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主页 > 动画片 > 《汪汪队立大功 PAW Patrol》1-7季全集 英文版+中文版 带[音频][台词][涂色册]

《汪汪队立大功 PAW Patrol》1-7季全集 英文版+中文版 带[音频][台词][涂色册]亲子伴读网

亲子伴读网/2024-11-07/ 分类:动画片/阅读:
  • 资源类型国产资源
  • 来源渠道百度网盘
  • 界面语言简体中文
  • 资源大小73.92 GB
  • 文件类型MP4视频
  • 支持设备手机|电脑|智能电视|平板电脑
  • 软件等级
介 绍:























├── 5.英语版音频 1-4季

│   ├── 英文版音频第2季

│   │   ├── S02E04.Pups.Save.Jake.-.Pups.Save.The.Parade.HDTV.x264-W4F.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E13.Pups.Save.the.Parrot.-.Pups.Save.the.Queen.Bee.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E06.Pups.Save.an.Ace.-.Pups.Save.a.Wedding.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E05.Pups.Save.a.Ghost.-.Pups.Save.a.Show.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E03.Pups.Save.Jake.-.Pups.Save.the.Parade.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E19.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E10.Pups.Save.a.Talent.Show.-.Pups.Save.the.Corn.Roast.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E20.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E07.The.New.Pup.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E22.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E01.Pups.and.the.Pirate.Treasure.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E02.Pups.Save.the.Penguins.-.Pups.Save.a.Dolphin.Pup.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E09.Pups.and.the.Big.Freeze.-.Pups.Save.a.Basketball.Game.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E21.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E18.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E11.Pups.Leave.Marshall.Home.Alone.-.Pups.Save.the.Deer.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E23.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E08.Pups.Jungle.Trouble.-.Pups.Save.a.Herd.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E25.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E15.Pups.Save.an.Elephant.Family.-.Pups.and.the.Mischievous.Kittens.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E14.Pups.Adventures.in.Babysitting.-.Pups.Save.the.Fireworks.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E24.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E17.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E16.mp3

│   │   ├── S02E12.Pups.Save.a.Friend.-.Pups.Save.a.Stowaway.mp3

│   ├── 英文版音频第3季

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_21.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_25.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_20.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_04.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_06.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_05.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_14.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_23.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_08.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_16.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_02.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_18.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_17.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_09.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_12.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_22.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_07.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_03.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_26.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_19.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_15.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_24.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_11.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_13.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_10.mp3

│   │   ├── Eng汪汪队S03_01.mp3

│   ├── 英文版音频第4季

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E02B.Pups.Save.the.Cat.Show.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E03B.Pups.Save.the.Critters.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E03A.Pups.Save.a.Teeny.Tiny.Penguin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E01B.Pups.Save.A.Chili.Cook-Off.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E04B.Pups.Save.the.Cat.Show.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E02A.Pups.Save.a.Teeny.Penguin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E06A.Pups.Save.Jake's.Cake.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E05B.Pups.Save.The.Carnival.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E07A.Royally.Spooked.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E05A.Pups.Save.A.Sleepover.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E06B.Pups.Save.a.Wild.Ride.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E07B.Pups.Save.Monkey-dinger.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E01A.Pups.Save.A.Blimp.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mp3

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E04A.Mission.Paw.Quest.For.The.Crown.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mp3

│   ├── 英文版音频第1季

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E17.Pups.on.Ice.-.Pups.and.the.Snow.Monster.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E21.Pups.Save.the.Easter.Egg.Hunt.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E25.Pups.Save.the.Camping.Trip.-.Pups.and.the.Trouble.with.Turtles.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E22.Pups.and.the.Lighthouse.Boogie.-.Pups.Save.Ryder.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E18.Pups.Save.a.Super.Pup.-.Pups.Save.Ryders.Robot.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E20.Pups.Save.a.Bat.-.Pups.Save.a.Toof.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E24.Pups.and.the.Beanstalk.-.Pups.Save.the.Turbots.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E11.Pups.Save.a.Hoedown.-.Pups.Save.Alex.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E12.Pups.and.the.Ghost.Pirate.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E19.Pups.Save.a.Monkey.-.Pups.Save.a.Hoot..mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E07.Pups.Save.the.Bunnies.-.Puptacular.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E03.Pups.Save.the.Sea.Turtles.-.Pup.and.the.Very.Big.Baby.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E05.Pup.Pup.Goose.-.Pup.Pup.and.Away.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E13.Pups.Save.a.School.Day.-.Pups.Turn.On.the.Lights.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E06.Pups.Pit.Crew.-.Pups.Fight.Fire.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E14.Pups.Save.a.Pool.Day.-.Circus.Pup.Formers.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E08.Pups.Save.the.Bay.-.Pups.Save.a.Goodway.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E10.Pups.Save.the.Treats.-.Pups.Get.a.Lift.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E16.Pups.Save.Christmas.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E23.Pups.Great.Race.-.Pups.Take.the.Cake.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E09.Pups.Get.a.Rubble.-.Pups.Save.a.Walrus.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E02.Pup.Pup.Boogie.-.Pups.in.a.Fog.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E15.Pups.Make.a.Splash.-.Pups.Fall.Festival.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E04.Pups.Save.the.Circus.-.Pup.a.Doodle.Do.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E01.Pups.and.the.Kitty-tastrophe.-.Pups.Save.the.Train.720p.mp3

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S01E26.Pups.Save.the.Space.Alien.-.Pups.Save.a.Flying.Frog.mp3

├── 1.英文版 1-7季 198集(部分字幕 )

│   ├── 汪汪队立大功第五季 26集 无字幕

│   │   ├── 03 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 23 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 11 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 13 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 14PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 16 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 10 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 07 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 09 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 06 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 05 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 25 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 26 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 02 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 12PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 17 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 15 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 01 PAW.Patrol.m4v

│   │   ├── 24 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 08 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 20 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 21 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 04 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 18 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 19 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   │   ├── 22 PAW.Patrol.mp4

│   ├── 汪汪队立大功第一季 26集 外挂英文字幕

│   │   ├── 11 Pups Save Christmas.mp4

│   │   ├── 05 A. Pup Pup Goose  B. Pup Pup and Away.mp4

│   │   ├── 13 A. Pups Save the Bunnies  B. Pup-Tacular.srt

│   │   ├── 12 A. Pups Get a Rubble  B. Pups Save a Walrus.mp4

│   │   ├── 26 Pups and the Pirate Treasure.srt

│   │   ├── 06 A. Pups on Ice  B. Pups and the Snow Monster.srt

│   │   ├── 08 A. Pups Pit Crew  B. Pups Fight Fire.srt

│   │   ├── 15 A. Pups Save a Hoedown  B. Pups Save Alex.mp4

│   │   ├── 22 A. Pups Save the Camping Trip  B. Pups and the Trouble with Turtles.mp4

│   │   ├── 08 A. Pups Pit Crew  B. Pups Fight Fire.mp4

│   │   ├── 07 A. Pups Save the Circus  B. Pup a Doodle Do.srt

│   │   ├── 16 A. Pups Save a School Day  B. Pups Turn on the Lights.mp4

│   │   ├── 02 A. Pups Save the Sea Turtles  B. Pups and the Very Big Baby.srt

│   │   ├── 23 A. Pups and the Beanstalk  B. Pups Save the Turbots.srt

│   │   ├── 25 A. Pups Great Race  B. Pups Take the Cake.srt

│   │   ├── 01 A. Pups Make a Splash  B. Pups Fall Festival.mp4

│   │   ├── 21 A. Pups Save a Bat  B. Pups Save a Toof.mp4

│   │   ├── 14 A. Pups Save the Bay  B. Pups Save a Goodway.mp4

│   │   ├── 03 A. Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe  B. Pups Save a Train.srt

│   │   ├── 09 A. Pups Save the Treats  B. Pups Get a Lift.mp4

│   │   ├── 10 Pups and the Ghost Pirate.srt

│   │   ├── 16 A. Pups Save a School Day  B. Pups Turn on the Lights.srt

│   │   ├── 04 A. Pup Pup Boogie  B. Pups in a Fog.mp4

│   │   ├── 24 A. Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie  B. Pups Save Ryder.srt

│   │   ├── 11 Pups Save Christmas.srt

│   │   ├── 18 Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt.mp4

│   │   ├── 23 A. Pups and the Beanstalk  B. Pups Save the Turbots.mp4

│   │   ├── 20 A. Pups Go All Monkey  B. Pups Save a Hoot.srt

│   │   ├── 09 A. Pups Save the Treats  B. Pups Get a Lift.srt

│   │   ├── 22 A. Pups Save the Camping Trip  B. Pups and the Trouble with Turtles.srt

│   │   ├── 18 Pups Save the Easter Egg Hunt.srt

│   │   ├── 20 A. Pups Go All Monkey  B. Pups Save a Hoot.mp4

│   │   ├── 07 A. Pups Save the Circus  B. Pup a Doodle Do.mp4

│   │   ├── 17 A. Pups Save a Pool Day  B. Circus Pup-Formers.srt

│   │   ├── 05 A. Pup Pup Goose  B. Pup Pup and Away.srt

│   │   ├── 01 A. Pups Make a Splash  B. Pups Fall Festival.srt

│   │   ├── 19 A. Pups Save a Super Pup  B. Pups Save Ryder's Robot.mp4

│   │   ├── 06 A. Pups on Ice  B. Pups and the Snow Monster.mp4

│   │   ├── 25 A. Pups Great Race  B. Pups Take the Cake.mp4

│   │   ├── 03 A. Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe  B. Pups Save a Train.mp4

│   │   ├── 26 Pups and the Pirate Treasure.mp4

│   │   ├── 19 A. Pups Save a Super Pup  B. Pups Save Ryder's Robot.srt

│   │   ├── 24 A. Pups and the Lighthouse Boogie  B. Pups Save Ryder.mp4

│   │   ├── 21 A. Pups Save a Bat  B. Pups Save a Toof.srt

│   │   ├── 17 A. Pups Save a Pool Day  B. Circus Pup-Formers.mp4

│   │   ├── 04 A. Pup Pup Boogie  B. Pups in a Fog.srt

│   │   ├── 14 A. Pups Save the Bay  B. Pups Save a Goodway.srt

│   │   ├── 12 A. Pups Get a Rubble  B. Pups Save a Walrus.srt

│   │   ├── 13 A. Pups Save the Bunnies  B. Pup-Tacular.mp4

│   │   ├── 10 Pups and the Ghost Pirate.mp4

│   │   ├── 02 A. Pups Save the Sea Turtles  B. Pups and the Very Big Baby.mp4

│   │   ├── 15 A. Pups Save a Hoedown  B. Pups Save Alex.srt

│   ├── 汪汪队立大功第四季 47集 内置英文字幕 缺少16集字幕

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E26.Pups.Save.a.Space.Rock.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E43.Pups.Save.Daring.Danny's.Hippo.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E04.Pups.Save.the.Cat.Show.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E35.Sea.Patrol.Pups.Save.a.Frozen.Flounder1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E36.Sea.Patrol.Pups.Save.a.Narwhal.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E38.Pups.Save.the.Shivering.Sheep.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E28.Pups.Save.a.City.Kitty.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E45.Pups.Save.a.Pinata.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E18.Pups.Save.the.Runaway.Kitties.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E34.Pups.Save.a.Frog.Mayor.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E10.Pups.Save.Jake's.Cake.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E20.Pups.Chill.Out.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E12.Pups.Save.A.Sleepover.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E27.Pups.Save.a.Good.Mayor.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E41.Sea.Patrol.Pups.Save.Puplantis.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E03.Pups.Save.a.Teeny.Tiny.Penguin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E11.Pups.Save.a.Wild.Ride.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E33.Pups.Save.the.Mail.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E07.Pups.Save.the.Critters.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E46.Pups.Save.Luke.Stars.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E25.Sea.Patrol.Pups.Save.the.Pier.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E16.Mission.PAW.Pups.Save.The.Royal.Throne.1080p.NICK.WEBRip.AAC2.0.x264-RTN.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E21.Pups.Save.Farmer.Alex.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E42.Pups.Save.Francois.the.Penguin.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E32.Sea.Patrol.Pirate.Pups.to.the.Rescue.1080p.NICK.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-RTN.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E37.Pups.Save.the.Runaway.Turtles.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E40.Pups.Save.Sensei.Yumi.720p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E24.Sea.Patrol.Pups.Save.a.Shark.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E17.Sea.Patrol.Pups.Save.A.Baby.Octopus.1080p.NICK.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-RTN.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E01.Pups.Save.A.Blimp.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E30.Pups.Save.a.Sleepwalking.Bear.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E14.Pups.Save.the.Flying.Food.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E31.Pups.Save.Dude.Ranch.Danny.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E47.Pups.Save.Chicken.Day.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E13.Pups.Save.The.Carnival.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E09.Pups.Save.Monkey-dinger.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E05.Mission.Paw.Quest.For.The.Crown.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E22.Pups.Save.Big.Hairy.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E15.Pups.Save.a.Ferris.Wheel.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E06.Pups.Save.the.Playful.Dragon.1080p.mp4

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E02.Pups.Save.A.Chili.Cook-Out.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv

│   │   ├── Paw.Patrol.S04E08.Mission.Paw.Royally.Spooked.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.2.0.H264.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E44.Pups.Save.Baby.Humdinger.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E39.Pups.Party.with.Bats.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E19.Pups.Save.Tiny.Marshall.720p.mp4

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E29.Pups.Save.a.Cloud.Surfer.1080p.mkv

│   │   ├── PAW.Patrol.S04E23.Pups.Save.A.Flying.Kitty.1080p.mkv

│   ├── 汪汪队立大功第三季 26集 无字幕

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