- 资源类型国产软件
- 来源渠道共享软件
- 界面语言简体中文
- 资源大小3.83 GB
- 文件类型.mp4
- 支持设备Windows10,Win2017,Win20XP
- 软件等级
《POCOYO小P优优》是一部风靡全球180个国家和地区的国宝级教育类少儿动画片,由西班牙仁捷娱乐股份公司出品,由英国哈佛研究院的专家策划,著名儿童编剧Andy Yerkes创作,欧洲顶级3D动画大师制作团队倾力打造。 “欢笑幽默”和“探索学习”两个元素在片中完美结合,使该片获得巨大成功。曾荣获上百项国际性动画节大奖,适合儿童与家长一起观看的儿童动画片。
├─Pocoyo S-01
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 01 S01Ep.01-04.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 02 S01Ep.05-08.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 03 S01Ep.09-12.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 04 S01Ep.13-16.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 05 S01Ep.17-20.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 06 S01Ep.21-24.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 07 S01Ep.25-28.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 08 S01Ep.29-32.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 09 S01Ep.33-36.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 10 S01Ep.37-40.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 11 S01Ep.41-44.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 12 S01Ep.45-48.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 13 S01Ep.49-52.480P.MP4
├─Pocoyo S-02
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 14 S02Ep.01-04.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 15 S02Ep.05-08.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 16 S02Ep.09-12.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 17 S02Ep.13-16.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 18 S02Ep.17-20.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 19 S02Ep.21-24.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 20 S02Ep.25-28.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 21 S02Ep.29-32.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 22 S02Ep.33-36.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 23 S02Ep.37-40.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 24 S02Ep.41-44.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 25 S02Ep.45-48.480P.MP4
│ Pocoyo in English - Session 26 S02Ep.49-52.480P.MP4
├─Pocoyo S-03
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E01] - Pocoyo's Band.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E02] - Picnic.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E03] - Pato's Shower.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E04] - The Garden.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E05] - Pato the Postman.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E06] - Colours.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E07] - Ready, steady, GO!.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E08] - Camping.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E09] - Space Mission.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E10] - Travel with Pato.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E11] - Playtime.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E12] - Tennis Everyone.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E13] - Hide and Seek.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E14] - Party Time.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E15] - Wheels.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E16] - Elly's Bath.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E17] - The Amazing Tower.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E18] - Pocoyo's New Toys.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E19] - Bathing Loula.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E20] - Magic Fingers.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E21] - Cooking With Elly.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E22] - Elly's Market.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E23] - Pato's Bedtime.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E24] - A Hole in One.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E25] - Pocoyo's Camera.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E26] - Painting with Pocoyo.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E27] - Playing Dress Up.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E28] - Magic Box.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E29] - Pocoyo's Restaurant.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E30] - Wake Up, Pocoyo!.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E31] - Ahoy, Pocoyo!.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E32] - Elly's computer.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E33] - Going To The Beach.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E34] - Big and Small.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E35] - Face Painting.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E36] - Pocoyo's Supermarket.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E37] - Elly's Playhouse.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E38] - Pocoyo's Puppet Theatre.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E39] - Up And Down.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E40] - Pocoyo's Breakfast.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E41] - Traffic Jam.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E42] - Pato's Living Room.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E43] - Cinema.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E44] - Elly's New Doll.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E45] - Circus.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E46] - The Best Bedroom.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E47] - Pocoyo Goes to School.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E48] - Art.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E49] - Pocoyo Recycles.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E50] - Down on the Farm.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E51] - Nurse Elly.HD720P.MP4
│ Let's Go Pocoyo! [S03E52] - Fishing with Pocoyo.HD720P.MP4
└─Pocoyo S-04
Pocoyo (S04E01) - Holidays.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E02) - Christmas Tree.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E03) - Chicks Dig Me.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E04) - Call Me.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E05) - Muck Struck.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E06) - Meets Nina.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E07) - Hack Attack.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E08) - Hole Lotta Trouble.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E09) - Great Shot!.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E10) - Disco Fleaver.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E11) - House of Colors.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E12) - Summer Hike.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E13) - Bumbleberry Surprise.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E14) - Are we there yet-.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E15) - Tourist Trapped.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E16) - Time After Time Before Time.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E17) - Tiny Fun Park.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E18) - Halloween Tales.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E19) - Rock is a Hard Place.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E20) - Angry Alien Strikes Back- BLACK FRIDAY.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E21) - Magic Words- BLACK FRIDAY.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E22) - Sleep Guard- BLACK FRIDAY.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E23) - Insert Coin- BLACK FRIDAY.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E24) - Space Postal Service.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E25) - An Alien Christmas Carol.1080p.MP4
Pocoyo (S04E26) - Dance Off Part Two.1080p.MP4
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