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  • 小猪佩奇粉红猪小妹Peppa pig全4季英文文本PDF版本亲子伴读网




    Peppa Pig ............................................................................ 1

    目录 ............................................................................ 1

    Peppa Pig 第一季 ............................................................... 4

    1 Muddy puddles ........................................................ 4

    2 Mr. Dinosaur is Lost. ................................................ 4

    3 Polly Parrot .............................................................. 5

    4 Best Friend. .............................................................. 6

    5 Hide and Seek .......................................................... 6

    6 The Playgroup .......................................................... 7

    7 Mummy Pig at Work ................................................ 8

    8 Camping! .................................................................. 8

    9 Gardening! ............................................................. 10

    10 bicycles ................................................................ 10

    11 The New Car ........................................................ 11

    12 snow .................................................................... 12

    13 flying a kite .......................................................... 13

    14 My Cousin Chloe. ................................................. 14

    15 Daddy Loses his Glasses. ...................................... 15

    16 Hiccups................................................................. 16

    17 Picnic. ................................................................... 17

    18 Mummy Pigs Birthday. ......................................... 19

    19 Dressing Up. ......................................................... 20

    20 The School Fete. .................................................. 21

    21 Musical Instruments. ........................................... 22

    22 Babysitting. .......................................................... 23

    23 New Shoes. .......................................................... 24

    24 Ballet Lessons ...................................................... 25

    25 The Tooth Fairy .................................................... 26

    26 Treasure Hunt ...................................................... 27

    27 Not Very Well. ...................................................... 28

    28 Windy Castle. ....................................................... 30

    29 Pancakes. ............................................................. 31

    30 The Museum. ....................................................... 32

    31 Secrets. ................................................................ 34

    32 Thunderstorm. ..................................................... 35

    33 Piggy in the Middle. ............................................. 37

    34 Fancy Dress Party ................................................. 38

    35 Very Hot Day. ....................................................... 39

    36 Mister Skinnylegs. ................................................ 41

    37 Lunch ................................................................... 42

    38 Sleepy Princess. ................................................... 43

    39 The Tree House. ................................................... 44

    40 Daddy Gets Fit. .................................................... 46

    41 Shopping. ............................................................. 47

    42 Chloes puppet show. ........................................... 49

    43 My Birthday Party. ............................................... 50

    44 The Playground. ................................................... 52

    45 Tidying Up. ........................................................... 53

    46 Frogs and Worms and Butterflies. ....................... 55

    47 Daddy Puts up a Picture. ..................................... 56

    48 At the Beach. ....................................................... 57

    49 Cleaning the Car. .................................................. 58

    50 Grandpa Pigs Boat. .............................................. 59

    51 Daddys Movie Camera. ........................................ 61

    52 School Play ........................................................... 62

    Peppa Pig 第二季 ............................................................. 64

    01 Bubbles ................................................................ 64

    02 Teddy s day out .................................................... 64

    03 Emily Elephant ..................................................... 65

    04 Pollys Holiday ....................................................... 67

    05 George s friend .................................................... 68

    06 Mysteries ............................................................. 69

    07 Rock pools ............................................................ 70

    08 Windy Autumn Day ............................................. 71

    09 The Time Capsule ................................................ 72

    10 Mr Scarecrow ....................................................... 74

    11 The Boat Pond ..................................................... 75

    12 Recycling .............................................................. 76

    13 Peppas Christmas ................................................ 77

    14 Pirate Island ......................................................... 80

    15 Cuckoo Clock ........................................................ 81

    16 Pretend Friend ..................................................... 82

    17 The Long Grass .................................................... 83

    18 The Dentist .......................................................... 84

    19 Zoe Zebra the Postmans Daughter ...................... 86

    20 Nature Trail .......................................................... 87

    21 Pen Pal ................................................................. 88

    22 School Bus Trip .................................................... 89

    23 Granny and Grandpas Attic .................................. 91

    24 Sports day ............................................................ 92

    25 The Eye Test ......................................................... 93

    26 Granddad Dogs Garage ........................................ 94

    27 Foggy Day ............................................................ 95

    28 Swimming ............................................................ 97

    29 Tiny Creatures ...................................................... 98

    30 Daddy Pigs Office ................................................. 99

    Peppa Pig 2 / 220 目录

    31 George s Birthday .............................................. 100

    32 George Catches a Cold ....................................... 101

    33 Traffic Jam .......................................................... 102

    34 Bedtime ............................................................. 104

    35 Jumble Sale ........................................................ 105

    36 The Balloon Ride ................................................ 106

    37 Painting .............................................................. 108

    38 Grandpa s Little Train ......................................... 109

    39 The Baby Piggy ................................................... 111

    40 The Cycle Ride .................................................... 112

    41 Dens ................................................................... 113

    42 Ice Skating .......................................................... 114

    43 Rebecca Rabbit .................................................. 115

    44 The Quarrel ........................................................ 117

    45 The Toy Cupboard .............................................. 118

    46 School Camp ...................................................... 119

    47 Captian Daddy Pig .............................................. 120

    48 The Powercut ..................................................... 121

    49 Bouncy Ball ........................................................ 122

    50 Stars ................................................................... 123

    51 Daddy Pig s Birthday .......................................... 124

    52 Sleepover ........................................................... 125

    53 Cold Winter Day ................................................. 126

    Peppa Pig 第三季 ........................................................... 128

    01 Work and Play .................................................... 128

    02 The Rainbow ...................................................... 129

    03 Pedros Cough ..................................................... 130

    04 The Library ......................................................... 131

    05 The Camper Van ................................................ 132

    06 Camping Holiday ................................................ 133

    07 Compost ............................................................. 134

    08 Richard Rabbit Comes to Play ............................ 135

    09 Fun Run .............................................................. 136

    10 Washing ............................................................. 137

    11 Pollys Boat Trip .................................................. 138

    12 Delphine Donkey ................................................ 139

    13 The Fire Engine .................................................. 140

    14 Princess Peppa ................................................... 141

    15 Teddy Playgroup................................................. 142

    16 Dannys Pirate Party ............................................ 143

    17 Mr Potato Comes to Town ................................. 144

    18 The Train Ride .................................................... 145

    19 Granny Pigs Chickens ......................................... 146

    20 Talent Day .......................................................... 147

    21 A Trip to the Moon ............................................. 148

    22 Grandpa at the Playground ................................ 149

    23 Goldie the Fish ................................................... 150

    24 Funfair ................................................................ 152

    25 Numbers ............................................................ 153

    26 Digging up the Road .......................................... 154

    27 Freddy Fox ......................................................... 155

    28 Whistling ............................................................ 156

    29 Doctor Hamsters Tortoise .................................. 157

    30 Sun, Sea and Snow ............................................. 158

    31 Grandpa Pigs Computer ..................................... 159

    32 Hospital .............................................................. 160

    33 Spring ................................................................. 161

    34 Miss Rabbits Helicopter ..................................... 162

    35 Baby Alexander .................................................. 163

    36 Grampy Rabbits Lighthouse ............................... 164

    37 The Secret Club .................................................. 165

    38 Miss Rabbits Day Off .......................................... 167

    39 Grampy Rabbits Boatyard .................................. 168

    40 Shake, Rattle and Bang ...................................... 169

    41 Champion Daddy Pig ......................................... 170

    42 Chatterbox ......................................................... 171

    43 Mr Foxs Van ....................................................... 172

    44 Chloes Big Friends.............................................. 173

    45 Gym Class .......................................................... 174

    46 The Blackberry Bush .......................................... 176

    47 Pottery ............................................................... 177

    48 Paper Aeroplanes .............................................. 178

    49 Edmond Elephants Birthday .............................. 179

    50 The Biggest Muddy Puddle ................................ 180

    51 Santas Grotto ..................................................... 181

    52 Santas Visit ........................................................ 182

    Peppa Pig 第四季 ........................................................... 184

    01 Potato City ......................................................... 184

    02 The New House ................................................. 185

    03 Basketball .......................................................... 186

    04 Horsey Twinkle Toes .......................................... 187

    05 Naughty Tortoise ............................................... 188

    06 Mr Fox’s Shop .................................................... 188

    07 Shadows ............................................................ 189

    08 International Day ............................................... 190

    09 The Rainy Day Game .......................................... 191

    10 Mummy Rabbit's Bump ..................................... 192

    11 Pedro the Cowboy ............................................. 193

    12 Peppa and Georges Garden ............................... 194

    13 The Flying Vet .................................................... 195

    14 Kylie.Kangaroo ................................................... 196

    15 Captain.Daddy.Dog ............................................ 197

    16 Crampy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park ......................... 198

    17 Bedtime Story .................................................... 199

    18 Lost Keys ............................................................ 200

    19 George's New Dinosaur ..................................... 201

    Peppa Pig 3 / 220 目录

    20 Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue ..................... 202

    21 The Pet Competition .......................................... 202

    22 Spider Web ........................................................ 203

    23 The Noisy Night .................................................. 204

    24 The Wishing Well ............................................... 205

    25 Mr. Potato's Christmas Show ............................. 206

    26 Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party ....................... 207

    27 The.Queen ......................................................... 208

    28 Desert.Island ...................................................... 209

    29 Perfume ............................................................. 210

    30 Childrens.Fete .................................................... 211

    31 The.Aquarium .................................................... 212

    32 Georges.Racing.Car ............................................ 213

    33 The.Little.Boat ................................................... 214

    34 The.Sandpit ........................................................ 215

    35 Night.Animals .................................................... 216

    36 Flying.on.Holiday ............................................... 217

    37 The.Holiday.House ............................................. 218

    38 Holiday.in.the.Sun .............................................. 218

    39 End.of.the.Holiday ............................................. 220

    Peppa Pig 第一季

    1 Muddy puddles

    This is my little brother, George.

    This is Mummy Pig.

    And this is Daddy Pig.

    Peppa pig.

    Muddy Puddles.

    It is raining today.

    So, Peppa and George cannot play outside.

    Daddy, it's stopped raining.

    Can we go out to play?

    Al right, run along you two.

    Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    I love muddy puddles.

    Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载


    Sorry, Mummy.

    George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too.

    George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear

    your boots.

    Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    George, let's find some more puddles.

    Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Peppa has found a little puddle.

    George has found a big puddle.

    Look, George. There's a really big puddle.

    George wants to jump into the big puddle first.

    Stop, George.

    I must check if it's safe for you.

    Good. It is safe for you.

    Sorry, George. It's only mud.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Come on, George.

    Let's go and show Daddy.

    Goodness me.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Daddy. Daddy.

    Guess what we've been doing.

    Let me think...小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Have you been watching television?

    No. No. Daddy.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Have you just had a bath?小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    No. No.

    I know. You've been jumping in muddy puddles.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been jumping in muddy puddles.

    Ho. Ho. And look at the mess you're in.


    Oh, well, it's only mud.

    Let's clean up quickly before Mummy sees the mess.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Daddy, when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy

    Come and play, too?小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Yes, we can all play in the garden.

    Peppa and George are wearing their boots.

    Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots.

    Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

    Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

    Oh, Daddy pig, look at the mess you're in.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    It's only mud.

    I'm Peppa Pig.

    This is my little brother, George.

    This is Mummy Pig.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    2 Mr. Dinosaur is Lost.

    George's favourite toy is Mr. Dinosaur. DineDine SawSaw.

    George loves Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..

    Sometimes, George Iikes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur.

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Eeek. Too scary.

    At suppertime,

    Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George.

    I beg your pardon.

    Was that you George, or was it Mr. Dinosaur?

    DineDine SawSaw.

    At bath time,

    George shares his bath with Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Goodnight, Peppa. Goodnight, Mummy. Goodnight,


    And goodnight, Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrr.

    When George goes to bed,

    Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him.

    George's favourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in

    the air...

    Wheeeeeee. ...and Catching him when he falls back down.


    Peppa and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.

    I win, Daddy.

    Oh, WeIIDine Sawdone , Peppa. Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaa.

    George? Whaaaaaaaaa.

    George, what's the matter? DineDine SawSaw...

    George, have you lost Mr. Dinosaur?小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Peppa Pig 第一季 5 / 220 3 Polly Parrot

    George has lost Mr. Dinosaur.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Don't worry George.

    We'll find Mr. Dinosaur. It's a job for a detective.

    Daddy, what is a deDine SawteChDine Sawtiff?小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    A detective is a very important person

    Who is good at finding things.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Me. Me. I'm good at finding things.

    Alright. Peppa is the detective.

    George. I am the deDine SawteChDine Sawtiff.

    I will help you find Mr. Dinosaur.

    Maybe the detective should ask小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    George some simple questions.

    George? Where's Mr. Dinosaur? Whaaaaaaaaaa.

    George does not know where Mr. Dinosaur is.

    The detective could try and guess where Mr. Dinosaur

    might be.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    I know. I know where he is.

    George always has Mr. Dinosaur ith him in the bath.

    So Mr. Dinosaur is in the bath.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    Mr. Dinosaur is not in the bath.

    Oh. I know.

    I know where Mr. Dinosaur is.

    George always has Mr. Dinosaur in his bed at night.

    So that's where he is.

    Mr. Dinosaur is not in George's bed.


    Maybe we should try the garden.

    Yes, the garden.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    I was going to say that.

    Where is Mr. Dinosaur?

    Mr. Dinosaur is very hard to find.

    Oh. Mr. Dinosaur isn't anywhere.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    George? You do love to throw Mr. Dinosaur in the air...

    I wonder if this time you threw Mr. Dinosaur just a bit too

    high.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    There he is. There he is.

    I saw him first. WeIIDine Sawdone, Peppa.

    You really are a very good detective. DineDine SawSaw.

    Grrrrrrrrrr. George is so happy to have Mr. Dinosaur back

    again.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载


    Maybe it isn't a good idea to play with dinosaurs near

    trees.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载

    DineDine Sawsaw.小猪佩奇Peppa Pig全4季英文文本PDF版本下载


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