KidsTV 123系列137个高清视频儿歌资源亲子伴读网
- 资源类型国产软件
- 来源渠道共享软件
- 界面语言简体中文
- 资源大小1.92 GB
- 文件类型.mp4
- 支持设备Windows10Win2017Win20XP
- 软件等级

KidsTV 123系列适合刚开始自然拼读启蒙的小宝。有字母表视频儿歌、26个字母的发音规则、辅音+元音+辅音的拼读、关于数字的系列视频儿歌、关于时间的儿歌、多个国家的不同儿歌,还有很多经典的儿歌。优能早教论坛同步YouTube更新KidsTV 123系列全部视频,后续持续更新,目前共216集,均为720P高清视频,并整理配套MP3音频供大家磨耳朵使用!
Changes 2.mp4
The Reading Machine 1.mp4
Let's Count up to Ten - Counting Song.mp4
Phonics Song 3 (zed version).mp4
The Thank You Song.mp4
The Train Colors Song.mp4
The Opposites Song.mp4
We're Singing the ABCs.mp4
In the Big Blue Sea - Counting Song.mp4
We're Singing the ABCs (ZED version).mp4
Santa's on his Way.mp4
The Sunny Day Song.mp4
Days of the Week Song.mp4
The K Song.mp4
Alphabubblies Jumping ABC Song.mp4
The Countries of the World Song - Africa.mp4
On the Farm (counting song).mp4
Where's the Monkey-.mp4
Phonics Song 2.mp4
Pumpkin Pumpkin - Halloween Song.mp4
Phonics with The Funnies 5 - _i_.mp4
The O Song.mp4
Phonics with The Funnies 7 - _n_.mp4
The Countries of the World Song - The Americas.mp4
Five Little Monkeys.mp4
Phonics Song 2 (new version).mp4
The Shapes Song (HD).mp4
BINGO - Children's Song.mp4
The Spelling Mistakes Song.mp4
When the Snow Falls.mp4
Easy Little Song.mp4
We are the Alphabet (zed version).mp4
Days in the Months Song.mp4
At the Zoo.mp4
Butterfly Colors Song 2.mp4
The Animal Sounds Song.mp4
The Countries of the World Song - Europe.mp4
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.mp4
The G Song.mp4
Parachute Letters - BIG 1.mp4
The Feelings Song.mp4
The F Song.mp4
Phonics with The Funnies 4 - _t_.mp4
Colors Song 2.mp4
The Countries of the World Song - Asia.mp4
Changes 1.mp4
ABC Song.mp4
We are the Alphabet.mp4
5 Little Ducks.mp4
The 2 Times Table Song (version 2).mp4
Phonics with The Funnies 3 - _p_.mp4
Colors Song 3.mp4
The Skinny Jeans Song.mp4
Old MacDonald Had a Farm.mp4
Shapes Song 2.mp4
Numbers Song.mp4
The M Song.mp4
The I song.mp4
The Happy Birthday Song.mp4
The Butterfly Colors Song.mp4
The Wheels on the Bus (right).mp4
The Coral Song.mp4
Brush Your Teeth.mp4
The L Song.mp4
Too Spooky For Me - Halloween Song.mp4
The D Song.mp4
The Santa Claus Song.mp4
The I Spy Song.mp4
You've Got Eyes.mp4
The Countries of the World Song - Oceania.mp4
The P Song.mp4
Skidamarink - I Love You.mp4
The 50 States Song.mp4
New ABC Song.mp4
Phonics with The Funnies 8 - _c_.mp4
Alphabet Song with The Alphabubblies.mp4
The Same or Different Game 1.mp4
ABC Song in the Sea.mp4
10 Little Numbers.mp4
Rudolph and the Snowman.mp4
The E Song.mp4
What's the Time-.mp4
Red Rabbit Green Gorilla.mp4
Months Of The Year Song.mp4
Parachute Letters - small 1.mp4
The Dancing Christmas Tree Song.mp4
The Wheels on the Bus (left).mp4
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.mp4
Incy Wincy Spider.mp4
Ten in the Bed.mp4
Spooky Spooky - Halloween Song.mp4
The Rainbow Colors Song.mp4
The Magic E Song.mp4
In the Garden Song [HD].mp4
Giraffe Song.mp4
The Big and Small Letters Song.mp4
The Letter Sounds Song.mp4
The Baby Animals Song.mp4
Phonics Song.mp4
The Big Numbers Song.mp4
The Q Song.mp4
The Shapes Song.mp4
Jingle Bells.mp4
Phonics Song 2 (new ZED version).mp4
The Solar System Song.mp4
ABC Seven Steps Song.mp4
When You're Dancing.mp4
The Planets Song.mp4
Phonics Song 3.mp4
Humpty Dumpty.mp4
The ABC Song.mp4
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