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  • Magic tree house神奇树屋1-48集英文版PDF可点读版亲子伴读网



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    01, Dinosaurs Before Dark.pdf
    02, The Knight at Dawn.pdf
    03, Mummies in the Morning.pdf
    04, Pirates Past Noon.pdf
    05, Night of the Ninjas.pdf
    06, Afternoon on the Amazon.pdf
    07, Sunset of the Sabertooth.pdf
    08, Midnight on the Moon.pdf
    09, Dolphins at Daybreak.pdf
    10, Ghost Town at Sundown.pdf
    11, Lions at Lunchtime.pdf
    12, Polar Bears Past Bedtime.pdf
    13, Vacation Under the Volcano.pdf
    14, Day of the Dragon King.pdf
    15, Viking Ships at Sunrise.pdf
    16, Hour of the Olympics.pdf
    17, Sea Monsters.pdf
    18, Buffalo Before Breakfast.pdf
    19, Tigers at Twilight.pdf
    20, Dingoes at Dinnertime.pdf
    21, Civil War on Sunday.pdf
    22, Revolutionary War on Wednesday.pdf
    23, Twister on Tuesday.pdf
    24, Earthquake in the Early Morning.pdf
    25, Stage Fright on a Summer Night.pdf
    26, Good Morning Gorillas.pdf
    27, Thanksgiving on Thursday.pdf
    28, High Tide in Hawaii.pdf
    29, Christmas in Camelot.pdf
    30, Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve.pdf
    31, Summer of the Sea Serpent.pdf
    32, Winter of the Ice Wizard.pdf
    33, Carnival at Candlelight.pdf
    34,Season of the Sandstorm.pdf
    35, Night of the New Magicians.pdf
    36, Blizzard of the Blue Moon.pdf
    37,Dragon of the Red Dawn.pdf
    38,Monday with a Mad Genius.pdf
    39,Dark Day in the Deep Sea.pdf
    40, Eve of the Emperor Penguin.pdf
    41, Moonlight on the Magic Flute.pdf
    42,A Good Night for Ghosts.pdf
    43, Leprechaun in Late Winter.pdf
    44, A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time.pdf
    45, A Crazy Day With Cobras.pdf
    46, Dogs in the Dead of Night.pdf
    47, Lincoln at Last!.pdf
    48, A Perfect Time for Pandas.pdf
    Book 18_ Buffalo Before Breakfast印第安冒险.pdf
    Book 19_ Tigers at Twilight 丛林惊奇.pdf
    Book 20_ Dingoes at Dinnertime.pdf
    Book 21_ Civil War on Sunday 星期天的南北战争.pdf
    Book 22_ Revolutionary War on Wednesday.pdf
    Book 23_ Twister on Tuesday.pdf
    Book 24_ Earthquake in the Early Morning.pdf
    Book 25_ Stage Fright on a Summer Night.pdf
    Book 26_ Good Morning Gorillas.pdf
    Book 27_ Thanksgiving On Thursday.pdf
    Book 28_ High Tide in Hawaii.pdf
    Book 29_ Christmas in Camelot.pdf
    Book 30_ Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve.pdf
    Book 31_ Summer of the Sea Serpent.pdf
    Book 32_ Winter of the Ice Wizard.pdf
    Book 33_ Carnival At Candlelight.pdf
    Book 34_ Season of the Sandstorm.pdf
    Book 35_ Night of the New Magicians.pdf
    Book 36_ Blizzard of the Blue Moon.pdf
    Book 37_Dragon of the Red Dawn.pdf
    Book 38_ Monday with a Mad Genius.pdf
    Book 39_Dark Day in the Deep Sea.pdf
    Book 40_ Eve of the Emperor Penguin.pdf
    Book 41_ Moonlight on the Magic Flute.pdf
    Book 42_ A Good Night for Ghosts.pdf
    Book 43_Leprechaun in Late Winter.pdf
    Book 44_A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time.pdf
    Book 45_A Crazy Day with Cobras.pdf
    Book 46_Dogs in the Dead of Night.pdf
    Book 47_Abe Lincoln At Last-1.pdf
    Book 48_A Perfect Time for Pandas.pdf

    神奇树屋Magic tree house简介:


    一个夏日午后,在美国宾州FROG CREEK这个地方,一个神秘的树屋莫名地出現在树林中。8岁的杰克和七岁的妹妹安妮爬上树屋后,发现里面摆满了书。只要杰克或安妮盯住书里任一插图,并希望被带到书中的时代或地点,神奇树屋就像时光机器,带他们到一个个不同的时空中旅行。他们曾被带入侏罗纪,与各种恐龙为伍;也曾进入骑士时代,探索中世纪的城堡;还去过古埃及,差点迷失在金字塔里;跟着海盗出海寻宝;当盯着刻在竹简上的文字时,他们甚至被卷入了焚书坑儒时代的中国,……。每一次的冒险都紧张、刺激、精彩。孩子们在探险过程中不知不觉学到了关于世界历史、地理、人文等各方面的知识,更开发了孩子们的想象力!



    Magic tree house 神奇树屋1-48集 pdf文档可点读版+音频mp3 百度网盘下载图片 No.2


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