【大卫系列】Alice the fairy小达人+DP爸妈他+毛毛虫点读包亲子伴读网
PreS. If Shannon's David is a little devil, Alice is on the angelicside (almost). Using the same oversize format that he did in bookssuch as No, David! (1998), Shannon introduces young Alice, afairy-in-training dressed up with wings, a wand, and patent leathershoes. Similar to David, she is drawn in doll-like style (thoughher teeth aren't sharp). Alice talks directly to her audience,informing them what fairies do and how she works her magic. "Onetime my mom made cookies for my dad. So I turned them into mine,"she says, as she eyes the plate of cookies; in the next picture theplate is almost empty, and there are crumbs all over Alice's face.A few of the analogies are a stretch (this fairy's life is filledwith danger--in the form of broccoli), but kids will find most ofthe humor right at their level, in terms of both wit andimagination. The pictures are richly colored, some almosteffervescent in their playfulness. A meeting between Alice andDavid would engender even more fun. Ilene Cooper
Copyright ? American Library Association. All rightsreserved
PreSchool-Grade 1–Donning a fairy costume inspires a little girl'simagination in this droll picture book. Alice speaks for herself,claiming she can fly (not too high but really fast), can change herdad into a horse (for a horsey ride), can make herself disappear(by flicking off the light switch with her wand), and can turnoatmeal into cake by pouring on fairy dust (sugar). There areelements of danger, such as broccoli poisoned by the wicked Duchess(Mom) and baths (fairies hate baths), as well as mischief ("…my mommade cookies for my dad. So I turned them into mine") and mishaps("Once I accidentally turned my white dress into a red one"). Aliceknows that Permanent fairyhood requires a lot of tests, attendingAdvanced Fairy School, and learning how to "make clothes get up offthe floor and… line up in the closet," so she'll "probably be aTemporary fairy forever." With his signature cartoon-style art andchildlike lettering, Shannon has created a winsome, exuberantheroine whose wide eyes and toothy smile bring David to mind,though Alice's blond ringlets are all her own. Variety in page andtext layout and the use of brilliant color make the pictures danceand occasionally pop right off the pages. An enjoyableromp.–Marie Orlando, Suffolk Cooperative Library System,Bellport, NY
Copyright ? Reed Business Information, a division of Reed ElsevierInc. All rights reserved.
Alice has a nose for trouble, but luckily she's a fairy--aTemporary Fairy. She has a magic wand, fairy wings, and a blanket,all of which she uses to disappear, to fly, to transform her dadinto a horse, and to turn his cookies into her own! There are stilla few things Alice needs to learn to become a Permanent Fairy, likehow to float her dog on the ceiling and make her clothes putthemselves away, but she's working on it--sort of. Here's anendearing, funny story about a girl and her magical imagination,sure to delight every fairy in training!
David Shannon is the author and illustrator of many highly praisedbooks for children - such as Too Many Toys, Alice the Fairy, No,David!, and David Goes to School. Born in Washington, D.C., he grewup in Spokane, Washington. He graduated from the Art centre Collegeof Design in Pasadena, California, with a fine arts degree, andthen moved to New York City. His editorial illustrations haveappeared in The New York Times, Time, and Rolling Stone, and hisartwork has appeared on numerous book jackets. Shannon is apassionate baseball fan and softball player. He and his wife nowlive in Los Angeles.
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