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有孩子们超级喜欢的卡尔爷爷的传世之作:《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?》、《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》……
有韵律十足听上几遍就能唱出来的儿歌童谣:《Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed》、《The Wheels on the Bus》、《Down by the Station》、《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》……
有英文科普类的I AM系列:《I Am an Apple》、《I'm a Caterpillar》、《I Am a Leaf》……
有获得过绘本界奥斯卡的凯迪克大奖作品:《Color Zoo》、《Inch by Inch》、《Seven Blind Mice》
有苏斯博士的自然拼读系列:《Hop on Pop》、《Fox in Socks》、《The Foot Book》
还有孩子们特别喜欢的以卡通形象为主角的绘本:《Kipper's Christmas Eve》、《Kipper's Monster》……
美国40年教龄金牌老师精讲:美国小学顶级外教课100节 包含绘本PDF、音频MP3、高清视频目录:
1. Brown bear ,Brown bear,What do you see
2. Down by the Station
3. Dr. Seuss Hop On Pop
4. Green Eggs and Ham
5. Henny Penny
6. Ape in a cape
7. Hattie and the Fox
8. The very hungry caterpillar
9. Fox in Socks
10. Does a Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too
11.The Wheels on the Bus
12. ABC.(Dr.Seuss.-.ABC)
13. Go Away Big Green Monster
14. Today is Monday
15. Sheep in Jeep
16. King Bidgoods In The Bathtub
17. Sheep in a Shop
18. The Mixed Up Chameleon
19. Five Littele Monkeys Sitting in a Tree
20. Color Zoo
21. Rosie's Walk
22. Five Little Ducks
23. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
24. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear
25. the napping house
26. We are going on a bear hunt
26. We are going on a bear hunt
27. Walking Through the Jungle
27. Walking Through the Jungle
28. Is Your Mama a Llama
28. Is Your Mama a Llama
29. The Very Quiet Cricket
29. The Very Quiet Cricket
30. Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
30. Papa Please Get the Moon For Me
31. Quick as a Cricket
31. The Animal Boogie
32. The Animal Boogie
32. The Foot Book
33. The Foot Book
33. kipper's A to Z
34. one fish, two fish,Red Fish Blue Fish
34. one fish, two fish,Red Fish Blue Fish
35. Each Peach Pear Plum
35. Each Peach Pear Plum
36. eating the alphlabet
36. eating the alphlabet
37. I am an Apple
37. I am an Apple
38. Alligators All Around
38. kipper's A to Z
39. Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
39. If You Take A Mouse To School
40. Silly Sally
40. on market street
41. See You Later Alligator
41. See You Later Alligator
42. Silly Sally
42. on market street
43. I Am A Caterpillar
43. I Am A Caterpillar
44. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear
44. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear
45. A Dragon on the Doorstep
45. A Dragon on the Doorstep
46. Alligators All Around
46. Papa Please Get the Moon For Me
47. I Am A Seed
47. I Am A Seed
48. Maisy Goes Camping
48. Maisy Goes Camping
49. The Itsy Bitsy Spider
49. The Itsy Bitsy Spider
50. I Am A Leaf
50. I Am A Leaf
51. I Am Fire
52. Over In The Meadow
53. Do you want to be my friend_, by Eric Carle
54. Row Row Row Your Boat
55. What's The Time, Mr.Wolf_
56. Tomorrow's Alphabet
57. Where Is My Teddy
58. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
59. Owl Babies
60 Shooting Stars
61. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
62. Quick as a Cricket
62. Quick as a Cricket
63. Kipper's Christmas Eve
64. Mouse Paint
65. Curious George Learns the Alphabet
66. If The Dinosaurs Came Back
67. Kipper's Monster
68. Madeline
69. The Runaway Bunny
70. Noisy Nora
71. Read to Your Bunny
72. What's in the Witch's Kitchen
73. Duck Rabbit
74. Knuffle Bunny
76. Elmer
77. Pete the Cat-I love My White Shoe
78. Where is the Green Sheep
79课 A Color of His Own
80课 The Doorbell Rang
81课 Mouse Count
82课 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo
83课 Inch by Inch
84课 Feast for 10
85课 From Head to Toe
86课 I Ain not Gonna Paint No More
87课 Caps for Sale
88课 Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothes
89课 The Very Busy Spider
90课 The Grouchy Ladybug
91课 I Went Walking
92课 Planting a Rainbow
93课 When Sophie Gets Angry
94课 Piggies
95课 Seven Blind Mice
96课 Olivia
97课 Good Families Do not
98课 Carmen Learns English
99课 Flight of the Honey Bee
100课 The Hair of Zoe Fleefenbacher Goes to School
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