英语启蒙系列动画English singsing13个系列共480个视频亲子伴读网
- 资源类型国外资源
- 来源渠道百度网盘
- 界面语言英文资源
- 资源大小23.8 GB
- 文件类型MP4视频
- 支持设备手机|电脑|智能电视|平板电脑
- 软件等级
English singsing13的主题种类非常的广泛,难度系数也是逐步提升的,一个宝宝从零岁到初中,只看这一部动画片的话,就可以自然无痛的习得地道的没有。从简单的儿歌到字母,再到自然拼读,最后才到日常口语情境的学习,英语启蒙必经的所有阶段,它都包含了。对于英语启蒙不知道如何下手的妈妈,以及培养孩子对英语学习兴趣来说,非常友好,也非常省妈。
│ ├─Rap Listen and Repeat(42)
│ │ └─Rap Listen and Repeat(42)
│ │ Can I help you I'm sad. - Education Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-HSdQVRisw0o.mp4
│ │ Can I use your glue Here it is. - Educational Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-gyj0Ip9aMVg.mp4
│ │ Can you swim I can swim. dance. - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-U6OrwGbjwhk.mp4
│ │ Do you have pets I like my bird. (Pet song) - English education Rap - English song with lyrics-0z8qWreZSe0.mp4
│ │ Do you like milk Yes, I do. (Liking) - Exciting Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-VMYQMGWm8yk.mp4
│ │ Do you want some more Help yourself. (At the table) - Animation Rap - English song with lyrics-W9YLVkDdGDQ.mp4
│ │ Don't throw the ball. It's okay. (Imperative sentence) - Rap for Kids - kids song with lyrics--7dGe8ALkco.mp4
│ │ Excuse me. Where's the bank (Asking the way) - Education Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-AgTkKGM0TWE.mp4
│ │ Good morning. Good evening. (Greeting) - Education Rap for Kids - English song for Children-CuXyGFqyii4.mp4
│ │ Happy birthday! This is for you. (Birthday song) - Education Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-ZEgm689f22o.mp4
│ │ How cute! How smart! (Exclamation) - Education Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-panRF8egHvI.mp4
│ │ How many bears Three bears. (Counting Animals_In the zoo) - Kids Education Rap with lyrics-Yyd_tYRgAuE.mp4
│ │ How many tomatoes banana (Counting Fruits) - Kids Rap with lyrics - English song-EhNqjqFPbVo.mp4
│ │ How much is it Five dollars. (In the store) - Educational Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-T7gMDoQ9liY.mp4
│ │ How much is this pencil (In the store) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-wG816CM5I7Q.mp4
│ │ How nice! - This is for you. (Exclamation) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-QSm8bvZ8SP0.mp4
│ │ How old is he How old is she (Age song) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-6PsjGTXd7Hk.mp4
│ │ How's the weather here It's rainy and cold. (Weather song) - Education Rap with lyrics-UhYA20Ge82c.mp4
│ │ How's the weather it's cloudy. raining. snowing. sunny. (Weather song) - English rap with lyrics-AzwpHKOZIL8.mp4
│ │ I'm sorry. That's okay. (Apology) - Educational Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-i195y_4X-A4.mp4
│ │ Is this your umbrella Is this yours - Education Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-WmsHS58449k.mp4
│ │ It has big eyes. How big! (Monkey song_Exclamation) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-FQa58ywFoLc.mp4
│ │ It's snowing. raining. (Weather song) - Exciting Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics--RNjUFthI7o.mp4
│ │ Let's go shopping. How about tomorrow (Suggestion) - English Education Rap with lyrics-NAEb1ZxukJM.mp4
│ │ Let's play basketball. Badminton. (Suggestion_Sports) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-ILBMSzhreY0.mp4
│ │ Let's play soccer. I like soccer. (Suggestion_Sports) - English Education Rap - Song with lyrics-toUjy_Gzh3o.mp4
│ │ Open the door, please. (Request) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-gMZSi3RTqms.mp4
│ │ Put on your coat, hat, socks, sweater, gloves, coat. (Request_Weather) - Rap for Kids - English song-jTBVpfZWfBA.mp4
│ │ Time for homework. It's five ten. (Time song) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-BXDVlWJzMe0.mp4
│ │ Watch out! Are you okay (Caution) - Education Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-Vdx64LWgQGk.mp4
│ │ What are you doing I'm making a robot. (Present progressive) - Education Rap for Kids with lyrics-kcjwNVAn8QI.mp4
│ │ What day is it It's Wednesday. (Day of the week) - Education Rap with lyrics-1muwwpdPmG4.mp4
│ │ What did you do I went fishing! (Past tense) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-GtFKhsf4Gtk.mp4
│ │ What did you do yesterday (Past tense) - Education Rap with lyrics-4akGL6DgbNg.mp4
│ │ What is he doing He is running. (Present progressive) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics-OYimASoZ6oI.mp4
│ │ What time is it now Four o'clock. (Time song) - Rap for Kids - English song with lyrics--OdHylzchMA.mp4
│ │ What's this - It's a pencil. Eraser. (Stationery) - Exciting Rap for Kids - English song-mTisVqSrfF0.mp4
│ │ Where are you I'm in the bathroom bedroom kitchen livingroom. (In the house) - English rap-_0Bys1iEZdc.mp4
│ │ Where is my coat Under the chair. (In_On_Under) - Education Rap for Kids - animation with lyrics-2d5RExn7dZ8.mp4
│ │ Where's my brother He is in the library. (In_On_Under) - Kids Rap - English cartoon with lyrics-LxJX2e_7dzY.mp4
│ │ Who is she I don't know. (Introducing) - English Rap for Kids-OY4J-Tlc938.mp4
│ │ Who's this It's my brother. (Introducing Family) - Education Rap for Kids - English song-8--3Awe5dQU.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Song Let's Sing Listen and Repeat(54)
│ │ └─Song Let's Sing Listen and Repeat(54)
│ │ Can I help you Yes, please. - English song for Kids - Sing a song-zv6uQ9wUYxE.mp4
│ │ Can I read that book Sure, you can. - English song with lyrics - Sing a song-USh9VWF5vxM.mp4
│ │ Can you help me Sure, I can. - Education English song for Kids - Sing a song loudly-5P-89FdwlGc.mp4
│ │ Can you swim Can you skate (Sports) - English song for Kids - Let's sing-ZWu5P7OuMIE.mp4
│ │ Do you have crayons paper - Euducational song for Kids - Enjoy the song-mef1gsdSu_I.mp4
│ │ Do you have pets I have a dog. (Pet song) - English education song for Kids - Let's sing loudly-3UVFaOoSeyU.mp4
│ │ Do you like cheese I like cheese. (Liking) - English song for Kids - Sing a song-RDAis_wFjXM.mp4
│ │ Do you like pizza I like pizza. (Liking) - English lovely song - Let's sing-oEHiJsHFzLI.mp4
│ │ Don't sit down. Wash your hands. (Imperative sentence) - English song for Kids - Sing a song-CThfI7_E7Vk.mp4
│ │ Don't swim. - Watch out! (Caution) - English song for Kids - Enjoy the song-y2dVHuNCXrk.mp4
│ │ Good morning. Good afternoon. (Greeting) - English education song - Sing a song-eWWDqQD0FSw.mp4
│ │ Happy Birthday to You - Happy Birthday Song (Traditional) - Kids Song_HD.mp4
│ │ Happy birthday! This is for you. (Birthday song) - English education song for Kids - Sing Along-6nV0oZHo8uU.mp4
│ │ Hello (Character introduction) - Kids English song - Sing a song-IeCrbOnUbkI.mp4
│ │ Help yourself. Do you want some more (At the table) - English song with lyrics - Let's sing-a9W4fEVTFHY.mp4
│ │ Hi. Hello. Good bye. (Greeting song) - English kids song - Let's sing a song-svS0UikccrY.mp4
│ │ How are you I'm fine. (Greeting song) - English song for Kids - Exciting song-03XgDWozJOw.mp4
│ │ How many apples bananas (Counting Fruits) - English study song for Kids - Let's sing-i7bjpemlfxc.mp4
│ │ How much is this It's four dollars. (Buy things) - English song cartoon for Kids - Sing a song-kd8o_DTCs6o.mp4
│ │ How old are you I'm five years old. (Age song) - Educational song for Kids - Let's sing loudly-OdjnQbXET_I.mp4
│ │ How old is he (Age song) - English song for Kids - Let's sing along-g9S4YGXHG1k.mp4
│ │ How's the weather It's sunny. cloudy. raining. snowing. (Weather) - Kids Euducaitonal song-w0q3LaNayxA.mp4
│ │ How's the weather rainy. sunny. windy. (weather) - English song for Kids - Sing a song loudly-1o4G9VJAWdQ.mp4
│ │ I like baseball. tennis. (Liking) - Interesting English song - Let's sing a song-YRMvaIR79g8.mp4
│ │ Is this your bag Is this your cap (Find things) - English song for Kids - Enjoy the song-_tplbpIAPL0.mp4
│ │ Jingle Bells - Christmas Song for kids - with Lyrics_HD.mp4
│ │ Let's go swimming. Can you go skiing (Suggestion) - English song for Kids - Enjoy the song-MgqAQAvwqCU.mp4
│ │ Let's play soccer. baseball. (Suggestion) - Education English song with lyrics - Sing a song-uYzwtiymDN4.mp4
│ │ Let's play soccer. baseball. (Suggestion) - Education English song with lyrics -_HD.mp4
│ │ Put on your coat.(imperative sentences) - English song for Kids - Let's sing - Sing Along-r4BrRcWmOzk.mp4
│ │ Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - Christmas Carol - Christmas Songs for Children_HD(1).mp4
│ │ Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - Christmas Carol - Christmas Songs for Children_HD.mp4
│ │ Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Kids Christmas Song - Popular Carol for Children_HD.mp4
│ │ Silent Night Holy Night - Christmas Song for Children - Kids Carol Song_HD.mp4.baiduyun.p.downloading
│ │ The Little Drummer Boy - Christmas Song - Christmas Special Carol - Popular Melo_HD.mp4.baiduyun.p.downloading
│ │ Touch your eyes. Sit down. (Imperative sentence) - English song for Kids - Enjoy the song-xYkxpzM0sJU.mp4
│ │ Trick or Treat - Halloween Song - Happy Halloween day - English Song For Kids - _HD.mp4
│ │ Watch out! I'm sorry. (Caution) - English kids song - Sing a song-qJVEpLK4gXo.mp4
│ │ We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Christmas Music - Best Song of Christmas Carol_HD.mp4
│ │ What are you doing (Present progressive) - English song for Kids - Enjoy the song-Ja0xp2j_JhM.mp4
│ │ What day is it today It's Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Day of the week) - English song for Kids-ukoKq_yb9_8.mp4
│ │ What did you do I went to the zoo. museum. (Past tense)- English song for Kids - Sing a song-SOkrQN-4O58.mp4
│ │ What did you do yesterday How was it (Past tense) - English educational song for Kids-H6gTpZ-7a4I.mp4
│ │ What time is it now It's ten o'clock. (Time song) - Education English song for Kids - Sing a song-f6r1K8jAt2k.mp4
│ │ What's this What's that Pencil Eraser - English song for Kids - Let's sing along loudly-gPvLv3geky8.mp4
│ │ Where is my bird On the chair. (In_on_under) - Education song with lyrics - Sing a song-SHp4ftbMZlA.mp4
│ │ Where is my coat Where are my gloves (In_on_under) - English song for Kids - Sing a song loudly-Zm8zhzYsOHI.mp4
│ │ Where is the restaurant(Asking the way) - English song for Kids - Let's sing - Sing Along-X4-61jfeD7M.mp4
│ │ White Christmas - Christmas Carol - Christmas Kids Song - Xmas Music_HD.mp4
│ │ Who is he_ Who is she_ (Introducing) - English song for Kids - Let's sing a song_HD.mp4
│ │ Who's this Who's that (Introducing family) - English song for Kids - Let's sing a song-pngsFg36ydk.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Special Song(9)
│ │ └─Special Song(9)
│ │ Happy Birthday to You - Happy Birthday Song (Traditional) - Kids Song-U1skXzRrvtw.mp4
│ │ Jingle Bells - Christmas Song for kids - with Lyrics-uTf0_uSGtSc.mp4
│ │ Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - Christmas Carol - Christmas Songs for Children-uU5qfXgEmMA.mp4
│ │ Santa Claus is Coming to Town - Kids Christmas Song - Popular Carol for Children-TGzFy5pi7sA.mp4
│ │ Silent Night Holy Night - Christmas Song for Children - Kids Carol Song-Y11q9rMWC4I.mp4
│ │ The Little Drummer Boy - Christmas Song - Christmas Special Carol - Popular Melody-19XfO9e26_U.mp4
│ │ Trick or Treat - Halloween Song - Happy Halloween day - English Song For Kids - Music-SeNEi_NfF6w.mp4
│ │ We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Christmas Music - Best Song of Christmas Carol-nQZAzeaOStQ.mp4
│ │ White Christmas - Christmas Carol - Christmas Kids Song - Xmas Music-DUeBeZisyjY.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Story(41)
│ │ └─Story(41)
│ │ A Lazy Boy Who Became a Cow - What are you doing (present progressive) - English story for Kids-SNXY3UuPVI4.mp4
│ │ A Little Princess - Happy Birthday! (congratulation) - ESL conversation - story for Kids--Od7C1W9IiU.mp4
│ │ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Can you play the violin - English animated story for kids-tkVaXsVrODk.mp4
│ │ Animal Friends - Happy birthday! Can you swim (Congratulation) - English fairy tale for kids-ZlpfdRsH3Po.mp4
│ │ Anne of Green Gables - How much is it (At the market) - English story for Kids-_aGjdkBpIuc.mp4
│ │ Cinderella - Happy birthday! This is for you (Congratulation) - famous story for Kids-WaN-KaRum_I.mp4
│ │ Cinderella - What time is it (Asking the Time) - Popular English story for Kids-BBRtA5vQfWg.mp4
│ │ Cinderella - What time is it It's twelve o'clock. (Asking the Time) - Famous story for Kids-sNNOF2sc5yc.mp4
│ │ Country Mouse and City Mouse - Do you want some more (At the table) - ESL program - story for Kids-Lo_ToJq3tu4.mp4
│ │ Gulliver's Travels - Let's play soccer. baseball. (Suggestion) - English famous story for Kids-2iXthD0lD3o.mp4
│ │ Gulliver's Travels - What's this Nose Mouth (this & that) - English story for Kids-p5Xnb6heVnY.mp4
│ │ Hansel and Gretel - Do you like doughnut (Liking) - English famous story for kids-5apgenGcYvg.mp4
│ │ Hansel and Gretel - How many cakes (Counting) - English Fairy-tale for kids-aeCAPozP1M4.mp4
│ │ Heidi - Who is she (Introducing) - English great man story for Kids-947tSW47g4M.mp4
│ │ Helen Keller - What's this Pencil Eraser Ruler (Stationery) - English great man story-re1VURSGeOk.mp4
│ │ Jack and the Beanstalk - Where's my box (In_On_Under) - Fairy Tale story for Kids-UYOgiNu_63Y.mp4
│ │ Little Red Riding Hood - Where are you Kitchen Bedroom (In the house) - English story-Eiyl8XnivXc.mp4
│ │ Little Women - Put on your coat. Is this yours (Invitation) - English famous story for Kids-o63KZKPvOBg.mp4
│ │ Mother's Love - How's the weather raining. sunny. (Weather) - English cartoon story-t2-jQuNtZAU.mp4
│ │ Old Man with a Lump - How much is it (Buy things)- English fairy tale for Kids-GL0rBCjhM7A.mp4
│ │ Peter Pan - Do you have crayons (Colors) - English animated story for Kids-pGfWpLQqojg.mp4
│ │ Peter Pan - How old are you (Age) - Popular English story for Kids-_2UlnjnW8rg.mp4
│ │ Pinocchio - Let's play soccer. badminton. (Suggestion) - English cartoon story-YdH1OM--unY.mp4
│ │ Pinocchio - What's this Book Box (this & that) - English story for kids-rQjV6dBgvuo.mp4
│ │ Pippi Longstocking - Where is the museum (Asking the way) - English animated cartoon story-qNHlG7IoTew.mp4
│ │ Snow White - Do you want some more No, thanks. - English animated story for Kids-jTkZFqu3FsQ.mp4
│ │ Snow White - It's not raining. It's snowing (Weather) - English Famous Story for Kids-2ma1yRJCaUs.mp4
│ │ The dutiful daughter - Who's this (Introducing) - English story for Kids-ylHvoYYwFoI.mp4
│ │ The Emperor's New Clothes - Put on your coat (Imperative sentence) - English Fairy tale for kids-lWEkry4QaR8.mp4
│ │ The Goose with the Golden Eggs - How many eggs (Counting) - English story for kids-mItj9Q6gT5k.mp4
│ │ The Grasshopper and the Ant - Let's go fishing. swimming. (suggestion) - English Aesop′s Fables-UJFogynsOk8.mp4
│ │ The Green Frog - Where is it (In_On_Under) - English animated story for Kids-VaBfRtG611s.mp4
│ │ The King has donkey ears - Open your eyes (Imperative sentence) - English story for Kids-7qCUn2z0fA0.mp4
│ │ The Little Green Frog - What did you do (past tense) - English cartoon story for Kids-2De0j1shxM4.mp4
│ │ The Little Mermaid - What did you do yesterday (past tense) - Popular English story for Kids-acr9gmRm2D0.mp4
│ │ The Red Shoes - What are you doing (present progressive) - English animated story for Kids-C0JVG-KJagQ.mp4
│ │ The Tortoise and the Hare - Good morning (Greeting) - English Aesop′s Fables for kids-xS8VobaOc44.mp4
│ │ The very hungry Caterpillar - What day is it (Asking the Day) - English story for Kids-pE7OBuaMX5k.mp4
│ │ The Wizard of Oz - Nice to meet you (Greeting) - English story for Kids-fVqfIxNs6o4.mp4
│ │ Two Brothers - Do you like cheese (Liking) - English animated cartoon-PBPnTgjeKc8.mp4
│ │ Two brothers - Open the door (Imperative sentence) - Traditional fairy tale for Kids-PbbK6mdUqhk.mp4
│ │
│ └─Theme playlist(13)
│ └─Theme playlist(13)
│ Theme 1. Greeting - Good morning. Good bye. _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-Fw0rdSHzWFY.mp4
│ Theme 10. Who - Who is he _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-peHgnfePaRM.mp4
│ Theme 11. Where - Where is it - asking the way _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-jWY6N9QXmEY.mp4
│ Theme 12. In, On, Under - It is under the table. _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-fhe7vQjQBxM.mp4
│ Theme 13. How many - How many apples _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-d7hYjIV4AF0.mp4
│ Theme 2. Time - What time is it _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-cs81UdOc9TU.mp4
│ Theme 3. Day - What day is it It's Monday. _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-5cYMu3RTMJU.mp4
│ Theme 4. Weather - How's the weather It's sunny. _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-P9abGg_gF1s.mp4
│ Theme 5. Sports - Let's play soccer. I like baseball. _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-mgSm4EoUYTQ.mp4
│ Theme 6. Happy Birthday - This is for you. Thanks. _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-LMs5M_IiQbc.mp4
│ Theme 7. Yours Mine - Whose bike is this _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids--rMV2oMDRHo.mp4
│ Theme 8. Sorry - Watch out! Are you okay _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-B-AAC6kC2AI.mp4
│ Theme 9. What - What's this What's that _ ESL Song & Story - Learning English for Kids-0QrcDQSxfCY.mp4
│ ├─ABC Alphabet & Words(43)
│ │ └─ABC Alphabet & Words(43)
│ │ A is for Alligator, Ant, Apple - Letter A - Alphabet Song _ Learning english for kids-hoZI0zb29Bk.mp4
│ │ ABC Song 1 - Alphabet Song - English song for Kids - Sing along-VNvyyGA30SM.mp4
│ │ ABC Song 2 - Alphabet Song - English song for Kids - Sing along-bl1bXXIYeAM.mp4
│ │ ABC Song 3 - Alphabet Song - English song for Kids - Sing along-ZKBeXRVX6pA.mp4
│ │ Alphabet Song - Letter A to Z - Upper Case (Capital letter) _ Learning English for kids-DKcEbFyiDlo.mp4
│ │ alphabet song ?C letter a to z - lower case (small letter) _ Learning English for kids-ddxMPD6tWHI.mp4
│ │ B is for Bat, Bell, Bus - Letter B - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-8ARFeTcSkLo.mp4
│ │ C is for Cap, Car, Cat - Letter C - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-WdDJNodmzYI.mp4
│ │ Color Song - Learn colors for kids - Teach colors in English - Preschool, Kindergarten-YRonvWl1g1s.mp4
│ │ D is for Dog, Doll, Drum - Letter D - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-ot-Iv-P_lTw.mp4
│ │ E is for Egg, Elephant, Elevator - Letter E - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-rhz7sKGf6-4.mp4
│ │ Easy Words 1 (Act Song) - Learn English vocabulary for kids - English song for Toddlers-b32WEHGmtOc.mp4
│ │ Easy Words 2 (Animal Song) - Learn English vocabulary for kids - English song for Toddlers-Lrx9EnPOX-g.mp4
│ │ Easy Words 3 (Food Song) - Learn English vocabulary for kids - English song for Toddlers-IgXD4HsiKsU.mp4
│ │ Easy Words 4 (Sports Song) - Learn English vocabulary for kids - English song for Toddlers-X7rbyIBOEjc.mp4
│ │ Easy Words 5 (Stationery Song) - Learn English vocabulary for kids - English song for Toddlers-AYYzO36M0So.mp4
│ │ F is for Fish, Fox, Frog - Letter F - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-N1s6hPMPjgg.mp4
│ │ G is for Girl, Gorilla, Grapes - Letter G - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-vLZNEWnYLXs.mp4
│ │ H is for Hat, Horse, House - Letter H - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-XcE_5kxF4rY.mp4
│ │ I is for Ice cream, Igloo, Ink - Letter I - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-0WO5YOSrZnY.mp4
│ │ J is for Jacket, Jam, Jet - Letter J - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids--l1qWtDm9QA.mp4
│ │ K is for Kangaroo, Key, Kite - Letter K - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-bUGzTYB51Aw.mp4
│ │ L is for Lamp, Lemon, Lion - Letter L - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-pR8z5S7d6iA.mp4
│ │ Let's Write - Alphabet A to Z - How to Write abc for kids-OfWJ1DOOmPc.mp4
│ │ Let's Write - Cursive Writing - Alphabet A to Z - How to Write abc for kids-3nrRBUKNj4E.mp4
│ │ M is for Mask, Mop, Mouse - Letter M - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-gm39EVAbBiM.mp4
│ │ N is for Nest, Noodles, Nut - Letter N - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-rWS3zKgFYEo.mp4
│ │ Number Song - 123 Song - Counting 1 to 10 , 11 to 20, 10 to 100, 1 to 100 - Learn number for kids-hi3w0YNp7nI.mp4
│ │ O is for Octopus, Orange, Ostrich - Letter O - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-6MbypvmgraM.mp4
│ │ P is for Panda, Pen, Pig - Letter P - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-BcVF9M_IXHk.mp4
│ │ Q is for Queen, Question, Quilt - Letter Q - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-4sbAc3Q7QXA.mp4
│ │ R is for Rabbit, Red, Robot - Letter R - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-bAeQBRnYxec.mp4
│ │ S is for Six, Snake, Sun - Letter S - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-9Jk6R4AYBgE.mp4
│ │ Shape Song - English Kids Song - Learn about Shapes - Kindergarten Educational Song-WMnVQAg3AeM.mp4
│ │ Sports Song - Educational Children Song - Learning English Sports for Kids-tgUSHk6JaTY.mp4
│ │ T is for Top, Tree, Turtle - Letter T - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-5B7zm_s_I4E.mp4
│ │ Transportation Song - Vehicle Song - Cars, Boats, Trains, Planes - Kids English Learning-5-DeiXPJ3H8.mp4
│ │ U is for Umbrella, Unicorn, Up - Letter U - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-n4Wdj-6ugKo.mp4
│ │ V is for Van, Vase, Violin - Letter V - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-kBYa5p3k9LQ.mp4
│ │ W is for Watch, Wig, Window - Letter W - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-roqcSMBDQLw.mp4
│ │ X is for Xray, Xylophone - Letter X - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-j42me2Ki6gE.mp4
│ │ Y is for Yacht, Yarn, Yo-yo - Letter Y - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-psy7eht2QxY.mp4
│ │ Z is for Zebra, Zero, Zoo - Letter Z - Alphabet Song _ Learning English for kids-grQirIvyQsY.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Alien Bob's Crew(17)
│ │ #0 Prologue - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-WBsF6XHcnDg.mp4
│ │ #1 Ready ready! - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-32WR6TT_DvY.mp4
│ │ #10 What's she doing - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crewn-PQPzNCxe6NU.mp4
│ │ #11 To the Zoo! - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-akFMlw2qoBA.mp4
│ │ #12 Your Talent - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-xdhRWFqVvE0.mp4
│ │ #13 Look at the sky! - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-0cAgZDKwH9c.mp4
│ │ #14 What day - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-jGvfUBkM6A0.mp4
│ │ #15 Don't do that! - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-9c8rAYFX1gw.mp4
│ │ #16 Girls Girls - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-pKuc4qNiuT8.mp4
│ │ #2 Go straight - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-WDj9kmiUwIM.mp4
│ │ #3 Hello! - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-BSz70yk35wM.mp4
│ │ #4 Sorry, stop it! - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew--1ON6phRX2Q.mp4
│ │ #5 Are you okay - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-SHNiwzc1Fs0.mp4
│ │ #6 How's the weather - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-c0wFcv1lVZ0.mp4
│ │ #7 Harder, faster, better! - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-ozFDbgJzFpA.mp4
│ │ #8 Homesick - English animation music video - Alien Bob's Crew-ofis3HTE6Es.mp4
│ │ #9 I'm a policeman - English animation music video - Allien Bob's Crew-JSXCqpb-BYY.mp4
│ │
│ └─Kids Vocabulary(58)new
│ └─Kids Vocabulary(58)
│ Kids vocabulary - Action Verbs - Action Words - Learn English for kids - English educational video-4c6FyuetSVo.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Action Verbs 2 - Action Words.mp4
│ Kids Vocabulary - Animal Sounds - cow moo - Learn English for kids - English educational video-9DudksqYoWw.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Baby Animals - Learn English for kids.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Body - parts of body.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Bugs - Learn English for kids.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Calendar - Months and Days.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Christmas.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Clothes - clothing.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Color - color mixing - rainbow colors.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Family - family members & tree - Learn English educational video for kids-FHaObkHEkHQ.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Family - family members & tree.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Feel (Feelings or Emotions) - Are you happy.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Feel 2 - feelings - Are you happy.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Fire station.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Five Senses - Learn English for kids.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Four Seasons.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Fruits & Vegetables .mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Geography - Nature.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Growing a Tree.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Halloween.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Happy Halloween (Ver.2)i.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Health Problems.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Hobby and Interest.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Hospital.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - House - Parts of the House.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Human Sounds - imitating sounds.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Job - Let's learn jobs.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Map.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Musical Instruments - Orchestra instrument -.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - My Day - Daily Routine.mp4
│ Kids Vocabulary - Number 123 - Learn English Vocabulary for Kids - English Educational Video-Lu8E13_Irm8.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Olympic Sports - Game of Sports - Learn English for kids - educational video-nUGX9zQg2rs.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Opposite Words - Learn Opposites - English for kids - English educational video-LF3crlV28xA.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Our Planet, Earth - continents & oceans.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Playground.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - School.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - SchoolSubjects .mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - SchoolSubjects2 .mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Sea Animals.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Shape - Name of the Shape.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Solar System, Geography, Zodiac Sign.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - TOKYO_Olympic Sports - Learn English for kids.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Town - village - introduction of my town.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Toy.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Transportation Sounds - Vehicle - .mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Weather - How's the weather.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Where(in, on, under).mp4
│ Kids vocabulary - Zodiac sign - 12 Zodiac signs - star signs.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary 2 compilation - Animation Words collection (ABC first Dictionary).mp4
│ Kids vocabulary 2 compilation -All collection (ABC first Dictionary).mp4
│ Kids vocabulary compilation - Words Theme collection.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary Theme Animals - Baby Animals, Sea Animals, Bugs.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary Theme City - Town structure, Job.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary Theme House - Fruits&Vegetables, Clothes.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary Theme Human - Action verbs, Body, Feel.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary Theme Place - House, Fire Station, Hospital, School.mp4
│ Kids vocabulary Theme Sounds - Animal, Human, Transportation.mp4
├─Basic Dialogue (for Beginners)(48)
│ └─Basic Dialogue (for Beginners)(48)
│ Lesson 10_(A)Wash your face. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-yKlUOZW_Org.mp4
│ Lesson 10_(B)Brush your teeth _ hair. - Cartoon Story - English Education - conversation for kids-2vTEpcOCvLY.mp4
│ Lesson 11_(A)What is it - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-GD58KephpWE.mp4
│ Lesson 11_(B)What is it - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-iSpESPrDPD0.mp4
│ Lesson 12_(A)I need a ruler. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-gC-4s6NJDZk.mp4
│ Lesson 12_(B)I need a ruler. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-9HNQU7ihCmk.mp4
│ Lesson 13_(A)Who is she - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-zYVDc8uYAes.mp4
│ Lesson 13_(B)Who is she - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-yFm9Uke2Drk.mp4
│ Lesson 14_(A)Who is he - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-Y-TZIEAlXAg.mp4
│ Lesson 14_(B)Who is he - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-G1fYzuVNZNc.mp4
│ Lesson 15_(A)Do you have a pet - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-4yuml9QHrbQ.mp4
│ Lesson 15_(B)Do you have a pet - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-dQgo02FCiqk.mp4
│ Lesson 16_(A)I can draw a ship. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-Dum1K1bRaFM.mp4
│ Lesson 16_(B)I can draw a car. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-5WdicdQqOTY.mp4
│ Lesson 17_(A)Let's play baseball. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-q4qQO93kCy8.mp4
│ Lesson 17_(B)Let's play baseball. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-uJaI6MVFUEY.mp4
│ Lesson 18_(A)Do you have a glove - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-65bYRFCULoQ.mp4
│ Lesson 18_(B)Do you have a ball - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-Lqf6BwbzOhY.mp4
│ Lesson 19_(A)What's wrong - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-xJkcYXW8nHk.mp4
│ Lesson 19_(B)What's wrong - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-YOnXu3UzU1k.mp4
│ Lesson 1_(A)How old are you - How old - Age - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-H-R5KTwroc8.mp4
│ Lesson 1_(B)How old are you - How old - Age - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-xw010BJCb88.mp4
│ Lesson 20_(A)Whose bike is this - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-_nkblUDzF_w.mp4
│ Lesson 20_(B)Whose ball is this - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-wfY7x0AOC38.mp4
│ Lesson 21_(A)Do you want shoes - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-uaVgnsQZfOs.mp4
│ Lesson 21_(B)Do you want shoes - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-Rh6hUE_Eew4.mp4
│ Lesson 22_(A)May I help you - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-7RZWjgWJPsw.mp4
│ Lesson 22_(B)May I help you - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-a45YteJZDKA.mp4
│ Lesson 23_(A)What color do you like - Cartoon Story - Easy conversation for kids-uZqgyofiOhY.mp4
│ Lesson 23_(B)What color do you like - Cartoon Story - Easy conversation for kids-c09wkChWnWY.mp4
│ Lesson 24_(A)Are you OK - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-W35waeQDmEM.mp4
│ Lesson 24_(B)Are you OK - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-7aLPTqLN6Vs.mp4
│ Lesson 2_(A)What's that - What - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-Q_0OsZCXFuA.mp4
│ Lesson 2_(B)What's that - What - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-evtMsNV0ZX8.mp4
│ Lesson 3_(A)Nice to meet you. - Greeting - Introducing - Cartoon Story - English Education-fcPhl6_Fl2I.mp4
│ Lesson 3_(B)Nice to meet you. - Cartoon Story - Greeting - Introducing - English Education-hQ5LBHU1CZg.mp4
│ Lesson 4_(A)Is this your doll - Is this yours - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-xq_IA7PLpZ8.mp4
│ Lesson 4_(B)Is this your bike - Is this yours - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-9ImdmQW74BM.mp4
│ Lesson 5_(A)Who is this - Who - Introducing - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-zmT7x_aFc7s.mp4
│ Lesson 5_(B)Who is this Who - Introducing - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-2wBxuRWJ9Vs.mp4
│ Lesson 6_(A)I'm hungry - Have some cake - At the table - Cartoon Story - English Education-5E5LYCosEPY.mp4
│ Lesson 6_(B)I'm hungry - Have some cake - At the table - Cartoon Story - English Education-kep694F2GTE.mp4
│ Lesson 7_(A)Where's my dog - In On Under - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-Wd1XgFyDLfM.mp4
│ Lesson 7_(B)Where's my dog - In On Under - Cartoon Story - English Education - for kids-gRjP_FzHdrA.mp4
│ Lesson 8_(A)Come here, Mary. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-gEMihhYLBzg.mp4
│ Lesson 8_(B)Come here. - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-OYKqWZsUlUg.mp4
│ Lesson 9_(A)What time is it - Time - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-5z_rN2IO4PU.mp4
│ Lesson 9_(B)What time is it - Time - Cartoon Story - English Education - Easy conversation for kids-te-NwWgunm8.mp4
├─Dialogue Let's Role-play(43)
│ └─Dialogue Let's Role-play(43)
│ [Age] How old are you I'm five years old. - Easy Dialogue - English cartoon with subtitles.-yWaVltUyDZM.mp4
│ [Caution] Watch out! Are you okay - Easy Dialogue - English educational animation with subtitles--fXIL42-qUU.mp4
│ [Color] What color is it It's red. - Easy Dialogue - English cartoon for Kids-6oJvyrRUPzA.mp4
│ [Counting] How many bears Three bears. (In the zoo) - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids.-4xsRmYL_7LI.mp4
│ [Day] What day is it today It's Wednesday. Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids-_R7nrvhNmrI.mp4
│ [Exclamatory sentence] What a big tree! It's wonderful - Easy Dialogue - English animation for Kids-fdFjiepMk7k.mp4
│ [Exclamatory sentence] What a wonderful! - Easy Dialogue - English educational video for kids-Y_kpOupcAsQ.mp4
│ [Greeting] Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. - Easy Dialogue - English conversation for Kids-zqAcFdsmtbk.mp4
│ [Greeting] Good morning. How are you - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids-AA5hOCxlRaI.mp4
│ [Have] Do you have crayon Do you have paper - Easy Dialogue -English educational video for kids.-UFy02dqJCUs.mp4
│ [Imperative sentence] Put on your coat. - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids-aJLnm9jwY_w.mp4
│ [Imperative sentence] Put on your pants. Put on your coat. - Easy Dialogue - English for kids.-gtue7EAd_XI.mp4
│ [Invitation] Help yourself. May I have some more (At the table) - Easy Dialogue for Kids-CtsG2klnuGk.mp4
│ [In_On_Under] Where is my cap I don't see it - Easy Dialogue - English educational video for kids-o7Cbn0PzVIw.mp4
│ [In_On_Under] Where is my pencil It's on the chair. - Easy Dialogue - English animation for Kids-ltHM9ClvBig.mp4
│ [Liking] Do you like cheese Yes or No. - Easy Dialogue - English educational animation.-S6pRqjxD-fQ.mp4
│ [Liking] I like soccer. Let's play soccer. - Easy Dialogue - English animation for kids.-xYGlhOR86mM.mp4
│ [Look like] What does she look like (At the amusement park) - Easy English Dialogue - for Kids-7eJHndmL0SY.mp4
│ [Order] May I take your order Anything else For here or to go. - English for Kids-49QFHWIky-k.mp4
│ [Order] May I take your order I'd like a pizza. (At the Restaurant) - Easy English Dialogue-IWMMkp35d6Y.mp4
│ [Party & Can] Happy birthday! Can you swim - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids.-w9DxgFO5i3M.mp4
│ [Past tense] How was your summer vacation It was great. - Easy Dialogue for Kids-KiNUkRPOpQY.mp4
│ [Past tense] What did you do We went to the park. - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids-aqMpREQdnCY.mp4
│ [Possessive] Whose bike is this It's mine - Easy Dialogue - English educational animation for kids.-nsqfrAF7OLI.mp4
│ [Present progressive] What are you doing I'm jumping. dancing. sleeping. - Easy Dialogue for Kids-TR5RcutMu7c.mp4
│ [Present progressive] What are you doing I'm writing. - Easy Dialogue for Kids-KKpmytQ8Qqc.mp4
│ [Present progressive] What's he doing He's dancing. jumping. jogging. - Easy Dialogue for Kids-JZrEqSnJ59s.mp4
│ [Price] How much is it It's five dollars. (In the store) - Easy Dialogue - English for kids.-P5Vi4j1F4sE.mp4
│ [Subject] What's your favorite subject I like math. - Easy Dialogue - English for kids.-H3XraQMEal4.mp4
│ [Suggestion] Let's go camping. - Easy Dialogue - English educational animation with subtitles-GRI5aWHjiBE.mp4
│ [Suggestion] Let's put up balls. Wash your hands. (for Christmas) - Easy Dialogue - English for Kids-_De5v2MJEBM.mp4
│ [Telephone Conversations] Can I Speak to Sally Speaking. - Easy Dialogue for kids-u-AUW72Rs1o.mp4
│ [Telephone Conversations] May I speak to Kate I'll call back later. - Easy Dialogue for Kids-gWOqA3pUaTk.mp4
│ [this & that] What's this What's that - Easy Dialogue - English educational animation for Kids.-eUazfCkQq84.mp4
│ [Time] What time is it Time for breakfast. - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids-J9_Uknk4avE.mp4
│ [Time] What time is it We're late. - Easy Dialogue - English educational animation with subtitles.-kOEsLO4ydK8.mp4
│ [Toothache] What's wrong I have a toothache. (At the dentist) - Easy Dialogue - English for Kids-1qQHJBC3D7o.mp4
│ [Weather] It's raining. What color is it - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids-NFQx7P6D8zM.mp4
│ [Weather] It's snowing. Do you like snow - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids.-f14VXicnOvs.mp4
│ [Where] Where's the museum Go straight. (Asking the way) - Easy Dialogue - English video for Kids-IfT4XhfUFkk.mp4
│ [Where] Where's the post office It's over there (Asking the way) - Easy Dialogue - English for Kids-iBbRRueIUrE.mp4
│ [Where] Where's the restroom I don't know. (Asking the way) - Easy Dialogue - English for kids-tMp2cSX_nqI.mp4
│ [Who] Who is he - Who is she - Easy Dialogue - English educational animation for kids.-XmR7IYeBe5g.mp4
├─Learn English A to Z(43)
│ └─Learn English A to Z(43)
│ A Phonics Song - Letter A - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-PJxxhNoTXYQ.mp4
│ B Phonics Song - Letter B - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-NmA3zNSK5G0.mp4
│ C Phonics Song - Letter C - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-6KFClSOu76M.mp4
│ D Phonics Song - Letter D - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-ZBMDPUvuhTM.mp4
│ E Phonics Song - Letter E - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-7jS6z01Zr9k.mp4
│ F Phonics Song - Letter F - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-g82eBxd6aRA.mp4
│ G Phonics Song - Letter G - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-4lDgJYfTe4A.mp4
│ H Phonics Song - Letter H - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-PbaJWz3lspc.mp4
│ I Phonics Song - Letter I - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-4pfh7s0eEws.mp4
│ J Phonics Song - Letter J - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-Xch__6xl8dg.mp4
│ K Phonics Song - Letter K - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-KLUwW2T80Q0.mp4
│ L Phonics Song - Letter L - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-5f6knxIt2Zc.mp4
│ M Phonics Song - Letter M - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-0F3kL9P3tZY.mp4
│ N Phonics Song - Letter N - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids--lSfdyF4rlA.mp4
│ O Phonics Song - Letter O - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-DYrdw-QCDC4.mp4
│ P Phonics Song - Letter P - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-Apbo2Ik-wM0.mp4
│ Phonics Alphabet - Letter a to z - Lower Case (small letter) _ Learn English for kids-kXFd8ZuP4eM.mp4
│ Phonics Alphabet - Letter A to Z - Upper Case (Capital letter) _ Learn English for kids-H5PLrI75dik.mp4
│ Phonics Song 1 (A~D) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers-p_J0iO9FA_0.mp4
│ Phonics Song 1 (A~Z) - Alphabet Song - English song for kids-RLEXMcdYtj0.mp4
│ Phonics Song 1 (E~H) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-8u-92i_utB0.mp4
│ Phonics Song 1 (I~L) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-pNxYrSQ2rEc.mp4
│ Phonics Song 1 (M~P) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-w_Zt5CkE-Es.mp4
│ Phonics Song 1 (Q~T) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-ia5YLLmtxxw.mp4
│ Phonics Song 1 (U~Z) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-P0fh6WrvuHg.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (B&P) (Phonics) - English song for Kids - English Sing sing-4rzxi1FFJyo.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (D&M) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-Ke4BWBBK1X8.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (F&P) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-5jlsJ0WAZJc.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (H&J) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-eIfWJC5QUDc.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (L&T) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-VkLVnnrUSfg.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (N&G) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-uEIOcGe8ejY.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (R&C) (Phonics) - English song for Toddlers - English Sing sing-x6-lcSpIXE0.mp4
│ Phonics Song 2 (S&B) - English song for Toddlers-oF1AlSY2qHM.mp4
│ Q Phonics Song - Letter Q - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-rlp5GK6qBXo.mp4
│ R Phonics Song - Letter R - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-Du7FU8UP_lE.mp4
│ S Phonics Song - Letter S - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-B4s4AURxnhg.mp4
│ T Phonics Song - Letter T - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-21YqiwxyYyA.mp4
│ U Phonics Song - Letter U - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-1y6iba01ixw.mp4
│ V Phonics Song - Letter V - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-ajIDkxho-Bc.mp4
│ W Phonics Song - Letter W - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-zoOXhdjcUlU.mp4
│ X Phonics Song - Letter X - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-KWI5L8Lvrnk.mp4
│ Y Phonics Song - Letter Y - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-kYz_hsXfTuo.mp4
│ Z Phonics Song - Letter Z - Alphabet song _ Learn phonics for kids-NNmR-BtrMDI.mp4
├─Nursery Rhymes(21)
│ └─Nursery Rhymes(21)
│ BINGO - Dog song - Nursery Rhymes - Popular Rhymes - English Song For Kids - for ESL Students-fyCjxPp0T3A.mp4
│ Finger Family - Finger Song - English Kids Song - Children Song - Baby Song - Toddler Song-8IqTlOlPWrY.mp4
│ Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Nursery Popular Rhymes - English Song For Kids - Music-TDpg7aSpHW4.mp4
│ Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes+More Nursery Rhymes _ Top 20 _ Collection of Kids Songs-ufVOc8fP068.mp4
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