Elephant and Piggie 12绘本+音频+视频集锦+小达人点读包资源亲子伴读网
- 资源类型国产软件
- 来源渠道共享软件
- 界面语言简体中文
- 资源大小2.12 GB
- 文件类型.pdf
- 支持设备Windows10,Win2017,Win20XP
- 软件等级
│ An Elephant and Piggie.doc
│ An_Elephant_and_Piggie.dab
│ 用前必看使用方法.doc
│ └─An Elephant and Piggie系列绘本
│ 01-Are_You_Ready_to_Plasy_Outside.pdf
│ 02-Today_I_Will_Fly.pdf
│ 03-_Elephant_Cannot_Dance.pdf
│ 04-_Watch_Me_Throw_the_Ball.pdf
│ 05-_I_Love_MY_New_Toy.pdf
│ 06-_I_Am_Invited_to_a_Party.pdf
│ 07-_Can_I_Play_Too.pdf
│ 08-_I_Am_Going.pdf
│ 09-_My_Friend_Is_Sad.pdf
│ 10-_There_Is_a_Bird_on_Your_Head!.pdf
│ 11_we_are_in_a_book.pdf
│ 12_I_will_surprise_my_friend.pdf
│ │ Are You Ready to Play Outside.flv
│ │ Are you ready to play outside.mpg
│ │ Elephants Cannot Dance.flv
│ │ I am invited to a party.mpg
│ │ I love my new toy.mpg
│ │ I will surprise my friend.mpg
│ │ My Friend Is Sad.flv
│ │ My friend is sad.mpg
│ │ There is a bird on your head.mpg
│ │ Today I will fly.mpg
│ │ Today_I_Will_Fly.flv
│ │ Watch me throw the ball.mpg
│ │
│ └─全21个mp4
│ 001To+day I W+ill F+ly! .mp4
│ 002My Frie+nd is Sa+d .mp4
│ 003The+re is a Bir+d on Your He+ad! .mp4
│ 004I Am Invi+ted to a Pa+rty.mp4
│ 005I Lo+ve My N+ew To+y! .mp4
│ 006I W+ill Sur+prise My Fri+end .mp4
│ 007A+re You Re+ady To Play Ou+tside.mp4
│ 008Watch+Me+Throw+The+Ball.mp4
│ 009Elephants+Cannot+Dance.mp4
│ 010Pigs+Make+Me+Sneeze.mp4
│ 011I am+Going.mp4
│ 012Can I+ Play +Too.mp4
│ 013We+Are+In+A+ Book.mp4
│ 014I bro+ke my tru+nk.mp4
│ 015Should+I Share +My+Ic+ Cream.mp4
│ 016A Big+Guy+Took+My+Ball.mp4
│ 017Happy+Pig+Day.mp4
│ 018I’m a+frog.mp4
│ 019Let’s+go+for+a+drive.mp4
│ 020Listen+to+my+Trumpet.mp4
│ 021Waiting+Is+Not+Easy.mp4
│ 用前必看使用方法.doc
Are you ready to play outside.mp3
Can I Play Too.mp3
Elephants Cannot Dance.mp3
Happy Pig Day .mp3
I am Going.mp3
I Broke My Trunk! (Alan ).mp3
I broke my trunk!.mp3
I Love My New Toy!.mp3
I Will Surprise My Friend!.mp3
I'm Invited To A Party.mp3
My Friend Is Sad.mp3
Should I Share My Ice cream.mp3
There Is A Bird On My Head.mp3
Today I will fly.mp3
We Are In A Book!.mp3
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