Horribly Famous《可怕名人》系列8册英文发音有声阅读亲子伴读网
- 资源类型国产资源
- 来源渠道百度网盘
- 界面语言简体中文
- 资源大小267 MB
- 文件类型MP3音频
- 支持设备手机|电脑|平板电脑
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伊丽莎白一世有排列整齐的黑色牙齿和火红色的假发,她击沉了西班牙的“无敌舰队” ,拒绝所有追求者成为童贞女王 她是舞场之中的高手,禁止宫中的侍女结婚,居然与“青蛙”共坠爱河.....虽然她已逝去,但至今仍然让我们感到离奇与惊讶。
纳尔逊将军是一位天才的军事家,仅管他身材瘦小、其貌不扬。翻开《纳尔逊将军》了解他如何阻止拿破仑进攻英格兰?他的雕像为什么会竖立在一个四十五米高的圆柱上,他又是在哪里失去手臂和眼睛? 还有他的秘密日记以及他的绝密情史!
Elizabeth I and Her Conquests
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 01 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 02 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 03 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 04 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 05 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 06 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 07 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 08 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 09 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 10 of 11.mp3
│ Elizabeth I and Her Conquests - 11 of 11.mp3
henry viii and his chopping block
│ Henry VIII - 01 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 02 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 03 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 04 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 05 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 06 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 07 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 08 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 09 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 10 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 11 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 12 of 13.mp3
│ Henry VIII - 13 of 13.mp3
Horatio Nelson and His Victory
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 01 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 02 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 03 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 04 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 05 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 06 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 07 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 08 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 09 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 10 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 11 of 12.mp3
│ Horatio Nelson and His Victory - 12 of 12.mp3
Isaac Newton and His Apple
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 01 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 02 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 03 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 04 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 05 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 06 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 07 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 08 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 09 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 10 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 11 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 12 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 13 of 14.mp3
│ Isaac Newton and His Apple - 14 of 14.mp3
Mary Queen of Scots and Her Hopeless Husbands
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 01 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 02 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 03 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 04 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 05 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 06 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 07 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 08 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 09 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 10 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 11 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 12 of 13.mp3
│ Mary Queen of Scots - 13 of 13.mp3
Oliver Cromwell and His Warts
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 1 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 2 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 3 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 4 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 5 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 6 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 7 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 8 of 9.mp3
│ Oliver Cromwell and His Warts - 9 of 9.mp3
Queen Victoria and Her Amusements
│ Queen Victoria - 01 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 02 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 03 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 04 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 05 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 06 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 07 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 08 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 09 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 10 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 11 of 12.mp3
│ Queen Victoria - 12 of 12.mp3
└─Sir Francis Drake and His Daring Deeds
Sir Francis Drake - 01 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 02 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 03 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 04 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 05 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 06 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 07 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 08 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 09 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 10 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 11 of 12.mp3
Sir Francis Drake - 12 of 12.mp3
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