a Bad Dog! (2) .mp4
    │      044【正课】The Hole in the Sand (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      045【正课】The Hole in the Sand (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      046【磨耳朵】The Hole in the Sand (1).mp4
    │      047【磨耳朵】The Hole in the Sand (2) .mp4
    │      048【正课】In a Bit (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      049【正课】In a Bit (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      050【磨耳朵】In a Bit (1).mp4
    │      051【磨耳朵】In a Bit (2) .mp4
    │      052【正课】Poor Floppy (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      053【正课】Poor Floppy (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      054【磨耳朵】Poor Floppy (1) .mp4
    │      055【磨耳朵】Poor Floppy (2).mp4
    │      056【正课】A Present For Mum (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      057【正课】A Present For Mum (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      058【磨耳朵】A Present For Mum (1) .mp4
    │      059【磨耳朵】A Present For Mum (2).mp4
    │      060【正课】Put it Back (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      061【正课】Put it Back (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      062【磨耳朵】Put it Back (1) .mp4
    │      063【磨耳朵】Put it Back (2) .mp4
    │      064【正课】The Big Egg (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      065【正课】The Big Egg (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      066【磨耳朵】The Big Egg (1) .mp4
    │      067【磨耳朵】The Big Egg (2) .mp4
    │      069【正课】The Baby-sitter (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      069【正课】The Baby-sitter (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      070【磨耳朵】The Baby-sitter (1) .mp4
    │      071【磨耳朵】The Baby-sitter (2) .mp4
    │      072【正课】Floppy's Bath (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      073【正课】Floppy's Bath (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      074【磨耳朵】Floppy's Bath (1) .mp4
    │      075【磨耳朵】Floppy's Bath (2) .mp4
    │      076【正课】Kipper's Balloon (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      077【正课】Kipper's Balloon (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      078【磨耳朵】Kipper's Balloon (1) .mp4
    │      079【磨耳朵】Kipper's Balloon (2) .mp4
    │      080【正课】Kipper's Birthday (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      081【正课】Kipper's Birthday (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      082【磨耳朵】Kipper's Birthday (1) .mp4
    │      083【磨耳朵】Kipper's Birthday (2) .mp4
    │      084【正课】Spots (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      085【正课】Spots (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      086【磨耳朵】Spots (1) .mp4
    │      087【磨耳朵】Spots (2).mp4
    │      088【正课】The Water Fight (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      089【正课】The Water Fight (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      090【磨耳朵】The Water Fight (1) .mp4
    │      091【磨耳朵】The Water Fight (2) .mp4
    │      092【正课】Biff's Aeroplane (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      093【正课】Biff's Aeroplane (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      094【磨耳朵】Biff's Aeroplane (1) .mp4
    │      095【磨耳朵】Biff's Aeroplane (2) .mp4
    │      096【正课】The Chase (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      097【正课】The Chase (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      098【磨耳朵】The Chase (1) .mp4
    │      099【磨耳朵】The Chase (2) .mp4
    │      100【正课】Floppy the Hero (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      101【正课】 Floppy the Hero (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      102【磨耳朵】 Floppy the Hero (1) .mp4
    │      103【磨耳朵】Floppy the Hero (2) .mp4
    │      104【正课】The Foggy Day (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      105【正课】The Foggy Day (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      106【磨耳朵】The Foggy Day (1) .mp4
    │      107【磨耳朵】The Foggy Day (2) .mp4
    │      108【正课】Kipper's Laces (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      109【正课】Kipper's Laces (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      110【磨耳朵】Kipper's Laces (1) .mp4
    │      111【磨耳朵】Kipper's Laces (2) .mp4
    │      112【正课】The Wobbly Tooth (1) .mp4
    │      113【正课】The Wobbly Tooth (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      114【磨耳朵】The Wobbly Tooth (1) .mp4
    │      115【磨耳朵】The Wobbly Tooth (2) .mp4
    │      116【正课】Creepy-crawly! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      117【正课】Creepy-crawly! (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      118【磨耳朵】Creepy-crawly! (1) .mp4
    │      119【磨耳朵】Creepy-crawly! (2) .mp4
    │      120【正课】 Hey Presto! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      121【正课】 Hey Presto! (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      122【磨耳朵】Hey Presto! (1).mp4
    │      123【磨耳朵】Hey Presto! (2) .mp4
    │      124【正课】Monkey Tricks (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      125【正课】Monkey Tricks (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      126【磨耳朵】Monkey Tricks (1) .mp4
    │      127【磨耳朵】Monkey Tricks (2) .mp4
    │      128【正课】Naughty Children (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      129【正课】Naughty Children (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      130【磨耳朵】Naughty Children (1) .mp4
    │      131【磨耳朵】Naughty Children (2) .mp4
    │      132【正课】A Sinking Feeling (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      133【正课】A Sinking Feeling (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      134【磨耳朵】A Sinking Feeling (1) .mp4
    │      135【磨耳朵】A Sinking Feeling (2) .mp4
    │      136【正课】It's the Weather (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      137【正课】It's the Weather (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      138【磨耳朵】It's the Weather (1) .mp4
    │      139【磨耳朵】It's the Weather (2) .mp4
    │      140【正课】The Little Dragon (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      141【正课】The Little Dragon (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      142【磨耳朵】The Little Dragon (1).mp4
    │      143【磨耳朵】The Little Dragon (2) .mp4
    │      144【正课】New Trees (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      145【正课】New Trees (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      146【磨耳朵】New Trees (1) .mp4
    │      148【正课】The Band (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      149【正课】The Band (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      150【磨耳朵】The Band (1) .mp4
    │      151【磨耳朵】The Band (2) .mp4
    │      152【正课】The Lost Puppy (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      153【正课】The Lost Puppy (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      154【磨耳朵】The Lost Puppy(1) .mp4
    │      155【磨耳朵】The Lost Puppy (2) .mp4
    │      156【正课】Up and Down (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      157【正课】Up and Down (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      158【磨耳朵】Up and Down (1).mp4
    │      159【磨耳朵】Up and Down (2) .mp4
    │      160【正课】What Is It(1)双语讲解.mp4
    │      161【正课】What Is It(2)双语讲解.mp4
    │      162【磨耳朵】What Is It(1).mp4
    │      163【磨耳朵】What Is It(2).mp4
    │      164【正课】The Duck Race (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      165【正课】The Duck Race (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      166【磨耳朵】The Duck Race (1) .mp4
    │      167【磨耳朵】The Duck Race (2) .mp4
    │      168【正课】The Ice Rink (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      169【正课】The Ice Rink (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      170【磨耳朵】The Ice Rink (1) .mp4
    │      171【磨耳朵】The Ice Rink (2).mp4
    │      172【正课】The Mud Bath (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      173【正课】The Mud Bath (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      174【磨耳朵】The Mud Bath (1) .mp4
    │      175【磨耳朵】The Mud Bath (2) .mp4
    │      176【正课】Pond Dipping (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      177【正课】Pond Dipping (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      178【磨耳朵】Pond Dipping (1) .mp4
    │      179【磨耳朵】Pond Dipping (2) .mp4
    │      191【正课】Sniff (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      192【正课】Sniff (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      193【磨耳朵】Sniff (1) .mp4
    │      194【磨耳朵】Sniff (2) .mp4
    │      195【正课】The Steel Band (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      196【正课】The Steel Band (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      197【磨耳朵】The Steel Band (1) .mp4
    │      198【磨耳朵】The Steel Band (2) .mp4
    │      199【正课】A Cat in the Tree (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      200【正课】A Cat in the Tree (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      201【磨耳朵】A Cat in the Tree (1) .mp4
    │      202【磨耳朵】A Cat in the Tree (2) .mp4
    │      203【正课】The Snowman (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      204【正课】The Snowman (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      205【磨耳朵】The Snowman (1) .mp4
    │      206【磨耳朵】The Snowman (2) .mp4
    │      207【正课】The Carnival (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      208【正课】The Carnival (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      209【磨耳朵】The Carnival (1) .mp4
    │      210【磨耳朵】The Carnival (2) .mp4
    │      211【正课】At the Seaside (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      212【正课】At the Seaside (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      213【磨耳朵】At the Seaside (1).mp4
    │      214【磨耳朵】At the Seaside (2) .mp4
    │      215【正课】The Cold Day (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      216【正课】The Cold Day (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      217【磨耳朵】The Cold Day (1) .mp4
    │      218【磨耳朵】The Cold Day (2) .mp4
    │      219【正课】Strawberry Jam (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      220【正课】Strawberry Jam (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      221【磨耳朵】Strawberry Jam (1).mp4
    │      222【磨耳朵】Strawberry Jam (2) .mp4
    │      223【正课】On the Sand (1) .mp4
    │      224【正课】On the Sand (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      225【磨耳朵】On the Sand (1) .mp4
    │      226【磨耳朵】On the Sand (2) .mp4
    │      228【正课】Kipper's Idea (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      229【正课】Kipper's Idea (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      230【磨耳朵】Kipper's Idea (1) .mp4
    │      231【磨耳朵】Kipper's Idea (2) .mp4
    │      232【正课】Bull's-eye! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      233【正课】Bull's-eye! (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      234【磨耳朵】Bull's-eye! (1) .mp4
    │      235【磨耳朵】Bull's-eye! (2) .mp4
    │      236【正课】Book Week (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      237【正课】Book Week (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      238【磨耳朵】Book Week (1) .mp4
    │      239【磨耳朵】Book Week (2) .mp4
    │      240【正课】At the Pool (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      241【正课】At the Pool (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      242【磨耳朵】At the Pool (1) .mp4
    │      243【磨耳朵】At the Pool (2) .mp4
    │      244【正课】By the Stream (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      245【正课】By the Stream (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      246【磨耳朵】By the Stream (1) .mp4
    │      247【磨耳朵】By the Stream (2) .mp4
    │      248【正课】The Rope Swing (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      249【正课】The Rope Swing (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      250【磨耳朵】The Rope Swing (1).mp4
    │      251【磨耳朵】The Rope Swing (2) .mp4
    │      252【正课】The Barbecue (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      254【磨耳朵】The Barbecue (1) .mp4
    │      255【磨耳朵】The Barbecue (2) .mp4
    │      256【正课】Nobody Wanted to Play (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      257【正课】Nobody Wanted to Play (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      258【磨耳朵】Nobody Wanted to Play (1).mp4
    │      259【磨耳朵】Nobody Wanted to Play (2).mp4
    │      260【正课】The Jumble Sale (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      261【正课】The Jumble Sale (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      262【磨耳朵】The Jumble Sale (1) .mp4
    │      263【磨耳朵】The Jumble Sale (2) .mp4
    │      264【正课】Kipper the Clown (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      265【正课】Kipper the Clown (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      266【磨耳朵】Kipper the Clown (1).mp4
    │      267【磨耳朵】Kipper the Clown (2) .mp4
    │      268【正课】The Egg Hunt (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      269【正课】The Egg Hunt (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      270【磨耳朵】The Egg Hunt (1) .mp4
    │      271【磨耳朵】The Egg Hunt (2) .mp4
    │      272【正课】Noboday Got Wet (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      273【正课】Noboday Got Wet (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      274【磨耳朵】Nobody Got Wet (1) .mp4
    │      275【磨耳朵】Nobody Got Wet (2) .mp4
    │      276【正课】Poor Old Mum (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      277【正课】Poor Old Mum (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      278【磨耳朵】Poor Old Mum (1) .mp4
    │      279【磨耳朵】Poor Old Mum (2) .mp4
    │      280【正课】The Weather Vane (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      281【正课】The Weather Vane (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      282【磨耳朵】The Weather Vane (1) .mp4
    │      283【磨耳朵】The Weather Vane (2) .mp4
    │      284【正课】House for Sale (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      285【正课】House for Sale (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      286【磨耳朵】House for Sale (1) .mp4
    │      287【磨耳朵】House for Sale (2) .mp4
    │      288【正课】The New House (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      289【正课】The New House (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      290【磨耳朵】The New House (1) .mp4
    │      291【磨耳朵】The New House (2) .mp4
    │      292【正课】Come In! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      293【正课】Come In! (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      294【磨耳朵】Come In! (1) .mp4
    │      295【磨耳朵】Come In! (2) .mp4
    │      296【正课】The Flying Elephant (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      297【正课】The Flying Elephant (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      298【磨耳朵】The Flying Elephaht (1) .mp4
    │      299【磨耳朵】The Flying Elephaht (2) .mp4
    │      300【正课】Swap! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      301【正课】Swap! (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      302【磨耳朵】Swap! (1) .mp4
    │      303【磨耳朵】Swap! (2) .mp4
    │      304【正课】Wet Paint (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      305【正课】Wet Paint (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      306【磨耳朵】Wet Paint (1) .mp4
    │      307【磨耳朵】Wet Paint (2).mp4
    │      308【正课】Dad's Jacket (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      309【正课】Dad's Jacket (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      310【磨耳朵】Dad's Jacket (1) .mp4
    │      311【磨耳朵】Dad's Jacket (2) .mp4
    │      312【正课】Stuck in the Mud (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      313【正课】Stuck in the Mud (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      314【磨耳朵】Stuck in the Mud (1) .mp4
    │      315【磨耳朵】Stuck in the Mud (2) .mp4
    │      316【正课】The Den (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      317【正课】The Den (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      318【磨耳朵】The Den (1) .mp4
    │      319【磨耳朵】The Den (2) .mp4
    │      320【正课】The Secret Room (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      321【正课】The Secret Room (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      322【正课】The Secret Room (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      323【磨耳朵】The Secret Room (1) .mp4
    │      324【磨耳朵】The Secret Room (2) .mp4
    │      325【磨耳朵】The Secret Room (3) .mp4
    │      326【正课】The Camcorder (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      327【正课】The Camcorder (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      328【正课】The Camcorder (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      329【磨耳朵】The Camcorder (1) .mp4
    │      330【磨耳朵】The Camcorder (2) .mp4
    │      331【磨耳朵】The Camcorder (3) .mp4
    │      332【正课】The Storm (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      333【正课】The Storm (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      334【正课】The Storm (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      335【磨耳朵】The Storm (1) .mp4
    │      336【磨耳朵】The Storm (2) .mp4
    │      337【磨耳朵】The Storm (3) .mp4
    │      338【正课】The Balloon (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      339【正课】The Balloon (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      340【正课】The Balloon (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      341【磨耳朵】The Balloon (1) .mp4
    │      342【磨耳朵】The Balloon (2) .mp4
    │      343【磨耳朵】The Balloon (3) .mp4
    │      344【正课】The Play (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      345【正课】The Play (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      346【正课】The Play (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      347【磨耳朵】The Play (1) .mp4
    │      348【磨耳朵】The Play (2) .mp4
    │      349【磨耳朵】The Play (3) .mp4
    │      350【正课】The Wedding (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      351【正课】The Wedding (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      352【正课】The Wedding (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      353【磨耳朵】The Wedding (1).mp4
    │      354【磨耳朵】The Wedding (2) .mp4
    │      355【磨耳朵】The Wedding (3).mp4
    │      356【正课】The Dragon Dance (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      357【正课】The Dragon Dance (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      358【正课】The Dragon Dance (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      359【磨耳朵】The Dragon Dance (1) .mp4
    │      360【磨耳朵】The Dragon Dance (2) .mp4
    │      361【磨耳朵】The Dragon Dance (3) .mp4
    │      362【正课】Everyone Got Wet (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      363【正课】Everyone Got Wet (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      364【正课】Everyone Got Wet (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      365【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet (1) .mp4
    │      366【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet (2) .mp4
    │      367【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet (3) .mp4
    │      368【正课】The Scarf (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      369【正课】The Scarf (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      370【正课】The Scarf (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      371【磨耳朵】The Scarf (1) .mp4
    │      372【磨耳朵】The Scarf (2) .mp4
    │      373【磨耳朵】The Scarf (3) .mp4
    │      374【正课】An Important Case (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      375【正课】An Important Case (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      376【正课】An Important Case (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      377【磨耳朵】An Important Case (1) .mp4
    │      378【磨耳朵】An Important Case (1) .mp4
    │      379【磨耳朵】An Important Case (3) .mp4
    │      380【正课】Look Smart (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      381【正课】Look Smart (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      382【正课】Look Smart (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      383【磨耳朵】Look Smart (1).mp4
    │      384【磨耳朵】Look Smart (2) .mp4
    │      385【磨耳朵】Look Smart (3) .mp4
    │      386【正课】Tug of War (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      387【正课】Tug of War (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      388【正课】Tug of War (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      389【磨耳朵】Tug of War (1) .mp4
    │      390【磨耳朵】Tug of War (2) .mp4
    │      391【磨耳朵】Tug of War (3) .mp4
    │      392【正课】The Magic Key (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      393【正课】The Magic Key (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      394【正课】The Magic Key (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      395【磨耳朵】The Magic Key (1) .mp4
    │      396【磨耳朵】The Magic Key (2) .mp4
    │      397【磨耳朵】The Magic Key (3) .mp4
    │      398【正课】Pirate Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      399【正课】Pirate Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      400【正课】Pirate Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      401 【磨耳朵】Pirate Adventure.mp4
    │      402 【磨耳朵】Pirate Adventure.mp4
    │      403 【磨耳朵】Pirate Adventure.mp4
    │      404 【正课】Gran (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      405 【正课】Gran (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      406 【正课】Gran (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      407 【磨耳朵】Gran (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      408 【磨耳朵】Gran (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      409 【磨耳朵】Gran (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      410 【正课】The Dragon Tree (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      411 【正课】The Dragon Tree (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      412 【正课】The Dragon Tree (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      413 【磨耳朵】The Dragon Tree (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      414 【磨耳朵】The Dragon Tree (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      415 【磨耳朵】The Dragon Tree (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      416 【正课】Castle Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      417 【正课】Castle Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      418 【正课】Castle Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      419 【磨耳朵】Castle Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      420 【磨耳朵】Castle Adventure (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      421 【磨耳朵】Castle Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      422 【正课】Village in the Snow (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      423 【正课】Village in the Snow (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      424 【正课】Village in the Snow (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      425 【磨耳朵】Village in the Snow (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      426 【磨耳朵】Village in the Snow (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      427 【磨耳朵】Village in the Snow (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      428 【正课】 It's Not Fair (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      429 【正课】 It's Not Fair (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      430 【正课】 It's Not Fair (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      431 【磨耳朵】It's Not Fair (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      432 【磨耳朵】It's Not Fair (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      433 【磨耳朵】It's Not Fair (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      434 【正课】A Monster's Mistakes (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      435 【正课】A Monster's Mistakes (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      436 【正课】A Monster's Mistakes (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      437 【磨耳朵】A Monster Mistake (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      438 【磨耳朵】A Monster Mistake (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      439 【磨耳朵】A Monster Mistake (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      440 【正课】Everyone Got Wet (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      441 【正课】Everyone Got Wet (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      442 【正课】Everyone Got Wet (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      443 【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet(1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      444 【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      445 【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet(3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      446 【正课】The Great Race(1)双语讲解.mp4
    │      447 【正课】The Great Race(2)双语讲解.mp4
    │      448 【正课】The Great Race(3)双语讲解.mp4
    │      449 【磨耳朵】The Great Race(1)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      450 【磨耳朵】The Great Race(2)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      451 【磨耳朵】The Great Race(3)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      452 【正课】Underground Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      453 【正课】Underground Adventure(2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      454 【正课】Underground Adventure(3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      455 【磨耳朵】Underground Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      456 【磨耳朵】Underground Adventure(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      457 【磨耳朵】Underground Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      458 【正课】Vanishing Cream (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      459 【正课】Vanishing Cream(2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      460 【正课】Vanishing Cream(3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      461 【磨耳朵】Vanishing Cream (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      462 【磨耳朵】Vanishing Cream(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      463 【磨耳朵】Vanishing Cream (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      464 【正课】Camping Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      465 【正课】Camping Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      466 【正课】Camping Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      467 【磨耳朵】Camping Adventure(1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      468 【磨耳朵】Camping Adventure(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      470 【正课】Mum to the Rescue (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      471 【正课】Mum to the Rescue (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      472 【正课】Mum to the Rescue (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      473 【磨耳朵】Mum to the Rescue (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      474 【磨耳朵】Mum to the Rescue (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      475 【磨耳朵】Mum to the Rescue (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      476 【正课】A New Classroom (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      477 【正课】A New Classroom (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      478 【正课】A New Classroom (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      479 【磨耳朵】A New Classroom (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      480 【磨耳朵】A New Classroom (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      482 【正课】Noah's Ark Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      483 【正课】Noah's Ark Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      484 【正课】Noah's Ark Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      485 【磨耳朵】Noah's Ark Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      486 【磨耳朵】Noah's Ark Adventure (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      487 【磨耳朵】Noah's Ark Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      488 【正课】Scarecrows (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      489 【正课】Scarecrows (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      490 【正课】Scarecrows (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      491 【磨耳朵】Scarecrows (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      494 【正课】The New Baby (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      495 【正课】The New Baby (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      496 【正课】The New Baby (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      497 【磨耳朵】The New Baby (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      498 【磨耳朵】The New Baby (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      499 【磨耳朵】The New Baby (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      500 【正课】The Adventure Park (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      501 【正课】The Adventure Park (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      502 【正课】The Adventure Park (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      503 【磨耳朵】The Adventure Park (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      504 【磨耳朵】The Adventure Park (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      505 【磨耳朵】The Adventure Park (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      506 【正课】Dad's Run (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      507 【正课】Dad's Run (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      508 【正课】Dad's Run (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      509 【磨耳朵】Dad‘s Run (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      510 【磨耳朵】Dad‘s Run (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      511 【磨耳朵】Dad‘s Run (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      512 【正课】Drawing Adventure(1)双语讲解.mp4
    │      513 【正课】Drawing Adventure(2)双语讲解.mp4
    │      514 【正课】Drawing Adventure(3)双语讲解.mp4
    │      515 【磨耳朵】Drawing Adventure(1)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      516 【磨耳朵】Drawing Adventure(2)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      517 【磨耳朵】Drawing Adventure(3)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      518 【正课】Kipper and the Trolls(1)双语讲解.mp4
    │      519 【正课】Kipper and the Trolls(2)双语讲解.mp4
    │      520 【正课】Kipper and the Trolls(3)双语讲解.mp4
    │      521 【磨耳朵】Kipper and the Trolls(1)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      522 【磨耳朵】Kipper and the Trolls(2)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      523 【磨耳朵】Kipper and the Trolls(3)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      524 【正课】Safari Adventure(1)双语讲解.mp4
    │      525 【正课】Safari Adventure(2)双语讲解.mp4
    │      526 【正课】Safari Adventure(3)双语讲解.mp4
    │      527 【磨耳朵】Safari Adventure(1)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      528 【磨耳朵】Safari Adventure(2)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      529 【磨耳朵】Safari Adventure(3)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      530 【正课】Sleeping Beauty(1)双语讲解.mp4
    │      531 【正课】Sleeping Beauty(2)双语讲解.mp4
    │      532 【正课】Sleeping Beauty(3)双语讲解.mp4
    │      533 【磨耳朵】Sleeping Beauty(1)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      534 【磨耳朵】Sleeping Beauty(2)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      535 【磨耳朵】Sleeping Beauty(3)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      536 【正课】In the Garden (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      537 【正课】In the Garden (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      538 【正课】In the Garden (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      539 【磨耳朵】In the Garden (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      540 【磨耳朵】In the Garden (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      541 【磨耳朵】In the Garden (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      542 【正课】Kipper and the Giant (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      543 【正课】Kipper and the Giant (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      544 【正课】Kipper and the Giant (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      545 【磨耳朵】Kipper and the Giant (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      546 【磨耳朵】Kipper and the Giant (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      547 【磨耳朵】Kipper and the Giant (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      548 【正课】The Outing (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      549 【正课】The Outing (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      550 【正课】The Outing (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      551 【磨耳朵】The Outing (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      552 【磨耳朵】The Outing (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      553 【磨耳朵】The Outing (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      554 【正课】Land of the Dinosaurs (1) ?双语讲解.mp4
    │      555 【正课】Land of the Dinosaurs (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      556 【正课】Land of the Dinosaurs (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      557 【磨耳朵】Land Of the Dinosaurs (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      558 【磨耳朵】Land Of the Dinosaurs (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      559 【磨耳朵】Land Of the Dinosaurs (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      560 【磨耳朵】The Treasure Chest (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      561 【磨耳朵】The Treasure Chest (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      562 【磨耳朵】The Treasure Chest (4) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      563 【正课】A Fright in the Night (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      564 【正课】A Fright in the Night (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      565 【正课】A Fright in the Night (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      566 【磨耳朵】A Fright in the Night (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      567 【磨耳朵】A Fright in the Night (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      568 【磨耳朵】A Fright in the Night (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      569 【正课】Mirror Island (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      570 【正课】Mirror Island (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      571 【正课】Mirror Island (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      572 【磨耳朵】Mirror Island (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      573 【磨耳朵】Mirror Island (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      574 【磨耳朵】Mirror Island (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      575 【正课】The Laughing Princess (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      576 【正课】The Laughing Princess (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      577 【正课】The Laughing Princess (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      578 【磨耳朵】The Laughing Princess (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      579 【磨耳朵】The Laughing Princess (2) 绘本有声剧 .mp4
    │      580 【磨耳朵】The Laughing Princess (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      581 【正课】Christmas Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      582 【正课】Christmas Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      583 【正课】Christmas Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      584 【磨耳朵】Christmas Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      585 【磨耳朵】Christmas Adventure (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      586 【磨耳朵】Christmas Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      587 【正课】The Go-kart Race (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      588 【正课】The Go-kart Race (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      589 【正课】The Go-kart Race (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      590 【磨耳朵】The Go-kart Race (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      591 【磨耳朵】The Go-kart Race (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      592 【磨耳朵】The Go-kart Race (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      593 【正课】The Shiny Key (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      594 【正课】The Shiny Key (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      595 【正课】The Shiny Key (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      596 【磨耳朵】The Shiny Key (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      597 【磨耳朵】The Shiny Key (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      598 【磨耳朵】The Shiny Key (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      599 【正课】Paris Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      600 【正课】Paris Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      601 【正课】Paris Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      602 【磨耳朵】Paris Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      603 【磨耳朵】Paris Adventure (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      604 【磨耳朵】Paris Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      605 【正课】The Stolen Crown Part 1 (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      606 【正课】The Stolen Crown Part 1 (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      607 【正课】The Stolen Crown Part 1 (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      608 【磨耳朵】The Stolen Crown Part 1 (1) .mp4
    │      609 【磨耳朵】The Stolen Crown Part 1 (2) .mp4
    │      610 【磨耳朵】The Stolen Crown Part 1 (3) .mp4
    │      611 【正课】The Stolen Crown Part 2 (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      612 【正课】The Stolen Crown Part 2 (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      613 【正课】The Stolen Crown Part 2 (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      614 【磨耳朵】The Stolen Crown Part 2 (1) .mp4
    │      615 【磨耳朵】The Stolen Crown Part 2 (2) .mp4
    │      616 【磨耳朵】The Stolen Crown Part 2 (3) .mp4
    │      617 【正课】Ship in Trouble (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      618 【正课】Ship in Trouble (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      619 【正课】Ship in Trouble (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      620 【磨耳朵】Ship in Trouble (1) .mp4
    │      621 【磨耳朵】Ship in Trouble (2) .mp4
    │      622 【磨耳朵】Ship in Trouble (3) .mp4
    │      623 【正课】Homework! (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      624 【正课】Homework! (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      625 【正课】Homework! (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      626 【磨耳朵】Homework! (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      627 【磨耳朵】Homework! (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      628 【磨耳朵】Homework! (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      629 【正课】Olympic Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      630 【正课】Olympic Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      631 【正课】Olympic Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      632 【磨耳朵】Olympic Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      633 【磨耳朵】Olympic Adventure (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      634 【磨耳朵】Olympic Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      635 【正课】Red Planet (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      636 【正课】Red Planet (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      637 【正课】Red Planet (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      638 【正课】Red Planet (4) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      639 【磨耳朵】Red Planet (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      640 【磨耳朵】Red Planet (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      641 【磨耳朵】Red Planet (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      642 【磨耳朵】Red Planet (4) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      643 【正课】Lost in the Jungle (I) (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      644 【正课】Lost in the Jungle (I) (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      645 【磨耳朵】Lost in the Jungle (I) (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      646 【磨耳朵】Lost in the Jungle (I) (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      647 【正课】Lost in the Jungle (II) (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      648 【磨耳朵】Lost in the Jungle (II) (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      649 【正课】Lost in the Jungle (II) (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      650 【磨耳朵】Lost in the Jungle (II) (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      651 【正课】The Broken Roof (1) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      652 【磨耳朵】The Broken Roof (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      653 【正课】The Broken Roof (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      654 【磨耳朵】The Broken Roof (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      655 【正课】The Broken Roof (3) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      656 【磨耳朵】The Broken Roof (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      657 【正课】The Broken Roof (4) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      658 【磨耳朵】The Broken Roof (4) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      659 【正课】The Lost Key(1)双语讲解.mp4
    │      660 【磨耳朵】The Lost Key(1)绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      661 【正课】The Lost Key (2) 双语讲解.mp4
    │      662 【磨耳朵】The Lost Key (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4
    │      663 【正课】The Lost Key (3) 双语讲


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